Chavez: Is US Infecting Latin America With Cancer?

290. Super market (2/9/05)

2/9 is Chinese New year's day. The meal of Chinese New Years eve. for Chinese is as important as Thanks Giving meal to Westerns. Early this month, when I asked my wife to drive me for some Festival food, she refused again and told me to shopping on foot. I view this as the intention of Feds. It seems they determined to eliminate me in road violence.

Then why my wife broke the rule to drive me for a food shopping on 1/29? (see "288. Vanished old case and new plan (2/4/05)) Because on that day, Feds arranged a family re-union. On the purpose to invite me to join a trip to China. They knew my relatives would drive me for a food shopping at my will. So they let my wife did it in advance because I had to go the store my wife drove me to. I was surprised for the easiness of my wife. That was the only one drive she gave in five weeks.

About half hour after we finished shopping, my relatives came. I then knew why my wife eased to give a drive. I still asked my brother in law to give me a drive despite my wife's protest that I just finished a shopping.

I led my brother in law to another shopping center about 20 minutes driving away. Where there is a water store supplying bottled water which was sealed right away after official examination of water quality. But on that day the owner of water store said the sealed bottle water was sold out which used to be plenty of.

I then went to the super market nearby and found big price gap between the stores I just attended to. For example, the vegetable was 0.59 a pound and apple was 0.39 a pound while in the store my wife brought me to was 0.99 and 0.59 appropriately. Such a price difference would drive customers from one store away to the other.

One year ago, the food Feds poisoned in super market was in small quantity and was concentrated on cheap items I used to buy. Then as I started to buy in random, Feds changed tactic too. The food they poisoned now are in large quantities, piles up in rack. (see "189. Poison food in super market (12/16/03) ) Bread, rice, milk, ham, bottled water, vegetables, potato chips, can food...... . To avoid too much people been poisoned, they set up several super-market in which food was poisoned most and price also tagged high. To drive customers away to the stores which priced lower where poisoned food is also less. That's why the store I was sent to by my wife were the expensive one.

But that will hurt the business of super market which priced high. How did Feds persuade the owner of these store to do so? For western style super market, it used to be chain stores such like Safeway, Albertson. Feds controls high ranking management, so there should be no problem for them. But Chinese store mostly are run by independent owners, how did Feds do on them?

In late 2003, when Feds aggressively increased poison dose, there was an arrest in my area which shocked Chinese society. An owner of super market and his accountant were arrested. Tax fraud was the charge. The bail was set up at 5 million dollars. The defendant couldn't afford such high bail, had to stay in jail. The case was in court again in mid-2004. Judge still maintained the same amount of bail. So the defendant still had to stay in prison. It was obviously an intimidation to Chinese super market business. If you don't obey, we can keep you in jail. Business loss or jail, which will you choose?
309. Isotope, mole, cancer (5/7/05)

If you read my messages from begining, you know that my problem started with isotope money.

Isotope is a good tracer. It is invisible. It can be only detected by special instrument. People are not aware of it even they are traced by isotope. I think it is vastly used by Feds. But isotope also will hurt health. It's radioactive. So there is another usage other than tracing - killing. The victim used to have a cancer. It's a murder disguised in natural disease.

It was about in 2001,(?) when I was shaving one day, I sudenly noticed there were many new moles on my cheek. I used to take a side sleep. Mostly I slept on my right side, there were many moles on my right cheek. There were less moles on my left cheek because I slept less on that side.

The fresh black moles alarmed me. I thought Feds contaminated my pillow with radioactive material which would cause a skin cancer. (I'll use "isotope" for radioactive material hereafter) I changed the pillow and slept with clothes or towel underneath my head which I often washed. It works. Small moles faded away. Big mole, turned into pale black. It's no more the scaring oil-black colour.

Since Feds poisoned the tap water, I used to buy bottled water or got the water from other source such like gas station or rest room of store. But even these water were often found poisoned because I depended on other's drive which always guided me to the market where poisoned water and food were prepared in advance. So I used to test the water to make sure if it was "clean".

Started from February this year, I started to have cough after meal. It was a sympton that food contanimated with isotope. But I failed to identify the source. Once my wife had the supper at same time with me. She coughed after meal. My wife rarely touched the dish I cooked. The only common food we had was rice. But it was me cooked the rice. The ingredients were rice and water, both verified "clean" beforehand, what happened? I was puzzled.

Soon I solved the problem. A few days later I suddenly found there were many moles on the back of my hands. I was immediately aware of that the tap water was contaminated by isotope. I do the dish wash by hands everyday. (We never use dish-washer) Though I avoid to drink tap water, I wash with it. Both hands soaked in isotope tap water caused a skin cancer sympton - moles. It also explains why we coughed after eating the rice. Though I cooked rice with clean water, I washed it with isotope tap water which contaminated the rice. I wash with tap water to save "clean water".

I abandoned tap water right away. It works, one month later, the black mole on the back of my hands faded away. It reminds me of the radiation clean work by Feds last December. (see "274. Radiation", "275. Radiation 2 ") and Judge's cough which led him into the jail. . (see "298. Intimidate Judge (3/22/05)"

btw. Though 4/17 plot failed to be carried out, Feds did try on 4/29 and likely extends the frame case to May.
4. K. Matthews was a black girl. It's a typical way Feds choose black people as their victim. She lived in Milpitas. An area nearby my community. Black people are rarely seen in Bay area because the high living cost. Median price of house now is 600,000. Black people are still a low income crowd. But Feds still applied a rare rare seen disease on to a black girl.

I grew up in the Bay Area moron, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about....

Sounds accurate to me. Most of the black people are in Oakland. There are very few in SF.
310. Poison and cover up (5/12/05)

From mid-2003, Feds intensified poison tactic on me. At first they sent the poisoned food in the name of free food, gift food. I felt apparent unwell after eating this kind of food. I became very careful on eating. My father in law, neglecting my warning, was found having a cancer in later 2003. He passed away on March 2004. (see #167.)

As I started to buy my own food, Feds started to poison the food in Super market too. At first in small quantity, then expanded it to various food and in large quantity. Although they tried to restrict me in limit store by guided drive, the poisoned food still hurt other innocent customers. Right now my wife just refuse a food drive. Leave me no choice but the nearest market I can reach on foot. You can imagine what kind of food are there for me.

Psychological propaganda is an important procedure in Feds' work. For 2004 campaign, media continuosly threw out "poll results" that Bush led over Kerry by 2% to justify a rigged election. To cover up the large scale poison up, media also let out aricles to justify.

The major poison Feds uses recently is isotope which will cause a cough. It won't be cured by coughing medicine or anti-virus medicine because the cause is not a bacteria or virus, it's isotope. Then there is such an article to justify the phenominon.

"Despite vaccinations, cases of whooping cough surging".
"CDC officials say the massive increase in whooping cough is primarily in adolescents who have gone at least five years since their shots, which is explained by waning immunity. Adults also are getting whooping cough." (S.J.M.N. 4/11/05)

Of course, doctors and patients will never have dreamed of the isotope. They have to take the explanation of newspaper and government officials.

Here are other cover up aricles I kept:

"The produce likely to have pesticides". "12 fruits and vegetables are the most contaminated by pesticides." (S.J.M.N. 10/21/03)

"COMMON GROCERIES HAVE TOXIC TRACES". A wide variety of food in US supermarkets (fish, pork, duck, cheese, butter, milk, chicken, ice cream and eggs) is contaminated with tiny doses of toxic flame retardants - PBDE. (S.J.M.N. 9/2/04)

"Restaurants to warn about fish". "Compaies settle lawsuit over high levels of mercury in some species" (S.J.M.N. 2/5/05)

"FARMS, Chemicals showdown". "California is still far from phasing out methyl bromide. Millions of pounds used per year." "Hazards: Highly toxic. Causes brain and neutrological damage; high concentrations can cause respiratory or cardia failure." (S.J.M.N. 2/9/05)

"Rocket-Fuel Chemical Found in Breast Milk
Wed Feb 23, 7:55 AM ETBy Marla Cone Times Staff Writer

Breast milk from 36 women in 18 states, including California, was sampled, and all contained traces of perchlorate.

Also reported by S.J.M.N. 2/24/05: "Breast milk toxin studied"

Recently, I failed several times to enter my own homepage in AOL. It said, "
Sorry, We Can't Find That Page". It hadn't happened before. It may signal that Feds will finish the case soon in a rougue's way.
311. A large scale poison project (5/17/05)

In last message #310, I referred cover up articles from Mercury News. They followed tightly to the poison plan of Feds.

In message #167, 168 (posted on 9/26/03, 10/6/03) I talked about poisoned vegetable. Then on 10/21, there was a news said vegetables were contaminated by pesticides.

Next year, Feds expanded their poison plan into supermarkets. The article "COMMON GROCERIES HAVE TOXIC TRACES"(9/2/04). was an announcement that food was poisoned in large scale: fish; meat, egg, dairy product......almost everything to make sure what I bought were toxic food. A lot of people would be suffered. To control the situation, a hospital was closed.

In same month on 9/26/04, Mercury News reported that San Jose Medical Center would close on 12/9. "Can we live with only two?" the article asked the question with one of Santa Clara County's three trauma centers set to close.

I think the purpose was to concentrate the sick people to the remain hospital so Feds could effectively collect the data of their victims to control the development of their poison project.

The close of hospital had attracted other investors but no one succeeded to take over. "Possible hospital investor drops out". News said. (11/11/04. S.J.M.N.) Since the close of hospital was part of Feds poison project, no one could disturb it even there was a demand.

I was aware of this big poison project when I wrote the poison message #309. I arranged the news collection about toxic food and found one toxic news in 2003, one in 2004, there were three in February 2005. (see #310) Obviously four months after they announced large scale toxic food, many victims fell sick in early 2005 .That is why there were three articles about toxic food in one month. Published with unusual frequency to justify the recent outbreak of cancer patients.

Started from February this year, more food was contaminated by isotope. It's a tactic to continue the poison plan when toxic caused doctors' attention. Then we saw the "whooping cough" article in April.

This country is controlled by an evil group. They don't care the lives of its citizens. For a target they worried very much they could sacrifice the lives of many other people. They even designed a big project to study how to control majority population by toxic food. It's their tradition. We saw it from "Northwood" plan. I also allege they are the one behind "Oklahoma bombing" and "911 attack". For their interest they'll do anything.
313. Breast feeding and breast cancer (5/22/05)

Quote, "Rocket-Fuel Chemical Found in Breast Milk
Wed Feb 23, 7:55 AM ETBy Marla Cone Times Staff Writer

Scientists on Tuesday reported that perchlorate, a toxic component of rocket fuel, was contaminating virtually all samples of women's breast milk and its levels were found to be, on average, five times greater than in cow's milk.

The contaminant, which originates mostly at defense industry plants, previously had been detected in various food and water supplies around the country. But the study by Texas Tech University's Institute of Environmental and Human Health was the first to investigate breast milk.
The findings concern health experts because infants and fetuses are the most vulnerable to the thyroid-impairing effects of the chemical." (URL link at #310)

The February report about poisoned breast milk which threatens infants and fetuses reminded me another news related to breast feeding women several years ago. (I forgot the exact time when this news was reported) It said that scientists found that women who fed their infants with their own breast milk had much less chance to catch a breast cancer. Scientists couldn't find the reason. They only guess that the breast feeding may stimulate the women's immune system against cancer. So they suggest women to breast feed their infants instead of feeding by commercial milk.

I now have a different explanation.

1. Slow poison is vastly used as a murder weapon by Feds in this country. It used to cause cancer and made the death look like a natural disease. For women, most likely the result are breast cancer.

2. Feds avoid to poison breast feeding women because infants would have fallen sick before their mother. Infants have weak immune system. If doctors trace the toxic then the poison plot would have been revealed.

3. 1 and 2 explains why less breast feeding women caught breast cancer. Scientists didn't know what exactly happened and could only guess in their own way.

4. Feds succeeded before because the poison victim was used to be picked up selectively and poisoned individually. My case is unusual. I am aware of their tactic. To make sure the food I bought were poisoned, Feds poisoned food in large scale. This time they can't pick up victims. A lot of people were poisoned, include breast feeding women. So there is such a report.

5. Though the report said the sample came from different location, I think it was a cover up. How could rocket fuel in human's milk be five times more than in cow's milk? The purpose is to justify the outbreak of cancer in San Jose area and ensure the doctors there to believe the toxic is from nature. Unusual thing is, only in that month there were three articles talked about different toxic in food. In this great poison project, varies of toxic were used. The result is catastrophic. Those articles are emergent advice to doctors how to cure these sick people. It's easier to cure once you know the cause of illness. Seldom a doctor would have dreamed of it was caused by toxic - a deliberate poison.
314. Cancer warning (5/27/05)

When Feds started their large scale poisoning project, they expected there would be an outbreak of cancer patients. Started from early this year (or late last year?), there was a commercial in local Chinese TV. The familiar face of news broadcaster repeatedly told audience, "Recently many of my friends and relatives caught cancer. Watch your food. Having your vegetable evenly in 5 different color, red; yellow; green, (white?); purple."

The vegetable we consumed are mainly green. And I think it was also poisoned heavily. Feds advise people to turn onto other colors to reduce the chance to catch a cancer. Chinese TV station, of course, wouldn't have motive to produce this commercial, it must be financed by a government branch. The real people behind it, is Feds. I think.

I haven't seen this commercial any more after I wrote the message reveling the poison project.

In January, Mercury News reported, "Cancer is now the leading cause of death for Americans under age 85, surpassing deaths from heart disease for the first time, researchers said Wednesday." (1/20/05)

This was a psychological propaganda to justify the outbreak of cancer disease. Next month (February) they continued with detailed toxic articles. They had to do so to instruct doctors how to deal with the sudden surge of cancer patients.
422. Poison food and Indian market (7/20/06)

"Why are you so afraid of eavesdropping (warrantless) if you have nothing to hide?" This is how Feds used to countercharge their critics.

Because in US, it means unreasonable search and arrest becoming legal. It means planting evidence and framing case becoming possible. It also means victim may suffer illegal torture and murder such like poisoning and EM wave shooting.

In mid April, I went to the post office to pick up tax form. I bought some food in a Chinese super market near the post office. There was a severe cough after I ate the meat bought there. The cough was so strong that I couldn't sleep for nights. It lasted several weeks. The poison might be some kind of radiation material (isotope). I had suffered such kind of poisoning before but none was so severe like this one. At same time, I also found some people coughing like me when I went to shopping. In my area, I think most people work for the Feds as support group. Those informants may think they work for justice. They never dreamed of they are working for an evil. In my case, I think many would have suffered poisoning when they pretending customers. In extreme cases they could become scapegoat such like Muhammad and Malvo in DC sniper case and ignorant suicides in London bombing case.

Then there was a news in Media:
Quote, "Book details Mossad's chocolate assassination
Poison a sophisticated weapon for Israeli intelligence
Saturday, May 6, 2006;

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel's Mossad secret service agency killed a Palestinian wanted for airplane hijackings by feeding him poisoned Belgian chocolate over six months in the late 1970s, according to a new book, the author said Saturday.

It seems Negroponte has introduced new poison for the Feds from Israel's Mossad.

On 6/30, I went to the post office to mail a "Foreign account" form to the Treasury. I went to that Chinese Super Market again. I had a desolate feeling. 6/30 was Friday. It was evening and should be the most prosperous time for the market. But there was much less people in the Super market then usual. Feds moved their support group away for some other mission? Or just to protect them from new poison from Israel? I puzzled. One thing impressed me very much was that Feds controlled at least half of the residents live in my area. Their decision could immediately desert a cheerful Super Market.

Scared to be bombed in public transit system, I hadn't set foot on bus for past six months. Now facing the danger of new poisoned food, I had to diversify my food sources.

Chain super market Albertson would shut down some branches because of slow business. Two of them are on the tram line I used to take. On 7/9, I saw an advertisement of inventory blew out. For the first time this year, I took a tram to a nearby Albertson.

There was an Indian food store next to the Albertson. For diversity, I went to that store too. I was used to be the only customer in that small store, two or three Indians more sometimes. But that day I found there were many Indian customers there. It was a big change after six months. Some of the Indians took the same tram when I came back. Several dropped off in same station I got off. Apparently, they live in my neighborhood. Feds moved a lot of Indians in.

It seems Feds moved many Indians in whom attended Indian store which I couldn't reach when I abandoned the public transit system. But when I start to take tram again, what will they do?

The response was swift. I took the tram on 7/9. One day later, on 7/11 there came the Mumbai bombing. Feds still will use the "terror attack" to eliminate. And justify it by Indian link.
725. The high speed liquid bullet gun (6/25/2012)

In early 2000, I was in Malaysia. An itch troubled me for some time. Usually if it was a sting of mosquito, it would fade away in a day. But this one caused bad itch and pus and lasted for days. I looked at my foot, the pustule formed a small circle. I thought it was a bite of some unknown insect. I bought some ointment but failed to recover from the itch. It lasted a week or so.

Then I returned to US. My relatives invited me for a lunch Buffet. The restaurant was full. we had to wait for a while. That day I got that bad itch again. It was at the same part of my top foot and in same form - a small circle of pustule wound. I started to suspect that was a spy weapon. I had learned in news of it. I didn't expect I would encounter with it.

Poison-tip umbrella assassination of Georgi Markov reinvestigated

The cold war murder of Georgi Markov, the Bulgarian dissident who was assassinated using a poison-tipped umbrella, is being reinvestigated by Scotland Yard.

By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent
7:54PM BST 19 Jun 2008

On a September evening in London in 1978, Markov, a prize-winning Bulgarian author and BBC broadcaster who had been classified as a "non person" by the communist authorities, was waiting alongside commuters for a bus on Waterloo Bridge when he felt a stinging pain in his thigh.

A heavily built stranger dropped an umbrella, mumbled "sorry" and fled in a taxi.

K.G.B. used a tiny metal ball with poison in that case. I think I have suffered the same style of attack. I didn't feel any stinging pain. The tiny bullet must be in very high speed. I didn't die like Markov. I think the bullet should contain some virus that causes vital disease. Feds used to make a murder look like a natural death. It could be material causing cancer, or even aids virus? With the limit acknowledge from that story, I originally thought the bullet was metal ball. Now from new information I know it was icy liquid bullet. It said Feds freeze the poisonous liquid as icy bullet and shoot it in high speed that can penetrate clothe and thin shield. I lost the original information but found one with similar principle.

August 7th, 2011 | Posted by Veterans Today

Assassinations By Induced Heart Attack And Cancer

In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack.

This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark.

Early this year, my daughter found a job. She invited us for a meal to celeberate. The restaurant was in same shopping center of that Shanghai one (see last message of #724). It was full when we went there. We waited until the waiter led us to a table stands to the wall. Later that day, for the third time, I got that bad itch again after eleven years.

They were common in some points:
1. the wound part used to be on top foot near ankle.(all three times), the latest one added one wound in leg and one in small arm.

2. Bad itch last long time - a week or so. This may mean thick virus liquid.

3. Though the first two wounds showed a regular circle of spots, I didn't see it in third time. They improved their weapon.

4. You won't feel pain when the attack took place. The bullet was tiny and in high speed. You find it hours later when skin started to inflame.

I didn't notice the condition of the first attack but the latter two all happened in restaurant. They were prearranged meal. The restaurant used to be full and you have to wait until there was vacancy. In such an operation, Feds must activate a lot of snitches to be customers so they could arrange the victim to the table that installed with special equipment.
3. ISOTOPE MONEY (How agent find cash savings at your home)

I talked about these harassment to people I knew.
A man whom I thought was delivering the word for FBI, said that I should cooperate and suggested me to write check instead of paying cash in trading. I followed his advice. As I didn't go often to the bank, I started to put big notes (100's and 50's) in my left rear pocket of my jeans. Several months later, I couldn't move my left leg. Found the source of pain was at my left hip right beneath the pocket where money kept, I moved the money away and recovered. suspecting it was radioactive money, I stopped to pocket big notes. About 5 months later, my wife planed to visit her parents in China. I started to save money for her trip on my left rear pocket, thinking it wouldn't hurt if just for a short while. But this time, only a few weeks, same thing happened again. I only recovered after taking the money away. Realizing law enforcement agent using radiation material as tracer, which hurt my health badly, I complained but only saw something more serious happened. Microwave radiation is one of them.

By the way, because I am an naturalized U.S. citizen with limit vocabularies, I used word radiation money all the time, until last Sept. I went to Santa Clara D.A.'s office to tell them I worried about a frame up against me. Investigator Tom Johnson used the word 'isotope money'. Then I knew this word. So government knows it. They just deny they use it because it is criminal.

Tracking and wiretapping

At first, I wondered if they would follow me like in movie. Really they did. Different vehicles cross tracking me insistently. And I also noticed that when the original vehicle turned away, the drivers always talked something to a microphone. Then another replacing vehicle soon appeared. After I told this story to other people, I have not seen this scene any more. They bugged my talking and improved their communication. Though I still could identify some vehicles with characters.
5. Microwave killing

At that time, each Tuesday I went to Galt flea Market which took two hours' driving to get there. I was very sick after driving. I felt dizziness, hot and thirsty. Sometimes there was a chest pain. At first I didn't relate it to driving because chest pain always happened hours later after driving. I worried the new symptoms, but knew nothing what caused it. I noticed an article in newspaper said FBI Lab developed new technique of using microwave as a weapon.

Then in a Tuesday, I was very sick on my way home that I stopped driving for a while. That night, when I was watching TV, my neighbor, an old Taiwaness lady, visited us with a woman. When I turned my sight from TV to them, I found the woman was watching me too. Just at that moment, a severe chest pain attacked me. With eye to eye, I was suddenly aware of it was microwave that sickened me so much. There was no side window on my cargo van, and thus it acted as a microwave oven. After two hours slow cooking (low radiation of microwave), I felt hot and thirsty and the blood cell would die and gradually solidify to form clot, when the clot moving to the heart, a heart attack happened. The procedure took a few hours. It solved another question in my mind. I used to arrive home at 5 pm. At night, I watched eight o'clock's TV. My neighbor always visited us at this time. Puzzled me that "Why she always harasses us at this golden time? She should be more interested in Chinese series than me." Now I knew she was sent to see the result of microwave experiment, to see a heart attack. Next day I went to a metal shop and bought metal sheet to shield the engine cover and instrument panel. It worked. I didn't feel hot and dizziness any more. So when I felt headache at night, I used metal sheet to cover me while I slept.

The condition lasted until 1999 when it became worse. During daytime when I was home alone, I had severe headache and toothache which at last forced me left U.S. on March, 1999.
12. Mind control EM sleep wave (1)

When I talked about microwave killing, some readers asked if that is a mind control pulse wave. I went to the web site they gave me. The neuro-electrical magnet wave which imitate brain wave could produce Microwave hearing,forced speech, etc. I don't have that kind of experience, or maybe they have applied it on me but I didn't know. Because it is hard to tell which is natural or caused by remote control frequency weapon. But I do know there is an EM sleep wave which is vastly in use by law enforcement agent.

It was in 1992. One Tuesday morning on my way to Galt. On highway 205, a strong sleep desire fell on me. It was a straight highway, so I tried to drive with eyes closed a little while. But once eye closed, it's hard to open my lids again. I had to fight against drowsiness with extraordinary effort. Then I turned on to highway 120. It was a narrow road with only one lane each way. In dim, I suddenly found there was a dark shadow before me. it was a big truck with a trailer. It stopped on road and started to move when I approached. The sudden lit of tail lamp was so bright red, like in my hands' reach. I made an emergency brake. The cargo in my van rushed forward with inertia, bang hit the front window glass . I could hear the crack sound of porcelain. Luckily I didn't hit the trailer. It was only inches away. My body was wet all over by sweat. Strange for me, such a big scare didn't drove sleepy away. I fell into drowse again until there was another emergency brake. I found the truck driving at only 30 miles per hour. Sometime later, when I opened my lid, I found the truck sped away. It's the end of 120 and we would turned into 99, a busy highway where he could not drive at 30 miles any more.

Later when I had the experience of microwave radiation and other related suffering, I gradually realized there was a sleep wave. But at that time, though it was unusual, I only attributed this to sleepy. Who knew there was a mind control EM sleep wave?

13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)

I was able to be aware of microwave killing due to a newspaper article. It said FBI's lab developed a tech

that they could shoot and penetrate iron plate in distance by microwave ray. By then I knew they could watch people behind wall by Infra-scanner already. And if they shoot microwave ray behind wall, it's really dangerous for innocent people. Unfortunately, this fell on me soon.

One midnight, I awoke with bitter headache. "They are shooting with microwave ray. I must find something to cover me." I alarmed myself. But before I could do something, an irresistible sleepiness overcame me. I fell in sleep again. This scene repeated several times that night. I always fell in sleep after awakening by headache.

Next day, the headache was so severe that a slight movement would cause suffering. It lasted several days. I thought there was an internal hemorrhage or swell in my head. With great fear, I gathered a lot of metal plates, iron cabinet in my bedroom and slept behind them at night.
Though I was once puzzled how could I go sleep while having heavy headache, I was still didn't aware of there was a sleep wave then.

14. EM sleep wave (3)

I used to sit on a sofa where I could watch TV as well as reading. That day about 5 p.m, when I was reading newspaper, a sudden drowsiness fell on me. It was so strong that I went to my bedroom right away. Once laying on bed, there was no sleepiness at all, not a little bit. That really puzzled me. I went back to sitting room and sitting on sofa, immediately, sleepiness grasped me again. This time I recalled two events happened before. The drowsiness feeling were so similar. They were all deep and irresistible.

I was in panic. What was that? I knew they were using radioactive material and microwave. It seemed that it was a ray with limit field, because my bedroom is just a few feet away and I could not feel it there. I guessed it was a kind of microwave with different frequency and worried it might hurt my brain because it restrained my mind so deeply that I couldn't help to go sleep. On the otherhand, it was a pure feeling of drowsiness, no pain, no dizziness, only extraordinary strong desire to sleep. If I hadn't have above experiences, I would never know its existence. How could you tell it from a nature one.

15. EM sleep wave in China (4)

In 1993, I abandoned my job in flea market. In July 1994, I went to China. I was tired to sleep under the cover of metal plates in U.S. My friends in China stopped communication with me so I knew Chinese police were cooperative with U.S.A.'s, but I thought they would not use high tech. weapon against an innocent man.

I lived in my uncle's home. It was an apartment on third floor (toppest floor) in the building. In August, I heard a noise on roof. People said someone was installing a commercial billboard there. I saw workers erect power transmission lines on roof. A few days later, about 7 o'clock in the morning, I was chatting with relatives when I felt a sudden feeling of sleepiness. I saw my aunt quickly fall in sleep. Other relatives said they were going to bed and back to their bedroom. I was very familiar with this - a sudden, irresistible sleepiness. Later that day I told them about the sleep wave. They didn't believe me. I understood because it was so natural that even I myself would not believe if I hadn't the experience.

This was the only time I felt they use it in China. I think they didn't expect I know sleep wave. When they found I know the secret, they gave it up. The work on roof was postponed. The billboard was never installed. Next year on May, when I left China, the metal shelf installed on August was still there, rusted.
Since then I knew the sleep wave can be a field which influence many people.

16. EM Sleep wave (5)

In 1996, I learned what is sleep wave from a book named 'CIA' (Chinese edition).

It said in July 1987, former Soviet leader Gorbachef flied to Thamalhan, a KGB base, to see an experiment. It was a tiger in the cage. The tiger was irritable. Dr. Chernianko pushed down a button. Within seconds, the furious tiger laid down as gentle as a cat.

Doctor told Gorbachef they successfully handled animal's sentiment by controlling it's brain nerve with remote control electrical wave.

CIA got the information and found Pentagon had first developed such technique. Military Intelligence Chief, general Ackerman was alleged delivering the secret to Soviets. Ackerman was shoot to death several days later. Pentagon announced he died of heart attack.

I immediately realized this was EM sleep wave.
The wave imitates human's sleep wave in brain. It's so natural that you can't tell if it is artificial. Nine years ago I could tell it because it was a sudden, strong feeling. Now they improved their technique. In same sofa I recently often gradually fell into drowse when I wrote article (for post in internet) in daytime. Only at the movement I would get into sleep, I'd realize same thing happened again and moved away. In other place, I never feel sleepy. I think I would never have known there's a sleep wave if they had used that improved technique(gradually go in sleep) nine years ago.
17. They killed President Kennedy

After I found I became the murder target of law enforcement agency, I visited D.A.'s office, DEA, FBI, Federal attorney's office.... .But they denied any involvement. Some government department suggested me to ask for help from local police department. Local police department said they need solid evidence such as gun, bullet. But how could I hold microwave in the air if they shoot it next door. I could only complain this to people I knew.

I had a customer whom came every half year or so. One Saturday, she came to buy something. I talked about events happened recently and expressed disappointment about system. She didn't say anything and left.

Next day, I was surprised to see her coming again. She didn't buy anything. She simply talked about the murdering issue I told her yesterday and left right away after leaving a word:" So what, they even killed President Kennedy."

I was shocked. Obviously she was coming to deliver the word of scorn and intimidation for FBI. There was no DEA when JFK was assassinated.
18. Portable Microwave shooting instrument

I often went to library. Sometime in 1992, I began to feel dizzy and hot after I was there for half an hour or so.
What I could do was to move away and left. I was very depressed. They even killed President Kennedy, what was I? I knew I could die anytime.

In early 1993, I bought 100,000 life insurance and I put my wife's name in 'grand deed' of the house. To
fill the application form, I went to the registration office of supreme court where they offered typewriter for public use. There was almost no people when I got there. I chose the typewriter in the middle position. The old typewriter was hard to handle especially I had many errors to correct. I looked around to see if I could change for a better one. I found both sides were occupied by black girls. Then, I felt dizzy and hot,same feeling I had in library. I looked back. There were several people lined up behind me, waiting for typewriter. The man headed the line had a duffel bag. He put the bag between us with one end towards meand the other end towards him. It's strange to place the bag in that way because it obstructed people walking across. People used to put bags beside them. I knew what happened and hurried finishing the form.

I felt sorry for the two black girls. They were placed in positions to assure no other people being suffered from microwave radiation. I saw them smiled at each other. They might think they worked for law enforcement agency, but they would not know how dangerous the situation they were in.

19. Alleged murder of Ron

Ron was a white man. He was a hardware seller. Like me, he had business both in Berryessa and Galt flea market. His selling space in Galt flea market was several spaces next to me. I was familiar with his face, but rarely talk to him. I even didn't know his name then.

One weekend, in Berryessa, I went to his space to buy a pair of rack. He asked for 16 dollars. I didn't buy because in Galt market, another seller asked for only 12.

On Tuesday I bought the rack from the other seller. When it was time to knock off, Ron drove to my space. He parked his van, looked at me, obviously intended to talk to me. I was still unhappy with his higher offering, so I went on packing up and left him alone. He stayed for a few minutes. Found I having no intent talk to him, he left.

Weeks later, a seller asked me," Do you know Ron was dead?"
"Which Huang?" I wronged the pronunciation because I thought she talked about a Chinese. "The hardware seller." I knew a Mr. Huang selling hardware but she said it was not him. Next day, she asked me about "Huang" again. I really didn't know. I wondered why she was so interested in that topic.

Next week, when she saw me, she talked about "Huang" again. She said it was a white man, and his name was Ron, not Huang. White man, I immediately remembered the scene before Ron's death. I asked her how did Ron die. He was only about in his 50's. She said Ron collapsed while walking along: a heart attack. I had experience of microwave killing then(the result is like a heart attack). And that Tuesday when Ron parked his van at my space, I had thought : He blocked the view of law enforcement agency's surveillance camera. (I thought law enforcement agent had surveillance camera in opposite space)But this should not be the reason for killing. Maybe his strange activity caused suspicion? He parked his van at my space for a few minutes, than left without a word. Only I knew he was trying to sell me the rack. And this too, should not be a reason to kill. I recognized the ruthless only later when I had more experience.

Sometime later, there was a hardware store opened at the entrance of Berryessa flea market. It was a very hot spot. People said that it was Ron's widow's. I had a feeling that it was a compensation for Ron's death. From continuing question, they found I didn't know much of Ron. I didn't even know his name before then.

20. Video camera surveillance

In about 1990, there was a TV detective series 'Columbo' in which Peter Folk acted as Lieutenant Columbo who resolved many murder cases. One story was about two College students. They installed video camera and gun inside car's engine room to monitor and shoot through vent of radiator. I had that story in my mind.

Sometime after drug case I noticed the sellers opposite my space put their cargo van headed to me. Both in Berryessa and Galt Flea Market. Watching the black vent hole, I remembered the 'Columbo' TV. If there was no gun, there was a surveillance camera at least, I thought. To avoid being oversensitive, I walked all over the two markets to see how sellers parking their cars. People used to park their car inside space, parallel to the pathway so they could use front space to do business. No, no people parked cars like my opposite sellers'. It occupied useful front business space. It blocked coming customers' view sights too. That's why when Ron parked his van at my space, I thought it blocked the surveillance camera.

21. Alleged murder of Mrs. Churchill

Mrs. Churchill was a seller in Roseville Flea Market (near Sacramento). She bought porcelain figuring from me in Galt wholesale market. She was about in her 50's when she was dead.

One day in 1993, she asked me if I would sell all of a figuring item to her friend. The item she talked about was in hot sale. And her friend, I thought, was an undercover agent. The man was a porcelain figuring seller whose space was near entrance and was not far away from me. At first I had worried about he might be a competitor. I relaxed later when I found he had little business because his price was much higher than me. He used to sit there leisurely watching people. He sometimes even left his business alone, walked around chatting with other sellers.
I was once puzzled how he could make living on it, then with experience I was aware of that he might be an undercover agent from his business location and business attitude. (Agent likes to be at entrance so they can monitor all people)
So when Mrs. Churchill talked about the deal, I was certain he was an agent.
After the drug case, I noticed my customers were intimidated. They reduced purchase from me, someone stopped buying from me. Hot item would draw new buyers as well as old ones. That would have increased law enforcement agent's work of investigation. Buy all was the best way to avoid excess work. From my side, I didn't care. Business was business. You had it if you paid for it.

That night when I had supper, I told my wife:" An undercover agent bought a figuring item all."

Next Tuesday, I delivered the merchandise to the man. Then, Mrs. Churchill came.
When she asked me to give her a chair for sitting, I noticed she was very sick. I had
a puzzle that day "Why did she come when she was so sick."

Another week passed when a lady told me Mrs. Churchill was dead. Apparently my word touched off the killing. They thought Mrs. Churchill let out the agent's identity. The agents didn't play their role well, they never examine themselves, but owe their failure to other people. I recognized them through my own observation. What I knew(or maybe I should say: I thought) then in Galt flea market, there were seven sellers who were undercover agents. As a matter of fact, there were much more. After I returned from China, a seller told me that there were suddenly a lot of space vacancies in Galt flea market. It was very unusual because it was October, the best month for Christmas merchandise wholesale. (Tuesday Galt flea market is a wholesale market) It must be the result of withdrawal of undercover agent. They didn't care of business at all. And empty spaces were more than forty. I was surprised to learn there were so many secret agents involved.

It's a pity that Mrs. Churchill did nothing wrong, but being killed just out of suspicion. And most ridiculous thing was she was killed by those whom she thought working for. The lady who informed me the death of Mrs. Churchill talked about the death time and again. Just like what they did when Ron was dead to detect if I had any particular relationship with Ron or Mrs. Churchill. I could only say, "I'm sorry to hear that. I lost a good customer". Or do they expect me to say, "Oh, yes,through her death I now have no doubt they murdered Ron too. They don't need any evidence, suspicion is enough." or "Through her death, I realize that 'Miranda law', 'due process' ,'democracy' are just false cover. The real USA is a Mafia country full of extortion, private punishment, torture, and murder."
22. Fluorescent lamp killing (1)

In about 1992, Flea market administration installed fluorescent lamp in our container storage room. After I had experience of microwave radiation I thought there might be something in fluorescent lamp and tried not being there alone.

In 1993, one early morning, with no customer coming yet, when I was preparing to set up booth, I felt a strike. A cold feeling went through all over my body, I could not breath and my heart seemed stop beating. After a while, I recovered and saw my helper, a teenage boy, huddling to himself, holding his head with arms. He was so painful that he could not answer my question. What in my mind was they almost killed a boy. At the same time, my neighboring sellers yelled, 'no light, black out." Obviously, a device in fluorescent lamp caused a radiation which drew large amount of current, touched off the fuse box and cut off the power supply.

I think the device developed a high voltage which forcing the ionized gas particle shoot out like a radiation. Which hurts human's brain, make it lose control of organs such like breath and heart beats. Later, I met such fluorescent lamp murder attempt several times.

23. Fluorescent lamp killing (2)

In 1999, I was forced to go abroad. In Bandon, Indonesia, I lived in Hotel Puduraya. It was a low price hotel where people shared bathrooms. I found the bathroom near my room was locked for more than one hour. When it opened, I noticed it lit with fluorescent lamp. And it was the only room lit with fluorescent lamp in hotel. As I always kept alert on that kind of lamp, I used the bathroom in other side.

Next day, someone cut water supply to all three bathrooms on the other side. Leaving no choice for me. I tried hard all over the hotel, and luckily found one in storage area. It was a dirty one with wet floor and broken door. But for me the most important thing was it lit with a bulb. When the undercover police who watched the bathroom ( I thought he was also the man control the killing device.) saw me back finished bath . He angrily stood up, ran to storage area checking the bathroom they missed.

Such conditions happened several times in Indonesia. The police there learned the technique from their U.S. partner.

24. Fluorescent lamp killing (3)

In April, 2000, I went to Viet-Nam. An article in newspaper aroused my attention. It said there would be a solar storm in following days and that ionized gas particle hit the earth would cause stroke of neurasthenic people. Since fluorescent lamp was lit by ionized gas and my complain about isotope money, microwave killing was regarded by someone as X-files. Besides, it's typical law enforcement agents' way to pre-propagate a natural decease to cover their attempt murder. I thought there would be another fluorescent lamp murder attempt.

When the bus took me to the hotel in next city, Hoi An,(In Vietnam, foreigners have to take charted bus line and been sent direct to hotel) the staff showed me a room in a closed area. I noticed the bulb light didn't work. (In Vietnam, hotels for foreigners meet certain standard,they used to equipped with both bulb light and fluorescent lamp.) The staff said I had to pay more for another room. I paid more.

Then I went Ya Trang. Same thing happened with a room in closed area and broken bulb light waiting for me. The staff said there was no other room. I went out, found another hotel easily with right equipment.

The following city was Dalat. There I was refused by five hotels before found one. This time there were plenty of rooms and all rooms equipped only with fluorescent lamp. For the third time, I was led to a room in a closed area. Since there was no choice, I insisted to get a room along the crowded street. I opened the window when I used lamp so light could reach people on street. Next day, hotel manager told me to move out. The reason he used was the hotel was booked in advance. I pointed out that he was lying because the staff of hotel offered a discount rate if I could stay longer just the day before. He turned out a police face and said, 'You have no option.'

I knew what would wait for me and left for Ho-nai to complain all this. To my surprise, the officer there told me to go to China even though he knew I was a US citizen. And he, too, said there was no option.

Question and answer

1. Someone asked that I claimed the government has been attempting to kill me through strange means for many years. Because in a seeming democracy they can't use more direct methods. And fairly many people have been killed by those same agents, simply for being friendly to me or being in wrong place at wrong time. If it was so easy to kill those people, I should have been dead now.

I am lucky enough survived. Rarely people can do that. That's the point I put at the very beginning. High tech. weapon kill without trace, and black-box practice of law enforcement agent endanger US democracy. Little people know these advanced murder weapon. Little people can do same thing like I do. I sleep behind metal plate. Moving when I feel headache. Avoid driving individually in car. Even when I was forced to travel in south-east Asia, I brought with me a lead protect apron( the one therapist wear in X-ray Lab) and a big fry pan. (not for cooking, but for protect from microwave radiation.) And those dead people, no one would have dreamed of being killed by those they thought cooperated with. (If you read carefully my posting) And the reason is only suspicious or simply: knowing the truth. Consider President Kennedy and his family member's suspicious death. And how many people involve in the case died mysteriously. And now since I expose my experience in internet, they are trying to frame a big case against me and those who know my story.

2. Question asked: that I have included Indonesia, Viet-Nam, and China in the group that is participating in harassing. This means that two nations that are the most aggressively hostile to the U.S. are joining with the U.S. to persecute. It seems logically inconsistent.

This is same question once puzzled me for sometime. I got the reply when I read such news.

(1) Several years ago, Mr. Kim dai cheong( Now South Korea Premier) was in election campaign. South Korea State intelligence Bureau decided do something against him because they once had tried to assassinate him. (The plot stopped by CIA) They paid several million dollars to the State Security bureau of North Korea. Then North Korea told media that they had supported Kim Dai Cheong financially to defame him. At that time, everyone knows that North, South Korea were two hostile states, much more hostile than US and China or Viet-nam now. Yet secret police had their own deal.

(2) Another example is: Years ago Taiwan purchased military vessels and fighters from France. Now the new elected government investigating bribe scandal in that purchase. They found a large amount of commission was to Beijing for exchange of no opposition. Everyone knows China and Taiwan's relationship, yet secret police had their own operation rule. As a matter of fact, the more hostile in outward, more deal inside. Cross murder deal, money for arrest deal.... and a frame case would become believable under such coverage.
59. Continuing cough

In later February, 2000, when I was in Bangkok, I had a continuing cough. It was unusual, because Thailand is a country with warm climate. After several days, it became worse. I started to worry. Then I noticed the cough always took place when I was outside. And I also noticed the cough stopped when I was inside the reading room. So the problem probably was from the bag. In South East Asia, I always brought a bottle of water when I went outside as well as a tourist guide book which was a thick one. For convenience, I carried them with a bag. I had to deposit the bag at the reception of library when I went inside to read newspaper. And cough would stop then. I washed my clothes everyday, that night, for the first time I washed the bag. I washed it thoroughly, especially the suspender because it cross my breast. It worked. Severe cough stopped next day when I went outside.

But cough came back that night when I went to sleep. I couldn't help to cough once I laid down on bed. After several tests and with experience of yesterday's discovery, I knew what happened and moved to the upper deck. (the bed was a double deck one) I put the lead protection apron beneath me for protection. Lay there I thought a lot. Should I report police? But it was secret police trying to murder me. What would happen if you ask for help from one who try to murder you? It was a way hard to go through.

I didn't change the hotel because I gave the telephone number to my wife, I was waiting for her call. (In cheap hotel, there used to be only one public telephone which could not make international call, but could receive call in.) I asked manager to change room for me. She gave me the one which was next to my original room.

To my surprise, the cough came back again at night. This time it was from my original room. I had presumed they would have moved the radiation contaminated bed away, they hadn't. The man, apparently knew nothing of it, coughing constantly while laying on bed. Since I was under 24 hours surveillance, in my opinion, next room was used to be occupied by undercover agent. At first I thought, how could they be so negligent even hurt their own people. Then I thought, how could he be so stupid, even was not aware of what caused his cough. At last I decided even if he was an undercover, he was innocent of this malicious murder method, I must tell him the dangerous situation he faced. I knocked at his door. A man opened the door, when he saw me, he quickly shut the door before I could speak to him. He knew me and had been warned not to speak to me, that's what I concluded then. To my strange, when I went back to my room, no more sound was heard. Either he was ordered to leave, or he realized where the problem was and slept on upper deck. I never know. I had a puzzle until now, was that man a dislike of secret police?

Next day at entrance when I was waiting for phone call, a lady with a bagage came in. She asked me to help her to bring the bagage to second floor. (All bedrooms were in second floor) It was a heavy bagage. I estimate it must have been more than hundred pounds while I dragged it to upper floor. I wondered how could she move such a hevy bag into the hotel. I suspect there might be a metal container inside with radiactive material. Once again, I asked manager to move me to another building though I had to pay double price. One day later, when I saw a lot of customers in that building checking out, I left too, with fear.

During the period I was in Thailand. There was an event of radiation killing. Someone picked up a metal container and sold it to junk handler. Nobody knew the material stored inside was isotope until people got sick and death occurred. The isotope was from an import company which was accused of negligence of storage dangerous material. It was a big topic in newspaper when I were in Thailand. I suspect there was links between the two events.
58. Manipulating media and killing by radiation

In later 1992 and early 1993, I felt unwell and suspected agent using radiation material which hurt my health. I complained. Then in early 1993, the newspaper I used to read, were full of news about deadly radioactive material. Such like "RADIOACTIVE LUMP FOUND IN CHINESE WELL KILLS 3", sick 90. "VIAL OF RADIOACTIVE POWDER LOST" It said that a metal container filled with cesium-137 powder was lost or stolen. People hold it for 30 minutes would result in radiation burns and an increased risk of cancer and would lose their hair if close contact with it for a few days, and probably would die if they stayed in close contact for a week or 10 days. The state Department of Health Services ordered employees to take lie detector tests,.." In 'World Journal'(Chinese) there was an article said a mafia head felt disposed but could not find what's wrong. He at last found his chair was contaminated with radioactive material after he was diagnosed he had cancer. Later I realized it's psychological persecution frequently used by agents to influence people's sentiment through media, it increased my fear then indeed, but also kept me alert on it. Sometime later I had toothache and got my tooth pulled. When someone urged me to wear false tooth, I remembered that story and refused. In 2000, newspaper said John Gotti, an ex-mob boss, dying in jail for neck and mouth cancer. Newspaper said it was believed that cancer was caused by dirty false tooth. I believe it was the second edition of that mafia story and thought it might be one of regular practice for agents to wipe out their dislikes.

In early January, 1998, I went to State assemblyman Mike Honda's office to complain about harassment from state government.(I will talk about this story later) Within days newspaper continuously reporting bad news of Honda's proposal in state assembly, said his amendment suffered a major setback and may be dead. I was quite familiar with such negative information war then. It's a tactic of discouragement. In early February, Honda's aid told me he could not handle complaints about FBI, I must seek help from my representative. He gave me the address of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren.

I went to Zoe Lofgren's office. The staff being responsible for law enforcement agency was not at town. Other staff arranged for an appointment for me for next week(set about on Feb 13). Then on Feb 8, an article in Mercury News shocked me. The title is:"TWO BEST FRIENDS SHARED LIFE, DEATH ", The news said Joni Commons and Elaine Manley White were best friends, old comrades, fellow victims. Linked by Democratic politics, and victim of cancer. They worked for the same politicians, served on the same boards, fought for the same causes.Joni Commons died of a malignant breast cancer on Jan. 29. Elaine White died on Feb. 1, of a malignant brain tumor, The deaths of two were within 65 hours. They met 16 years ago, when Commons was working as an aide to newly elected Supervisor Zoe Lofgren, they worked for Lofgren for about 5 years.

This was a warning to me. It also an intimidation to Lofgren's aids, probably to Zoe Lofgren too, if they would accept my complaint. From my view then, Federal agents control media, manipulate politicians, spread cancer. They are malignant cancer of democratic society.