Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at the Alabama vs Georgia football game

9.61 million viewers... The stadium holds about a 100 thousand...I don't know what the exact attendance was... And of course they invited him....

Yesterday Trump attended a football game, and the fans told him he's #1​

9.61 million viewers... The stadium holds about a 100 thousand...I don't know what the exact attendance was... And of course they invited him....

Of course they didn’t, bitch. If you want to say something say it to my face you passive aggressive poser.

The Tromp campaign made the decision to attend the game. Stadiums HATE having a President attend their games. More security linger wait times added costs up the ass. What’s in it for them? Absolutely nothing. Not one person attended that game because Trump was there. You are a fucking moron. Now go ahead and answer without answering you fraud.

Check out the stadium's reaction when they realize Trump is at the Alabama vs Georgia football game​

Was that his arrival or his departure ?
Harris fills a boardroom full of there's that.
I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned that he was there and everyone had a great time... Well maybe not Georgia so much... College football is awesome... When the rafs don't ruin things...