Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

nothing in my question is a reference to global warming.
Start your own thread with your question as the subject. I'll participate.

In this thread, however, please extend to all the courtesy of admitting that you were EVADING the thread topic which is the claim of "atmospheric gases simply increasing the earth's average global equilibrium temperature simply by existing" ... as clearly stated in the OP. It's a basic question about something known to science to be physically impossible. Why is it that you are unable to acknowledge this simple truth?

Reread the OP if you have confused yourself.

Nope. A response isn't the same thing as an answer.

Do you have an answer for the question i asked?

Why/how does the Earth's atmosphere keep overnight temperatures from being as low as they normally would be? In other words, without an atmosphere, much more of the suns energy would get to the surface of the Earth, creating significantly higher high temperatures, but that energy would leave the Earth's surface, back into space, more quickly, resulting in much colder evenings.

So, how does the atmosphere do that?
"Subjunctive fallacy. There are no "normally/otherwise-should'a-would'a-could'as" in science. "

Is is a fact that the Earth's atmosphere impacts high and low temperatures on Earth. How does the atmosphere perform this function?

I'll just keep asking until you answer or run away, little Starling....
Not a fact. Learn what a 'fact' is.
OMG, you sure are getting harsh all of a sudden, are you still upset that Trump is sliding down the poop chute?????
Are you still upset that Chameleon Harris KNOWS that she LOST the one and only debate that she agreed to (Trump offered her THREE!), hence her immediate crying for a REMATCH?
Start your own thread with your question as the subject. I'll participate.

In this thread, however, please extend to all the courtesy of admitting that you were EVADING the thread topic which is the claim of "atmospheric gases simply increasing the earth's average global equilibrium temperature simply by existing" ... as clearly stated in the OP. It's a basic question about something known to science to be physically impossible. Why is it that you are unable to acknowledge this simple truth?

Reread the OP if you have confused yourself.
Start your own thread with your question as the subject. I'll participate.

In this thread, however, please extend to all the courtesy of admitting that you were EVADING the thread topic which is the claim of "atmospheric gases simply increasing the earth's average global equilibrium temperature simply by existing" ... as clearly stated in the OP. It's a basic question about something known to science to be physically impossible. Why is it that you are unable to acknowledge this simple truth?

Reread the OP if you have confused yourself.
BTW, I am trying to get to global average temperature because, by definition, global warming would mean an increase in average temps, but you refuse to answer simple questions so I can get to that point.
Liar. You are trying to say the atmosphere makes the Earth warmer.
more lies. At this point, I have only said that the atmosphere impacts high and low temperatures....which it does. Without an atmosphere, the lows were be significantly lower and highs significantly higher.

Sooooooo.... how does the atmosphere perform this function? :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:
BTW, I am trying to get to global average temperature because, by definition, global warming would mean an increase in average temps, but you refuse to answer simple questions so I can get to that point.
No you're not. You REFUSE to discuss global average equilibrium temperature. You keep EVADING by bringing up various vague references to "temperatures". Just stick to the one being referenced in the OP.