Christian Anti-Semitism

And when was it constructed, or was it as that Christ existed before God diatribe the Church at Jerusalem only existed before Roman destruction of the Jewish territory.

Later Christianity was constructed by Paul and those who followed him, heavily influenced by Roman thinking, as I take it. You must explain this 'Christ before God' bit one of these days, Saltydancing. In my thinking Jesus was born (probably in Nazareth, at some date before 1 A.D. - probably). I'm a simple soul.
Later Christianity was constructed by Paul and those who followed him, heavily influenced by Roman thinking, as I take it. You must explain this 'Christ before God' bit one of these days, Saltydancing. In my thinking Jesus was born (probably in Nazareth, at some date before 1 A.D. - probably). I'm a simple soul.

So there was no Church at Jerusalem for Romans to destroy at the time, but afterwards at some time yet to be determined. As for "Christ existed before God" would probably have to inquire of those Christiananality pedophilia Klues Klucks duh Klans national religion business mentalities of this Christian Nation whose fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception also some date before 1 A.D..
A person born of a Jewish mother, so they tell me. None of the Church at Jerusalem seem to have had any doubt about being Jews, did they?

In another thread, one of yoru fellow fcktards said a Jew is a descendant of Judah, which is not what you said. Is she wrong?

Also, you fcking moron, didn't your grade school teacher ever tell you to use the word you're defining in the definition? What's a jewish mother? Did Abraham have a jewish mother? Did Judah?
Later Christianity was constructed by Paul and those who followed him, heavily influenced by Roman thinking, as I take it. You must explain this 'Christ before God' bit one of these days, Saltydancing. In my thinking Jesus was born (probably in Nazareth, at some date before 1 A.D. - probably). I'm a simple soul.

So need of explanation for "Christ existed before God" avoidance - acceptance of sociopsychopathilogical human farming by Christainanality pedophilia mentalities in suicidal compulsive - obsessive super egos beyond the pleasure principle in clues clucks duh clans satisfaction for the souls is simply despicable & vile.
So there was no Church at Jerusalem for Romans to destroy at the time, but afterwards at some time yet to be determined. As for "Christ existed before God" would probably have to inquire of those Christiananality pedophilia Klues Klucks duh Klans national religion business mentalities of this Christian Nation whose fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception also some date before 1 A.D..

There was certainly a Church in Jerusalem at the time of the Jewish Rebellion against Rome, which is what I was talking about, comprised of Jews. Attitudes changed, doubtless, amongst Pauline gentile converts. Enquiring of American 'Christians' about anything is more than I reckon to do, ever: sorry.
In another thread, one of yoru fellow fcktards said a Jew is a descendant of Judah, which is not what you said. Is she wrong?

Also, you fcking moron, didn't your grade school teacher ever tell you to use the word you're defining in the definition? What's a jewish mother? Did Abraham have a jewish mother? Did Judah?

I haven't the faintest idea. I am not writing a dictionary, child, merely repeating what I've heard. It is not a big deal to me, anymore than your pathetic aggression. What is a Grade School? Bit like a Dame School out in the backwoods?
Although hatred of the Jewish people had been a part of Christianity from its inception, the full virulence was not felt until the end of the 11th Century. During the high Middle Ages, Christian anti-Jewish passion reached its zenith. So strong was the anti-Semitism that many of the attitudes Christians developed regarding Jews clearly led hundreds of years later to the Holocaust – and are still widely felt today.

says the semitic anti-Christian.......
I haven't the faintest idea. I am not writing a dictionary, child, merely repeating what I've heard. It is not a big deal to me, anymore than your pathetic aggression. What is a Grade School? Bit like a Dame School out in the backwoods?

Oh please, you're a fcking moron, "jews" are a big deal to you, yet you don't know shit about about them. You're such a total fcktard that you can't tell me what a Jew is.
Although hatred of the Jewish people had been a part of Christianity from its inception, the full virulence was not felt until the end of the 11th Century. During the high Middle Ages, Christian anti-Jewish passion reached its zenith. So strong was the anti-Semitism that many of the attitudes Christians developed regarding Jews clearly led hundreds of years later to the Holocaust – and are still widely felt today.

Why Palestinians attacking Jews in Israel is not considered any different form Christians killing Jews & claiming forgiveness as Nazis of the Holocaust exterminating 6,000,000 + without being forgiven once as if they really expected a reincarnation.....
Oh please, you're a fcking moron, "jews" are a big deal to you, yet you don't know shit about about them. You're such a total fcktard that you can't tell me what a Jew is.

What's your point? Like so many of you primitive bully-boys, you are too busy beating your hollow chest and squeaking insults that to think out what you mean to say.
Nothing to wish for as Nazi history kept very detailed records of their pedophilia concentration camp Holocaust business deaths the Catholic Church brokered for Islam oil.

Yes, fcktard, the nazis kept detailed records. Show us the nazi detailed records of 6 million Jews exterminated.
Yes, fcktard, the nazis kept detailed records. Show us the nazi detailed records of 6 million Jews exterminated.

Take it up with those crooks on Capital Hill as West Nazi Germany Virginia's KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists in all probability stole & burned any evidence & research.
Take it up with those crooks on Capital Hill as West Nazi Germany Virginia's KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists in all probability stole & burned any evidence & research.

The records never existed in the first place and there weren't enough Jews in greater Germany for Hitler to kill six million of them (while leaving tons of those Antichrists claiming to be survivors and polluting our society). Like black competence, the six million number exists only by force of name calling, not evidence.
The records never existed in the first place and there weren't enough Jews in greater Germany for Hitler to kill six million of them (while leaving tons of those Antichrists claiming to be survivors and polluting our society). Like black competence, the six million number exists only by force of name calling, not evidence.

Just because you've never examined Holocaust records doesn't make them nonexistent. And just how many other countries surrounding Germany railroaded Jews into Nazi concentration camps with Mengele Angel of Death pedophilia business brokering for Islam oil to run the German military, or have those records also gone the way of ashes to ashes, dust to dust so Christiananality pedophiles may remain way too dang lily brilliant white ?
Just because you've never examined Holocaust records doesn't make them nonexistent.

There aren't any nazi records supporting 6 million jewish deaths to examine.

And just how many other countries surrounding Germany railroaded Jews into Nazi concentration camps

That is correct. Jews who tried to make Germans miserable but were too stupid to get their butts out of Germany when the proverbial "not welcome sign" was put up before the war, were mostly rounded up during the war. And, they survived the prison camps in far greater numbers that US troop prisoners in Japan survived the prison camps.
There aren't any nazi records supporting 6 million jewish deaths to examine.
That is correct. Jews who tried to make Germans miserable but were too stupid to get their butts out of Germany when the proverbial "not welcome sign" was put up before the war, were mostly rounded up during the war. And, they survived the prison camps in far greater numbers that US troop prisoners in Japan survived the prison camps.

Just as the Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition dictating "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country" after stealing & burning a photocopy of National Archives receipts; take it up with those crooks on Capital Hill, but then again they seemed to protect & serve lynching enforcement plans to make American Jews pay for US military deaths in freeing WW II Holocaust concentration camp prisoners as this clues clucks duh clans Christiananality pedophilia business mentality diatribe is rather Christian Nation national religion preying.
Leftists want to see Israel burn. At worst, Christians want to see Israel returned to glory so that Armageddon can occur. There's no real comparison between the two attitudes.