Chavez: Is US Infecting Latin America With Cancer?

201. Excitant (2/1)

In early 90's, there was a short period my sisters and my mother came to San Jose to have dinner with my family. It was unusual because in Chinese tradition young generation should visit old people. I used to go San Francisco to visit my mother, not they visiting me.

One day after dinner in restaurant, I went to pick up my car. No body was in parking lot. In a quiet situation, I found I was in an excite mood which I had never felt before. Recalling my relatives repeatly asked me about the information of my friends, even tracing whereabouts of classmate of my primary school when we chatted in dinner, I suddenly realized I was poisoned by excitant which made me talkative. Obviously Feds manipulated my relatives to ask question they interested to squeeze more information from me with the help of excitant.

I had no secret to talk about but I did talk a lot of story of how Feds detect people which I think they don't want others to know. So such kind of re-union was soon stopped.

202. Malvo's confession

In DC sniper shooting case. When Lee Boyd Malvo was arrested, he kept his mouth shut up. But in an interrogation a week later, "Malvo was talkative, smiling, even bragging in response to indirect questions from investigators, sources said."(S.J.M.N.)

In another report from "Virginian-Pilot":


By TONY GERMANOTTA, The Virginian-Pilot
L July 25, 2003

Quote, "Malvo had refused to talk to investigators, invoking his fifth amendment rights, his attorneys argued.

On his first day at Supermax, Malvo would only gesture and point, Stracke said. The next day, when Stracke came by to check on him, Malvo pounded on the plexiglass window of his cell and pointed to a fish dinner that Davis had on his desk.

Malvo, a vegetarian, was not eating the regular prison meals. They had been giving him salads, Stracke said.

After being given fish to eat, , Malvo opened up."

"The guards testified that Malvo said he was particularly proud of shooting Franklin because he had to hit her as she stood between a pair of posts. He told the men that he ``took her head off.'' "

You can see Malvo opened his lip after he was lured to a dish specially prepared for him. (Though article said it was a dish of guard.) And Malvo's talk didn't make sense even guard thought Malvo was exaggerating.

Malvo's behave showed he was medicated (or in another word, poisoned) by something to talk. Under the influence he was forced to talk as much as he could, even exaggerating. It was possible an excitant or something unknown for outsiders which force the victim losing control of mind, behaved unusual and doing something exaggerating with imagination. It's a tactic intelligence used to do to squeeze information from their target.
216. Poison tap water (3/29/04)

When the food was poisoned and symptoms were observed, I always changed the food to identify which one was poisoned. Then threw the poisoned food away.

In later Feb. and early March, for more than a week, I found the colour of my urine kept being in red. I couldn't identify the source however I changed the food. At last, I concluded it must be something very basic I had to have everyday - water. I went to super market, bought a bottle of water. It worked. The urine colour turned into plain yellow from red.

After I found the water bought from water store was poisoned which caused bone-ache, I abandoned it and turned into tap water. (see "187. Drinking water ") Now they even poisoned the running water. How do they confine the poisoned water to my residence, I don't know. But certainly it's great advantage for them to do so when most, if not all, the houses in communty are all their property.

What water the rest of my families drink? I noticed they stopped to buy bottle water and turn back to the water which is bought from water store. I don't touch it because I don't want Feds switch back to poison that water again.
267. Poison and milk (11/9)

"Got milk?". Not long time ago I still saw there were plenty of milk advertisement in TV. Probably from last year(?) the milk ads disappeared from TV. The price of milk doubled from under two dollars a gallon to now over four dollars a gallon.

My family didn't drink much of milk. I rarely touch it because I thought it might cause obesity. A bottle of milk at my home used to stay in refrigerator for a week or two. About later last year, milk disappeared from our refrigerator. At that time, I thought maybe the fast going up price was the reason my wife didn't buy milk. (Later I think there was another possibility that she was instructed not to buy it.)

Last year also was the year Feds dramatically increase the dose of poison which caused the sickness and the death of my father in law. Early this year, when I found they even poisoned the tap water. I had to buy bottle water. But when I found some bottle water was poisoned too. I turn on to other drink. Milk was one of them.

I still remembered the first time I bought a bottle of milk this year. I put it in the refrigerator in the morning after shopping. In the afternoon, I found it was opened. It was unusual. My wife and my daughter only drank milk in breakfast. With suspicion, I did a test drink. It was poisoned. The color of my urine then became red.

It was a swift reaction of Feds. I bought bottle water too. But they seemed care for that milk. Why? I suddenly remembered a book I had read. It said the poison worked on human organ or nerve, had chemical reaction with their protein, caused damage on these organs. That's how some poison works. It said milk contains rich protein in liquid, easy to replace human organ to neutralize the poison. So milk is viewed as a reliever of toxin in emergent poison case.

The poison team of Feds are experts. That's why since last year they raised the price of milk when they intensify the poison plot. And had a swift response when I started to buy milk. But their reaction also alerted me. I at first bought milk as a way of water supply, now I view it also as a poison neutralizer.

On 7/16/04, my daughter had a later birthday party. (see 243. The late birthday party (7/24)) Though that party was projected for another framed case, the poison team still worked their way. They never miss a chance.

There were more than a dozen classmates of my daughter attending the party. They prepared a big birthday cake. They only ate about one third of that cake and left the big part behind. Next day I found the newly bought milk bottle was opened and almost emptied. My daughter said her friends felt thirsty when they ate the cake and demanded milk. Maybe I was ignorant, but in my experience, I didn't see anyone drink milk for the birthday cake. There were plenty of soda, they even came with a case of mineral water. But they turned on to milk when they enjoyed the cake.

With my knowledge about milk and their strange behavior, my conclusion was the cake was poisoned. As usual I did a test. The result proved I was correct. Recently Feds using a poison which would cause the corner of mouth broken. Doctor would diagnose it as a lack of Vitamin B. The symptom appears two to four hours after you eating the poisoned food and will be recovered in a day or two if you abandoned the contaminated food. It was used in food and in water as well.

Those teenagers might not aware of poison food. But I'm sure they were instructed to drink milk when they had cake. Of course, though I like cake, I wouldn't touch it when I found it was poisoned. The rest was thrown away several days later.
268. Birds, fruit and Poisoned tap water (11/14)

There are fruit trees in my yard. Every summer, my father in law (when he was alive) and I enjoy the apples and pears from our own trees. My wife and my daughter rarely touch them. They don't like fruit much.

Early this year, I found tap water was poisoned. I turned into bottle water. But for trees, I still had to use tap water. I wondered, would toxic chemical in water accumulate in fruit?

In later July the pear start to ripen , I carefully ate some. I felt nothing wrong at first when I had one pear. Then I increased the quantity. I took four or five a day. Two days later, I felt indisposition in liver area. Obviously, there was a low quantity of toxic material inside the fruit. If people ate many, the effect couldn't be neglected.

When the summer arrived, there always came a lot of birds to enjoy the fruit with me. Among them there was a bird with beautiful blue feather. I think it was a blue jay. The blue jay might have its nest nearby. It came every year. As usual, early this summer I saw it again. But only for a short period. I never saw the blue bird coming any more since July. The other birds were in grey colour. I think they were wild doves. I couldn't tell them individually because there were so many. But I did know some disappeared forever. Each time I went into yard, I saw some flied away birds having the body as big as the blue bird. Then I saw no more big doves.

On 7/22/04, Mercury News reported, "VIRUS, dead bird had West Nile". Next day on 7/23, another half page article said, "LABS, State researchers seek West Nile clues from dead birds". "If you're interested: To report dead birds which may be collected for testing, call the state hotline, (877) 968-2473"

The birds which died from poisoned fruit could have been many. Feds conveniently attribute the death to West Nile. They also did a research on the result of their job so they could improve their poison technique.

It took some time each day for me to take care of the trees. When I found the fruit was poisoned, I stopped to work on them. On 8/10, my wife picked up a big pear and put it on the table, said "It looks good. It's a pity to leave it alone." For a week or so She said nothing about pears and ate none of them which I picked up. Why she suddenly interested about it when I stopped to work on trees? I thought it was a swift reaction from Feds. The surveillance team wanted to know why I stopped the routine yard work and asked the question through my wife. I left her alone.

Next day, seeing the pear remained there untouched, she ate it. Though one fruit wouldn't hurt health much, I felt I have responsibility to warn her. I told her the tap water was poisoned, so the fruit grown up by these water was poisoned too. She said, "Nonsense." But then asked me what kind of sickness I felt.

On 8/15, 4 days after I warned about the toxic fruit, my brother and sisters came for them. They have been to my house for fruit before. What they picked up always were the big, ripe one. This time it's different. They picked up every piece they could reach, either it was raw or small. I think they were instructed to do so. But whatever they knew, I did my part. I warned them the fruit was poisoned.

Why cleaned the fruit from the tree? Maybe to eliminate the evidence that caused mass unusual death of birds. And the fruits might have ended up at Poison Lab of Feds.
274. Radiation (12/9)

I had the bitter experience to be shoot by EM wave ray and microwave radiation in early 90s.(see messages 12, 13, 81 and 5) Since then I slept behind metal furniture (iron cabinet, iron desk) I also built up shield by metal plate. Of course, the shield directed outward against the possible attack source. This probably is one of the reasons I can still survive until today.

About two weeks ago, I had a warm feeling when I was at my room. I felt it particularly when I was sleep. It's abnormal because now is winter. I worried it might be a microwave radiation. So I wrote "At the same time Feds intensify the poisoning and microwave radiation on me(11/29)" in message 271. I moved metal plates to shelter possible radio source. It failed to work. I still felt abnormal warm. I didn't know where it was from.

At same time, I noticed abnormal behave of my wife. She never read English newspaper. For years I picked up the paper in the lane by myself. About two weeks ago, the paper was on the table every morning, my wife put it there.

About same time, my wife brought home a box of CD disc. It was a TV drama series. I used to watch TV at night until 11:30. My wife said she wanted to watch the series and asked me to watch TV at my own room. The TV in my room is an old one, manual operated, small with vague picture. I seldom use it.

Since my wife is manipulated by Feds, I thought that's their intention. Connect it to the abnormal warm feeling, I conclude they have locked my room as radiation field and want me to stay there as long as possible. But why they don't want me go outside?

On 12/1, I went out off the lane to the street to see what was there. (The lane is short, about 60 feet long) I saw two car parked on street. One was a big pick up, the other one was a box van. Both painted blue with word "Fire and water damage service" on it. A lady in blue "Fire and water" jacket was nearby. I asked her if there was a fire. She said, " It was two days ago. It was all over." The house which said having a fire is next to my neighbor. One of the houses nearest to my house but can't be seen in the lane.

I couldn't see any trace of fire there except a window was sealed by board. No black smoke trace. I was not aware of a fire because there was no sirens, no noise of policemen and firemen. So if there was a fire, it must be a very small one. Next day, the blue box van was still there. On 12/4, blue box van was replaced by a white box van with no sign.(it's week end) What was inside the box van? I think there must be some instrument which can produce the warm feeling. Only I didn't know how they did it.

This morning, I found there was a yellow "Fire and water damage service" van there. This time the cargo box was open. There were machines and tubes and bottles of solvent inside. The service man connect the machine tube to water pipe and some other tubes into the house. He seemed doing some clean work. He was very uneasy with my curiosity and tried to turn me away.

It reminded me there were always a flood when my wife using wash machine these days. The drainage obviously was blocked. I suddenly knew what has happened. I solved the problem I encountered with these days. (to be continued)
I found it very humanitarian of him to give oil to the "bush" communities of Alaska when they could not afford heating oil for their homes and no one else cared.

If only Democrats would allow us to use the oil that was already IN Alaska. But the Dems don't give a crap about you.
If, and it's a pretty big if a near impossibility I'd say, we were doing this it is something that would have to pass by the National Security Council, two required members of which are the President and Vice President. Do you really think Obama is out to get these people? I don't even think Nixon would do that.

Really? Every covert action is cleared by the NSC?

Some of you are actually entertaining this crap.....holy crap, maybe tin foil hats ARE neccessary.

You folkd probably believe ole Van Jones when he says whits people are funneling pollution into the black community too...

Next someone will quote Farrahkan to prove the CIA used crcak to control the Black population (rolling eyes)
275. Radiation 2 (12/14)

In early 90's when I felt dizziness and warm in driving I had suspected it was caused by radioactive material.(see "5. Microwave killing") From an industrial mail ordering company, I bought a lead apron and a bottle of radioactive contamination cleaner. Although later I found the symptom was caused not by radiation but microwave, I learned then that radioactive agent would cause pollution and a clean job was needed.

When I saw the solvent bottle in the "Fire and water service" box van, I recalled the radioactive contamination cleaner I had bought. The long tubes and the memory of recent flooding also reminded me they were cleaning the drainage. I was suddenly aware that Feds put an radioactive source inside my house through drainage. It explained why I couldn't find the source of problem. I always thought it was from outward but never expected it was from inside.

They locked the radioactive area at my bedroom and created a situation to keep me stay there as long as possible.

Yesterday, (12/13) there was an article in Mercury News. "Lingering Risk". "Kourtney Matthews, 16, likely died of toxic shock syndrome on Nov.1. ....Cases of toxic shock syndrome in menstruating women dramatically decreased in the early 1980s and have remained at relatively low levels since. But some researchers believe the condition may be making a comeback, for reasons they don't yet agree upon.

Symptoms of danger:
* Sudden fever, usually 102 degrees or higher
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Dizziness
* Fainting or near fainting when standing up
* A rash that looks like a sunburn "

The newspaper didn't say that ALL these symptoms of Toxic shock syndrome perfect fits for the symptoms of radiation sickness. Especially the last one about rash. I don't know if T.S.S. will cause a rash, but a strong radiation will cause skin rash.

I think K. Matthews is one of victims when Feds test their radioactive killing method.
1. T.S.S. is said caused by bacterium. It should be easy to be identified in microscope. Why 43 days after K.Matthews' death, they published an uncertain article said she likely died of T.S.S..? It's more like a cover up story to attribute radiation death to some rare disease. Consider I wrote "274. Radiation" on 12/9, the T.S.S. article was on paper on 12/13. It was more a reaction to my Revelation.

2. Similar to Mad Cow disease, T.S.S. is a very very rare syndrome. People have little knowledge about it. When Feds attribute the symptoms of radiation sickness to it, nobody can verify it and have to take it.

3. Timing shows it is a test. K. Matthews died on 11/1. A test was done. (probably there were more somewhere else) I started to feel unusual warm in late November which meant Feds started to apply new method on me. I was so alarmed that I wrote "Feds intensify microwave radiation" in message of 11/29. At that time I still thought it was microwave.

4. K. Matthews was a black girl. It's a typical way Feds choose black people as their victim. She lived in Milpitas. An area nearby my community. Black people are rarely seen in Bay area because the high living cost. Median price of house now is 600,000. Black people are still a low income crowd. But Feds still applied a rare rare seen disease on to a black girl.

The news said T.S.S. outbroke two decades ago then decreased. I think Feds might have used radiation killing two decades ago. They abandoned it because they found a clean, easy control weapon - microwave. But when Feds failed other way to eliminate me, they revived radiation killing in the name of T.S.S. The news said men are also stricken by T.S.S..
4. K. Matthews was a black girl. It's a typical way Feds choose black people as their victim. She lived in Milpitas. An area nearby my community. Black people are rarely seen in Bay area because the high living cost. Median price of house now is 600,000. Black people are still a low income crowd. But Feds still applied a rare rare seen disease on to a black girl.

I grew up in the Bay Area moron, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about....
276. Psychological manipulation (12/19)

Started from later November, I had unusual warm feeling when I was in my bedroom especially when I was sleeping. My wife also drove me back to my bedroom with excuse that she was watching DVD in sitting-room. Later I was aware of that Feds was using radiation as killing weapon and locked it on the spot where I slept.

To accelerate the killing they tried everything to make me stay in dangerous location as long as possible. The method include psychological manipulation by media.

There were two articles in early December to encourage more sleep.

"Enough sleep, less work stress are key to happiness, study finds" (S.J.M.N. 12/3/04)
"Overweight? Try going to bed . (Sleep deprivation linked to increased hunger, weight gain)" (S.J.M.N. 12/7/04)

The topic of the articles tell the purpose of Feds. For it they even found scientific theory to persuade. But the idea is apparently odd and conflict to common sense, even the articles themselves had an uncertain tone.

In first article, it wrote, "Those findings, published in journal Science, run contrary to previous research about what makes people happy and why." (12/3)
"Scientists are not yet certain if adopting an earlier bedtime helps dieters achieve a thinner waistline." (12/7)

But most people may neglect the sentence of doubt and be fooled by the main theory. Those who believe they can lose weight from sleeping more may actually get fatter. They never know the articles were part of psychological manipulation in Feds plot.

When on 12/7, I saw the top line in first page of Mercury News was "Overweight? Trying go to bed". My instant impression was "What a fallacy." Then immediately I was aware of it was a psychological manipulation. They want to keep me on bed as long as possible. One month ago I had written "I rarely touch it(milk) because I thought it might cause obesity." (267. Poison and milk (11/9)). Feds really have a study of their target. They even developed a scientific theory which fit victim's mentality (not gain weight) to reach their goal.