Christian Anti-Semitism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Although hatred of the Jewish people had been a part of Christianity from its inception, the full virulence was not felt until the end of the 11th Century. During the high Middle Ages, Christian anti-Jewish passion reached its zenith. So strong was the anti-Semitism that many of the attitudes Christians developed regarding Jews clearly led hundreds of years later to the Holocaust – and are still widely felt today.
The Bloody Crusades

In May, 1096, in a period of four weeks frenzied bands of Crusaders struck the Jewish communities of Speyer, Worms, Mainz, and Cologne. The Jews were offered the option of conversion to Christianity or death; the vast majority chose the path of Kiddush HaShem, sanctification of G‑d's name. Rather than submit to forced conversion, in many cases Jews killed their wives and children, and then themselves. In the words of one of the Kinnos (lamentations) recited on Tisha B'Av: "Who can see it and not cry/As the child is slaughtered, the father recites the Shema/ Has such been seen or heard before?" Estimates of the toll taken on the Jewish communities range from 3,000 to 10,000 deaths.

These heroic martyrs have been immortalized in Jewish history as saintly people who reached the highest spiritual levels. In the Selichos service for the eve of Rosh HaShanah, Jews implore G‑d to remember those who sacrificed their lives: "The bloods of fathers and sons touched, the bloods of merciful women and their children touched, the bloods of brothers and sisters mixed, the bloods of grooms and brides, wise men and wise women, pious men and pious women, elderly men and women, young men and women, all mingled. O land, do not conceal their blood!"

Undaunted, unstoppable, the Crusaders conquered Eretz Israel, reaching Jerusalem in 1099. Once there, they gathered all the Jews of Jerusalem into the central synagogue and set it afire. Other Jews, who had climbed to the roof of Al-Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount, were caught and beheaded. The Crusader leader, Godfrey of Bouillon, wrote to the Pope, “If you want to know what has been done with the enemy found in Jerusalem...our people had their vile blood up to the knees of their horses.” After this victory, the Crusaders retained control of Jerusalem for close to 100 years.
Although hatred of the Jewish people had been a part of Christianity from its inception, the full virulence was not felt until the end of the 11th Century. During the high Middle Ages, Christian anti-Jewish passion reached its zenith. So strong was the anti-Semitism that many of the attitudes Christians developed regarding Jews clearly led hundreds of years later to the Holocaust – and are still widely felt today.

When have the Jews ever not done all they could to oppress, corrupt, or exploit Christians? If not for the idiot doctrine that Jews are God's chosen people, the Devil's people -- the Jews -- would be put in check. Be careful what you wish for. If you succeed in destroying Christianity in America, Jews are next. They will have lost their hedge.
When have the Jews ever not done all they could to oppress, corrupt, or exploit Christians? If not for the idiot doctrine that Jews are God's chosen people, the Devil's people -- the Jews -- would be put in check. Be careful what you wish for. If you succeed in destroying Christianity in America, Jews are next. They will have lost their hedge.

FYI Jesus was a Jew,the most Jewish person in history the incarnated Passover Lamb.
Jews were hated in the Middle Ages because they destroyed countries by hording wealth through the practice of usury. It had nothing to do with religion. Sure, during a pogrom, Jews would be blamed for the death of Jesus as a way to further incite people against Jews, but that was never the reason for the pogroms in the first place.
Jews were hated in the Middle Ages because they destroyed countries by hording wealth through the practice of usury. It had nothing to do with religion. Sure, during a pogrom, Jews would be blamed for the death of Jesus as a way to further incite people against Jews, but that was never the reason for the pogroms in the first place.

Usery was just the tip of the Jewish iceberg
I know!Jesus was a Jew,the most Jewish person ever.
The Passover Lamb incarnated.
Next comes "The Destroyer",The Passover Angel of Death.

Same genocide pogrom different day of SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception Reichquest supreme swastika up Uranus court hindering & obstruction of obtaining medical care for a Washington, D.C. retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower after those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Mengele Angel of Death baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations standing for a fabricated misnomer of some immaculate Islam conception that is deja vu from some Bicentennial immaculate drug conception of the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate hindering medical care to a WW I Veteran & also those of McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution arsonists depriving medical care when starting university; but so goes these crooks on Capital Hill national religion of Christiananality pedophilia business sticking old glory & old testament where the sun don't shine.
Same genocide pogrom different day of SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception Reichquest supreme swastika up Uranus court hindering & obstruction of obtaining medical care for a Washington, D.C. retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower after those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Mengele Angel of Death baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations standing for a fabricated misnomer of some immaculate Islam conception that is deja vu from some Bicentennial immaculate drug conception of the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate hindering medical care to a WW I Veteran & also those of McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution arsonists depriving medical care when starting university; but so goes these crooks on Capital Hill national religion of Christiananality pedophilia business sticking old glory & old testament where the sun don't shine.

All righty:palm:
When have the Jews ever not done all they could to oppress, corrupt, or exploit Christians? If not for the idiot doctrine that Jews are God's chosen people, the Devil's people -- the Jews -- would be put in check. Be careful what you wish for. If you succeed in destroying Christianity in America, Jews are next. They will have lost their hedge.

Jews have never actually done that.

Why do suck black cock exclusively?

Is it a daddy thing?
Jesus is LORD

That two faced Christiananality pedophilia "man is God" US Christian Nation thieving old glory - old testament arsonists suicidal Islamidiotocracy schizoid super ego of Christ existed before God pseudoscience beyond the pleasure principle from killing a fabricated misnomer immaculate conception son of God just to forgive themselves; as those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan like Star Bellied Sneeches with Stars Upon Thars.
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