Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?


Nope. A response isn't the same thing as an answer.

Do you have an answer for the question i asked?

Why/how does the Earth's atmosphere keep overnight temperatures from being as low as they normally would be? In other words, without an atmosphere, much more of the suns energy would get to the surface of the Earth, creating significantly higher high temperatures, but that energy would leave the Earth's surface, back into space, more quickly, resulting in much colder evenings.

So, how does the atmosphere do that?
Lots of words just to deflect and change the subject. I'll pass on that.

So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
Lots of words just to deflect and change the subject. I'll pass on that.

So, again, where is the ADDITIONAL thermal energy coming from that is required in order to increase Earth's average global equilibrium temperature?
Yes, I'm emphasizing the question mark at the end of my questions because, for some reason, some people on this forum seem to be baffled by what is a question vs a statement and the difference between a response and an answer.
Blaming others for your issues won't solve your issues.
... but not in that question. You simply used the word "temperatures" as you love to do.
So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
Lots of words just to deflect and change the subject. I'll pass on that.

So, again, where is the ADDITIONAL thermal energy coming from that is required in order to increase Earth's average global equilibrium temperature?

Blaming others for your issues won't solve your issues.
So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?

I'm not talking about mean/average temps. I'm talking specifically about highs and lows.
Which of earth's temperatures are you addressing?

Lots of words just to deflect and change the subject to that of your bizarre obsession. I bet he'll pass on that.

So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
Nobody other than you is making references to various "temperatures".

This thread is about one very specific temperature, namely Earth's average global equilibrium temperature. THAT'S the one that you should be discussing...
So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?

I'm not talking about mean/average temps. I'm talking specifically about highs and lows.
This thread is about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature, so I'll be sticking to THAT one and THAT one ONLY.

Why are you so afraid to discuss THAT one?
Sorry, no detours, Cap'n Avoidance.
So, you're bowing out. OK.

It is a fact that the earth's atmosphere impacts high and low temperatures on Earth. How does it perform this function?
I have a question for you. The range of temperatures (between low and high) of the hydrocarbons in an oil well are examples of high and low temperatures on earth. How does the atmosphere affect these temperatures?
So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
... and the tap-dancing continues, all to avoid facing the truth and to avoid acknowledging the daytime side of the moon.

Too funny.
So, you're bowing out. OK.

I have a question for you. The range of temperatures (between low and high) of the hydrocarbons in an oil well are examples of high and low temperatures on earth. How does the atmosphere affect these temperatures?
Nope. No more detour questions, deflections or avoidance.

Do you have an answer to the question? The question being related to the Earth's high and low temps, not in oil wells, swimming pools, etc
This thread is about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature, so I'll be sticking to THAT one and THAT one ONLY.

Why are you so afraid to discuss THAT one?

Unlike you, I'm not afraid to discuss anything.

So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
... and the tap-dancing continues, all to avoid facing the truth and to avoid acknowledging the daytime side of the moon.

Too funny.
As I said earlier, you avoided a similar question no less than 20 times previously and are doing the same thing now. You will say anything you need to say to avoid answering a question you don't want to answer.

You are as transparent as they come.
As I said earlier, you avoided a similar question no less than 20 times previously
As I have said countless times, you escape into invalidly-worded, irrelevant, and distractionary questions just to avoid admitting that your Global Warming religion is false. This is your way of putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "LA-LA-LA- I CAN'T HEAR YOU -LA-LA-LA".

But now we know that your faith is based on rejecting the idea of there being a daytime side of the moon.

I'm not interested in getting roped into your obsession. You aren't interested in any sort of normal, honest discussion.
As I have said countless times, you escape into invalidly-worded, irrelevant, and distractionary questions just to avoid admitting that your Global Warming religion is false. This is your way of putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "LA-LA-LA- I CAN'T HEAR YOU -LA-LA-LA".

But now we know that your faith is based on rejecting the idea of there being a daytime side of the moon.

I'm not interested in getting roped into your obsession. You aren't interested in any sort of normal, honest discussion.
nothing in my question is a reference to global warming. It's a basic question about something known to be true. Why is it that you are unable to answer a simple question? I thought you were all about science? :rolleyes:

How does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
You are terrified to the point of complete EVASION. You never had any intention of being honest.

Let me know when you will return to discuss.
I should have counted each time I asked and you avoided. It's gotta be close to 15 already.

So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?