Chavez: Is US Infecting Latin America With Cancer?

81. "Mysterious blow"

In message "13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)" I talked about how they combined two high techniques to hurt. They use EM sleep wave to stabilize the victim, make them unaware of the pain caused by microwave ray shooting until the damage reached a severe level. Though there was a great pain, I didn't complain to anyone. I even tried to walk about although each movement would cause severe headache. I knew a drop of blood will appeal a crowd of sharks. I was afraid they would continue the attack if they knew it was a success. I tried to be as usual as I could. Which, I think, led to another attack as an experience.

Soon after that horrible experience, on March 2, 1994, San Jose Mercury News reported "EX-PANTHER LEADER HURT CRITICALLY, CLEAVER SEIZED IN DRUG CASE " It said, "Eldridge Cleaver, a former Black Panther Party leader, was in critical condition in a Berkeley hospital Tuesday night after a cocaine arrest and five hours of surgery for a mysterious brain injury. Surgeons removed a portion of Cleaver's skull to relieve the pressure building on his brain from internal bleeding. The injury apparently came from a blow to the head, according to Alta Bates Hospital officials, but how it happened remained a mystery. The Berkeley police officers who arrested Cleaver in the predawn hours Tuesday said they had no indication he had suffered a head injury."

I immediately realized it was another experiment on their high tech. weapon. Although there was "no indication he had suffered a head injury", and Cleaver "did not say anything about head pain.", Emergency room doctors performed a CAT scan and had a surgery on his brain right away, a treatment so swift that hardly a normal patient could dream of, despite Cleaver was an arrested drug suspect.

The late development proved my opinion was correct. They put an extraordinary emphasis on a common drug arrest. For the whole week, there were 8 articles about this case. Sometimes two in a day. And in articles, they repeated "five hours of surgery for a mysterious brain injury." "He underwent surgery two days ago for a brain hemorrhage caused by a mysterious blow ", "Cleaver underwent brain surgery after he suffered a mysterious blow to the head Tuesday". "Berkeley police are still stumped over an injury to former Black Panther Party leader Eldridge Cleaver,".

Of course, doctors and police could never dream of the blow was from high tech. weapon. And have to attribute it to an "apparent blow" of mysterious. Black people used to be picked up in dangerous mission, so be in dangerous experiment. Especially the group which are under FBI surveillance. I knew since then Black Panther was a hit target of FBI, which proved by newspaper article, " Pratt, new book examines role of FBI." (10/8/2000). (I had a message, "60. Plant, Frame and alleged murder ") And in this case, they organized a quick surgery to check the result of their high tech. weapon by removing victims skull. Of course, they made the arrest reasonable by finding drugs in victim's pocket. It's easy to plant when victim was under influence of sleep wave. By the way, the high tech. they used in such a case should be three. In addition to "Microwave ray", "EM sleep wave", there should be "Thermal imagine", because they shoot behind wall. An infra scanner enables them seeing through wall.
US infected Hugo Chavez with cancer: Stephen Lendman

Thursday Mar 07, 2013

An American writer says he believes the United States murdered Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez by infecting him with cancer causing elements just as Israelis had poisoned Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to death.

The comment comes as on Tuesday, Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced that President Hugo Chavez passed away after a two-year battle with cancer.

Hours later, Maduro announced the expulsion of two U.S. embassy officials while implicitly accusing Washington of having infected Chavez with the cancer virus.

In a tacit reference to the U.S., Maduro said, “We have no doubt” that Chavez’s cancer was induced by “the historical enemies of our homeland.”

Chavez himself believed that America wanted him killed. He did so for good reason. Castro warned him...These people have all kinds of technology nobody knows anything about. They want to kill you. They want to get rid of you... I think Obama wanted him murdered and I think he did, they probably infected him with cancer causing elements. The same way Israel murdered Yaser Arafat. They poisoned him. They did with polonium. There are all kinds of ways to get rid of people.”
82. West Nile virus

On August 3, Saturday, my wife went out with my daughter. I was home alone. I was surfing internet when I felt a swollen pain in my head. With my experience I knew what happened . I left computer to the other room. After a while, I went back to computer, only felt an increased brain pain. I had to leave for front yard to do some garden work. There was few such attacks occurring after I revealed it in internet except EM sleep wave.( I think because it's not lethal) . Different from former feeling, there was not an severe pain but a vast swollen pain which was very uncomfortable. They use it when I was alone. Do they develop the weapon from ray into a field function weapon. Just then, three cars went into the lane, from the empty garage they entered, I learned that my neighbor were all emptied during attack. Their return meant the attack was finished. I went back to the computer.

On the same day, there was an article in S.J.Mercury news, "Virus outbreak kills 4, forces Louisiana to seek aid". It said the deaths in Louisiana are the first in the country this year. (Which means there were no deaths in first seven months all over the country) It prompted Governor to declare an emergency. Though the article didn't say the symptoms of this disease, it talked a lot of its spreading. I learned from other articles that it resembles meningitis, which lead to brain death.

During the period from March to May 2001, there was a dense report of meningitis in bay area which is the same time I alleged FBI's first frame case.(see Freeh's resignation) I warned they might used meningitis to cover up brain death murder. Now it looks like same thing happens again. There is an unusual dense report of West Nile virus in media and paper said how California is ready for it. It's their tactic to cover up individual case under a popular situation. (such like made Police search in bus popular under 6/17 Supreme court announcement, Mail carrier report popular under One million TIPS plan) While 8 years ago, doctor attributed Cleaver's brain hurt to 'mysterious blow', the developed technique enables them to attribute brain death to West Nile virus or meningitis. And until we can thoroughly clean US law enforcement agency, people can't get rid of the terror and threat of murder which under the cover of heart attack, stroke, cancer, decease of meningitis, West Nile virus, Mad cow decease.....
CIA cancer weapon killed Chavez?

Charles Kong Soo
The Guardian Mon, 27 Feb 2012


US Senators Frank Church and John Tower examine a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) poison dart gun that causes cancer and heart attacks, during the US Senate Select Committee's investigation into the assassination plots on foreign leaders in 1975.
The heart of the matter

It was a case destined for the X-Files and conspiracy theorists alike, when Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez speculated that the US might have developed a way to weaponise cancer, after several Latin American leaders were diagnosed with the disease. The list includes former Argentine president, Nestor Kirchner (colon cancer) Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff (lymphoma cancer), her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (throat cancer), Chavez (undisclosed), former Cuban president Fidel Castro (stomach cancer) Bolivian president, Evo Morales (nasal cancer) and Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo (lymphoma cancer). What do they have in common besides cancer? All of them are left-wing leaders. Coincidence? In his December 28, 2011 end-of-year address to the Venezuelan military, Chavez hinted that the US might have found a way to give Latin American leaders cancer. "Would it be so strange that they've invented the technology to spread cancer and we won't know about it for 50 years?" Chavez asked. "It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin America.

It's at the very least strange," he said. Chavez said he received warning from Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro, who has survived hundreds of unsuccessful assassination attempts. "Fidel always told me, 'Chavez take care. These people have developed technology. You are very careless. Take care what you eat, what they give you to eat ... a little needle and they inject you with I don't know what'," he said.

Unsolved mysteries
96. Follow up (11/1)

In 10/28, I asked my wife to come back home early next day to attend the meeting. I said firmly I wouldn't go because I thought it was another trap. In 10/29, one hour before the meeting time, a lady came to my house said she was the board member. She later apologized for the wrong accusation.

They could do whatever to reach their goal, set up trap, lying, harass, frame. When it was revealed, "my mistake", "error" are the convenient words for it. But if victims follow their "error", the victims will lose their lives and property.

Follow up (2) of Judi Bary's case in "60. Plant, Frame and alleged murder ".

I posted Judi Bary's story on 3/25/2002. Several days later, I was surprised to read the news that her case was going to trial on 4/8/2002. Judi brought the case to the court in 1991. It was delayed again and again. Judi herself couldn't see the trial. She died of breast cancer in 1997 which I alleged a radiation murder. On 6/11/2002, the jury found FBI and Okland police lied in the case and violated victim's Constitution right of 1st Amendment and 4th Amendment. Judge ruled a 4.4 million compensation. The late justice came after 11 years dragging. I thought it was a swift response to my message. They try to clean up the odds. Anyway, it's a small case for them.

I'm surprised at their influence on judicial system. They could dragging a case as long as 11 years(could have been longer). And then finish it in less than three months.

Follow up(3) of John Gotti's cancer in "58. Manipulating media and killing by radiation"

On 10/30, 2000, San Jose Mercury News (CA)


John Gotti, the alleged head of the Gambino crime family who is serving a life prison term for murder, has neck and mouth cancer, and doctors give him less than a year to live, .... .

Doctors consulted by Gotti's family believe the cancer can be traced to neglect of his dental implants during his...."

On 3/07, 2002, I posted a message alleged his cancer to radioactive dental implant.

On 6/11/2002, S.J.M.N. reported his death.

quote, "Ex-crime-family boss Gotti dies of cancer

..... The cause was cancer. In 1998, he was operated on in a prison hospital for neck and head cancer."

My message alleged a radioactive polluted dental which caused cancer was first posted on March, 2002. When doctor said the cancer can be traced to dental implant, they must base on fact the cancer area was around the dental implant. Neck cancer should be because the location of neck was near that dental implant. Gotti could survive longer then doctor's predication of "less than a year to live, .... . ", possibly by moving away the dental implant when it was found caused problem.

Now what you can get from the death report? They demolished everything which might connect to dental implant, even not mentioned mouth cancer. What is the purpose? Most ridiculous is they invented a "head cancer". I'm so innocent to hear it for the first time.

I think after I posted message about Gotti, they hurried to produce a "head cancer" to cover the 'dental implant' and 'mouth cancer'. The usual way, I guess, is to contaminate the pillow with radioactive material to cause brain cancer and skin cancer... (breast cancer if used on bra). If what I said is true, I'm sorry for Gotti. Though he is a mob, he got the punishment from law already. The method they used on him was too cruel and inhuman.

Follow up(4) to dog mauling case of "62. Plot", " 63. A well planed frame case"

On 3/21/2002, Marjorie Knoller was convicted of second degree murder in fatal dog mauling and faced 15 years to life sentence. It was the first time in California such case was convicted. Newspaper cheered for the conviction, saying it was public's opinion.

I thought in different way. In mid April, I posted my opinion, alleged it was a well conducted frame case.

On 6/17, a judge overturned the conviction, ruled it an involuntary manslaughter. Both owners of the dog were sentenced 4 years for the case in July. Newspaper said it was a stunning twist in one of state's most unusual cases. I don't know if my revelation played something in it. But it is one of the most unusual cases anyhow. I believe Wipple's death was unnecessary. She was a victim of a plot, so be owners of the dog.

Follow up(5) to Carnaham's death of "31. Extortion"

Senator Wellstone's death. There was a similar event like his death. An airplane accident happened 2 years ago when Ashcroft competed with Carnaham for the Senator of Missori. Carnaham and Wellstone both died at an election which the number of Senators of both parties are in subtle balance. Any loss will lead to the control of the house to the opposite. And I think it was also because Paul Wellstone voted "no" on resolution of war power of Iraq. The group inside government determine to carry on the war with Iraq.
410. The pandemic and the death of the Director of WHO (6/5/06)

Since there will be a large scale of elimination in my case, the inside group will activate a bio-attack - a Bird Flu pandemic. For more than a year, the intimidation news of Bird Flu came with each frame case. This time the Feds upgraded the level.

In this bio-attack, WHO (World Health Organization) will play an important role to control the development of the disease, give the order of quarantine, and of course, do the cover up job as well. Then we saw the death of Dr LEE Jong-Wook. He was a South Korean, WHO's Director-General

Dr Lee died on 5/22, following a short illness.(stroke) He was 61 years old. I think Dr. Lee was murdered for a coming Bird-Flu attack. Obviously he was not an insider and had to die to give his seat of Director-General to someone who works for the Inside group.

Two days later, on 5/24, six people of a family died on H5N1 virus in Indonesia. The cluster death was immediately suspected as person to person transmission.

Like the delay of Lai Changxing's case, the cluster deaths case was discredited in media on 5/27. I think if I have washed the clothes on 5/21 or sometime later, there would be an arrest in the name that Feds had found drug trace in drainage water. Lai Changxing would have been deported to China on 5/26 on time and a Bird Flu pandemic would have broken out globally.
411. Stroke and Sharon's death (6/5/06)

Dr. Lee Jong-Wook died in a surgery to remove a brain clot after he suffered a stroke.

I have alleged the Feds had applied same EM wave weapon on Mr. Wang Keli and San Jose Mayor Gonzalez. (see "223. FBI director said HongKong will be attacked (4/24/04)" , "225. Stroke (4/29/03)") I also had experience of "microwave killing. (see #5)

The principle is that the blood cell under the radiation of microwave will die and solidify to form a clot. If the clot is in heart then there is a heart attack. Or being a stroke when the clot is in brain.

I think the former Prime minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon was a victim of that EM wave weapon too. Though Sharon was a member of the Inside group, he diverted from that extremism. He might realize to reach a peace in Mid-East, he had to carry out a policy milder then he used to. Sharon withdrew Jewish settlement from Israel occupied Gaza. He offended the Zionist group and suffered a stroke.

It was obvious that Sharon was the victim of the Inside group. Which we can see from the Pat Robertson, a speaker of that group. Robertson linked Sharon's stroke to his "dividing God's Land." He also mentioned the assassinated Yitzhak Rabin's death in the same light.

The God Pat Robertson referred to is the same Bush had referred - the Inside group. They control the intelligence and have the high tech. weapon which can kill without awareness. (make a murder look like a natural death) Remember also in DC sniper shooting case, the tarot card perpetrator left for police also said, "I am God".

As for the relationship of Pat Robertson with DOJ:

Quote, "John Ashcroft to teach class at Va. college
By Richard Willing, USA TODAY

One month after leaving office, former U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft has a new job: He'll be a part-time professor at a Christian university run by television evangelist Pat Robertson
422. Poison food and Indian market (7/20/06)

"Why are you so afraid of eavesdropping (warrantless) if you have nothing to hide?" This is how Feds used to countercharge their critics.

Because in US, it means unreasonable search and arrest becoming legal. It means planting evidence and framing case becoming possible. It also means victim may suffer illegal torture and murder such like poisoning and EM wave shooting.

In mid April, I went to the post office to pick up tax form. I bought some food in a Chinese super market near the post office. There was a severe cough after I ate the meat bought there. The cough was so strong that I couldn't sleep for nights. It lasted several weeks. The poison might be some kind of radiation material (isotope). I had suffered such kind of poisoning before but none was so severe like this one. At same time, I also found some people coughing like me when I went to shopping. In my area, I think most people work for the Feds as support group. Those informants may think they work for justice. They never dreamed of they are working for an evil. In my case, I think many would have suffered poisoning when they pretending customers. In extreme cases they could become scapegoat such like Muhammad and Malvo in DC sniper case and ignorant suicides in London bombing case.

Then there was a news in Media:
Quote, "Book details Mossad's chocolate assassination
Poison a sophisticated weapon for Israeli intelligence
Saturday, May 6, 2006;

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel's Mossad secret service agency killed a Palestinian wanted for airplane hijackings by feeding him poisoned Belgian chocolate over six months in the late 1970s, according to a new book, the author said Saturday.

It seems Negroponte has introduced new poison for the Feds from Israel's Mossad.

On 6/30, I went to the post office to mail a "Foreign account" form to the Treasury. I went to that Chinese Super Market again. I had a desolate feeling. 6/30 was Friday. It was evening and should be the most prosperous time for the market. But there was much less people in the Super market then usual. Feds moved their support group away for some other mission? Or just to protect them from new poison from Israel? I puzzled. One thing impressed me very much was that Feds controlled at least half of the residents live in my area. Their decision could immediately desert a cheerful Super Market.

Scared to be bombed in public transit system, I hadn't set foot on bus for past six months. Now facing the danger of new poisoned food, I had to diversify my food sources.

Chain super market Albertson would shut down some branches because of slow business. Two of them are on the tram line I used to take. On 7/9, I saw an advertisement of inventory blew out. For the first time this year, I took a tram to a nearby Albertson.

There was an Indian food store next to the Albertson. For diversity, I went to that store too. I was used to be the only customer in that small store, two or three Indians more sometimes. But that day I found there were many Indian customers there. It was a big change after six months. Some of the Indians took the same tram when I came back. Several dropped off in same station I got off. Apparently, they live in my neighborhood. Feds moved a lot of Indians in.

It seems Feds moved many Indians in whom attended Indian store which I couldn't reach when I abandoned the public transit system. But when I start to take tram again, what will they do?

The response was swift. I took the tram on 7/9. One day later, on 7/11 there came the Mumbai bombing. Feds still will use the "terror attack" to eliminate. And justify it by Indian link.