Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

Ok, since you know that the atmosphere DOES prevent extreme temperature highs and lows,
Since you don't get to declare what I know or don't know, your statement is an omniscience fallacy. Your use of the word "since" to assert that your argument depends upon your claim of omniscience , gets your argument discarded.

I'll announce what I know and don't know.

Meaning that any change in the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, which currently impacts temperature on Earth, could not only impact the highs and lows, but could also impact average temperature at any point on the planet, right?
This is incorrect. Altering the standard deviation of the temperature dataset would not imply a change to the average global equilibrium temperature.
Since you don't get to declare what I know or don't know, your statement is an omniscience fallacy. Your use of the word "since" to assert that your argument depends upon your claim of omniscience , gets your argument discarded.

I'll announce what I know and don't know.
More avoidance.
This is incorrect. Altering the standard deviation of the temperature dataset would not imply a change to the average global equilibrium temperature.
It also wouldn't NOT imply a change. You cannot rule out that changes to the composition of the Earth's atmosphere wouldn't impact temperature. You may not want to believe it could, or be willing to admit it could, but you cannot rule it out.

Venus is further from the Sun than Mercury, yet Venus' average temperature (800 degrees) is more than double that of Mercury (350 degrees). Why? Because Mercury has NO atmosphere, so the temperature swings are extreme, where as Venus has an atmosphere made up of 96% CO2 so the "greenhouse effect" has a significant impact on energy escaping the surface/atmosphere into space.
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More avoidance.
False. I have not avoided any argument of yours involving greenhouse gas' effect on Earth's average global equilibrium temperature.

Let me know when you stop EVADING.

It also wouldn't NOT imply a change.
The empty statement, i.e. the statement that says nothing also does not imply no change. Your EVASION of an argument involving greenhouse gas' effect on Earth's average global equilibrium temperature is isomorphic (i.e. equivalent) to a statement that says nothing.


You cannot rule out that changes to the composition of the Earth's atmosphere wouldn't impact temperature.
Statement discarded.

You may not want to believe it could, or be willing to admit it could, you cannot rule it out.
I have discarded your statement in its entirety.

Venus is further from the Sun than Mercury, yet Venus' average temperature (800 degrees) is more than double that of Mercury (350 degrees).
You do not know this. You merely believe this because Wikipedia ordered you to believe it, and you strangely believe everything Wikipedia orders you to believe. That makes you moderately stupid.

Your belief that everyone else should be as gullibly stupid as you and just OBEY Wikipedia, as you do, makes you very stupid.
False. I have not avoided any argument of yours involving greenhouse gas' effect on Earth's average global equilibrium temperature.

Let me know when you stop EVADING.

The empty statement, i.e. the statement that says nothing also does not imply no change. Your EVASION of an argument involving greenhouse gas' effect on Earth's average global equilibrium temperature is isomorphic (i.e. equivalent) to a statement that says nothing.


Statement discarded.

I have discarded your statement in its entirety.

You do not know this. You merely believe this because Wikipedia ordered you to believe it, and you strangely believe everything Wikipedia orders you to believe. That makes you moderately stupid.

Your belief that everyone else should be as gullibly stupid as you and just OBEY Wikipedia, as you do, makes you very stupid.
Clearly you don't want to have an honest conversation. Anything inconvenient to your position you discard without responding. The funny thing is that you treat your opinion, which supports what you WANT to believe, as though it's fact and write off anything that doesn't support what you want to believe.

I don't use Wikipedia. Information about planets is readily available from many sources.

@ZenMode Let this forum know when you are ready to discuss Earth's average global equilibrium temperature... Until then...
What is there to discuss if you are both unwilling to admit, despite evidence to the contrary, that average global temperature can change?

Where is the topic is temperature of any kind mentioned?
Playing stupid won't work.
It's not.
Lying won't work.
You have no interest in conversation.
YOU are the one who is showing no interest in conversation about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature.
You have interest in confirmation bias, avoiding
Projection won't work.
and apparently jerking off.
Sexual references won't work either.
Playing stupid won't work.

Lying won't work.

YOU are the one who is showing no interest in conversation about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature.

Projection won't work.

Sexual references won't work either.
Well put.
Tell the class in 17 words when you're ready to discuss Earth's average global equilibrium temperature.
What is there to discuss if you are both unwilling to admit, despite evidence to the contrary, that average global temperature can change?
What is there to discuss if you are both unwilling to admit, despite evidence to the contrary, that average global temperature can change?
You have no evidence of this. I'd love to discuss this, but there is still no reason for any rational adult to believe this. Merely redistributing thermal energy cannot alter the average temperature any more than you can slice a pizza such that you somehow have more pizza.

It would be great if you would be honest for a change.
You have no evidence of this. I'd love to discuss this, but there is still no reason for any rational adult to believe this. Merely redistributing thermal energy cannot alter the average temperature any more than you can slice a pizza such that you somehow have more pizza.

It would be great if you would be honest for a change.
I have no evidence because you deny anything inconvenient for your argument. There's an obvious reason that Mercury has a much lower temp than Venus, despite being closer to the sun, but you dismiss that fact because it's inconvenient to your argument.
I have no evidence because you deny anything inconvenient for your argument.
You have once again confused cause with effect.

Your absence of any such evidence is the cause, and my observation thereof is the effect, not the other way around. My observation of your absence of any evidence did not somehow cause you to not have any evidence.

There's an obvious reason that Mercury has a much lower temp than Venus,
You don't know that it does. Nobody does.

I notice that you clamp onto your omniscience fallacy like Lone Star tick. You aren't omniscient.
You have once again confused cause with effect.

Your absence of any such evidence is the cause, and my observation thereof is the effect, not the other way around. My observation of your absence of any evidence did not somehow cause you to not have any evidence.

You don't know that it does. Nobody does.

I notice that you clamp onto your omniscience fallacy like Lone Star tick. You aren't omniscient.
"You don't know that it does. Nobody does."

Like I said, you dismiss anything that runs contrary to what you want to believe. Nevermind the fact that multiple scientific bodies will tell you the same thing about the average temps on both planets, you will dismiss all of them because - confirmation bias.
Like I said, you dismiss anything that runs contrary to what you want to believe.
Nope. I dismiss that which is not true, and you confuse that which is not true with that which is true.

Nevermind the fact that multiple scientific bodies will tell you
You're once again pointing to your religious clergy and asking me to consult with your minister because he somehow explains it so much better than you do.

I am not interested in your religious beliefs.

Wait, actually I am fascinated with your WACKY religious beliefs; I cannot for the life of me understand how any adult can be so gullible as to allow himself to be so completely conned.

Nonetheless, unless you are going to bring these others here to speak for themselves and allow me to cross-examine them, you only get to speak for you and what you know, and you don't know anything on this topic.

You don't get to make up shit and declare it to be true.
Nope. I dismiss that which is not true, and you confuse that which is not true with that which is true.
"That which is not true" is anything that runs contrary to what you want to believe.
You're once again pointing to your religious clergy and asking me to consult with your minister because he somehow explains it so much better than you do.

I am not interested in your religious beliefs.
You are continuing to prove my point by dismissing things that run contrary to what you want to believe as "religious beliefs".
Wait, actually I am fascinated with your WACKY religious beliefs; I cannot for the life of me understand how any adult can be so gullible as to allow himself to be so completely conned.

Nonetheless, unless you are going to bring these others here to speak for themselves and allow me to cross-examine them, you only get to speak for you and what you know, and you don't know anything on this topic.

You don't get to make up shit and declare it to be true.
Sure. I'll reach out to NASA right now and let them know that message board poster IBDaMann disagrees with their assessment of the average temperature on Venus and Mercury and wants to cross examine them.