Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

False. This is a thread in an online forum. Nothing is preventing you from getting there immediately. Nothing has prevented you from ever getting there aside from your dishonest intention to NEVER get there.

Just go there right now.
Nope. You're not getting off the hook.
As I have said countless times, you escape into invalidly-worded, irrelevant, and distractionary questions just to avoid admitting that your Global Warming religion is false. This is your way of putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "LA-LA-LA- I CAN'T HEAR YOU -LA-LA-LA".

But now we know that your faith is based on rejecting the idea of there being a daytime side of the moon.

I'm not interested in getting roped into your obsession. You aren't interested in any sort of normal, honest discussion.
Hurr durr there is no additional heat. Nobody claimed that.