Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

Lots of words just to deflect and change the subject. I'll pass on that.

So, again, where is the ADDITIONAL thermal energy coming from that is required in order to increase Earth's average global equilibrium temperature?

Blaming others for your issues won't solve your issues.
There is no such thing as 'Earth's average global equilibrium temperature'. The term is multiply redundant. Don't fall for his buzzwords.

Earth's temperature is simply that...Earth's temperature. Remember that temperature is already an average.
Unlike you, I'm not afraid to discuss anything.

So, again, how does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
Blatant lie. You are afraid to discuss anything that goes against the Church of Global Warming.
nothing in my question is a reference to global warming. It's a basic question about something known to be true. Why is it that you are unable to answer a simple question? I thought you were all about science? :rolleyes:

How does the Earth's atmosphere impact high and low temperatures on Earth? How is it able to perform that function since the atmosphere isn't a solid structure?
No you're not. You REFUSE to discuss global average equilibrium temperature. You keep EVADING by bringing up various vague references to "temperatures". Just stick to the one being referenced in the OP.
Again.... I'm trying to get to global warming and equilibrium temperature, but none of you will answer a simple question... for reasons that are clear....
Are you still upset that Chameleon Harris KNOWS that she LOST the one and only debate that she agreed to (Trump offered her THREE!), hence her immediate crying for a REMATCH?
You are completely spot on regarding this point.

Let's say hypothetically that you and I are playing poker in a private, behind-closed-doors venue, and we are both betting the farm, farms that neither of us can afford to lose, specifically because the stakes are so incredibly high,. Eventually the doors open and we emerge. Will others be able to accurately conclude who won just by listening to our conversation?

gfm7175: Wow, look at the time. It's getting pretty late, I really should be going.
IBDaMann: Wait, don't leave, it's still really early. There's still so much playing for us to do!
gfm7175: That's so kind of you, but I have to get up early tomorrow and do this ... thing.
IBDaMann: No, no, don't worry about that. I'll personally help you out with that ... thing ... just sit back down and we'll continue having a blast!
gfm7175: Oh, I don't know, I'm feeling a bit tired, but maybe we can do this again in April at the next convention.
IBDaMann: Don't worry about feeling tired, I've got an extra bottle of 5-hour energy for you, and I'll spring for the unlimited coffee refills.
gfm7175: Thanks, you're too kind, but my wife will kill me if I stay out late AGAIN ... she's been asking when I'll finally have time for her.
IBDaMann: I totally understand. Just sit right back down and I'll have some nice flowers sent over to her on your behalf. She'll love you forever.
gfm7175: Oh no, no, no ... she's highly allergic to plantlife, but thank you nonetheless. I have to get home and feed the dog.
IBDaMann: You're in luck. My friend is going to be in your neighborhood. I'll have him swing by your house and feed your dog right now.
gfm7175: Oh, that won't be necessary. My dog is highly trained to only accept food from me. He attacks anyone else offering food.
IBDaMann: Just sit back down, dammit. You're not leaving.
gfm7175: I'm telling you, I'd love nothing more than to stay and play all night, but I under strict doctor's orders to be asleep at 9:00 sharp or else I will likely experience convulsive seizures ... and I'm not fully paid up on my life insurance.

Question: Who won?