Christian Anti-Semitism

Faggot, it's the #1 goal of Jews to get rid of Christians, which is why they always eventually get their comeuppance.

Yoshke smoshke pudding and pie; got nailed to a cross and started to cry
when he died and his head did nod; then the goyim made him for a god.
If you believe that, then why do you have a fetish for Jesus-hating Jews? Are you a moron?

Maybe for a Christian Nation why is it thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists preying as Jesus is LORD for a national religion of one nation under God Islamophobia pedophilia Islamidiotocracy ChristHitler morons.
So you have zero religious training!
I'll refer your case to Apollyon.

Why even present that case when this US Christian Nation cross conditioned way beyond therapy national religion of SCOTUS Rehnquist's school of malice aforethought training resulting in the loss of dozens of US Constitutions - old glorys - old testaments & thousands of 9/11 holycosts of some fabricated misnomer immaculate conception.
The one contemporary with Paul, that survived until the Roman destruction of the Jewish State.

And when was it constructed, or was it as that Christ existed before God diatribe the Church at Jerusalem only existed before Roman destruction of the Jewish territory.