Christofacists at it again

Sounds like Lady T is trying to figure out a way to screw Church's ...

Care is correct Lady T... what is your gig with trying to change the Doctrine of a Church? The reason why a Church is given Tax Exempt Status is for the Community Services they provide.

Even Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson ... what most people dont know about them is that they operate two of the largest world wide charities around. As crazy as you or I may conside them as individuals.. they do alot of good work through Charity. Why would you want to mess with that?

Religious Institutions work on both sides of the Political Spectrum ... in the end it all evens out.
Take Catholics ... despite the Church Doctrine leaning with a decidedly Conservative edge .. I'll bet the majority of Catholics vote Democratic. My home town is a perfect example ... blue collar and union to the core ... 'till this day the City Council has been ruled by Dems since I can remembr .. and the City has a huge Catholic constuency ...
look at Boston ... huge Catholic base.. yet decidedly Democrat....
Klaatu seems like he wants to give everything to churches.... churches are already tax exempt do you know that klaatu??
Sounds like Lady T is trying to figure out a way to screw Church's ...

Care is correct Lady T... what is your gig with trying to change the Doctrine of a Church? The reason why a Church is given Tax Exempt Status is for the Community Services they provide.

Again, they can still perform community services, they can have whatever doctrine they want. If they are outright discriminitory I don't think they should be afforded a TE status.
Klaatu seems like he wants to give everything to churches.... churches are already tax exempt do you know that klaatu??

quick summary:

I think churches that have institutionalized bigotry, racism or sexism should lose their TE status. Why should the rest of us have to foot the tax bill for that?
I think Churches that have institutionalized bigotry, racism, sexism or sexualityism should loose their following. But they wont because people are stupid!
Again, they can still perform community services, they can have whatever doctrine they want. If they are outright discriminitory I don't think they should be afforded a TE status.

Do you even read what you are replying to?
Again, they can still perform community services, they can have whatever doctrine they want. If they are outright discriminitory I don't think they should be afforded a TE status.

I'd like to see this put up as Referendum ... let the people decide .. how about that? I think that would be fair ...
If the people take your side .. we would lose a whole lot of Church's ...especially the small little independent ones ...
Again, they can still perform community services, they can have whatever doctrine they want. If they are outright discriminitory I don't think they should be afforded a TE status.

Again, they WON'T GET THE SAME in Donations if these Donations are not Tax exempt.... and if the Church is NOT tax exempt, then the donations to these churches will not be tax exempt...

Let's just say, I think you are being silly here Tiana....

And YOU are, thru tax policy, trying to change Church Doctrine....

Against our constitution....

No one is forced to be a member of a church...

and you still want our government to do the controlling, and that is simply outright can NOT TELL CHURCHES who they choose to have as members or clergy, and this is precisely what you are trying to do via tax policy...

and it would ruin our country and abolish the constitution's strength...

we will just have to agree to disagree! :)

Why do people still attend such churches?

Why do people give them money?

If the people would stop funding such madness it would end!
quick summary:

I think churches that have institutionalized bigotry, racism or sexism should lose their TE status. Why should the rest of us have to foot the tax bill for that?
IF any get TE status, then all should. LadyT you cannot punish selectively for people excercising their rights to Assemble... They have a Right, outlined in the Constitution, that allows them to assemble with any group they see fit. Since they are private organizations attempting to judge them on whom they freely associate with while excercise that right and discriminate by taxing according to the excercise of that right would be unconstitutional.
Why do people still attend such churches?

Why do people give them money?

If the people would stop funding such madness it would end!

you have got to be crazy to say that Alex.... Churches are the biggest charties in the world, helping the needy sick and poor....

Why the heck would you want us to stop donating to the organizations that help the LEAST AMONG US?

(shakes head)

IF any get TE status, then all should. LadyT you cannot punish selectively for people excercising their rights to Assemble... They have a Right, outlined in the Constitution, that allows them to assemble with any group they see fit. Since they are private organizations attempting to judge them on whom they freely associate with while excercise that right and discriminate by taxing according to the excercise of that right would be unconstitutional.

thank you! for saying it clearer than me!
you have got to be crazy to say that Alex.... Churches are the biggest charties in the world, helping the needy sick and poor....

Why the heck would you want us to stop donating to the organizations that help the LEAST AMONG US?

(shakes head)


1) I did not say all churches, just the ones that are promoting such inequality and bigotry.

2) Cut the head off the church and there will be MUCH MUCH more money for the LEAST AMONG US. Have you seen the riches at the Vatican? Do you really belive the same percentage of you money given to the Catholic Church goes to charity as when you give to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army or even better directly to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen?
1) I did not say all churches, just the ones that are promoting such inequality and bigotry.

2) Cut the head off the church and there will be MUCH MUCH more money for the LEAST AMONG US. Have you seen the riches at the Vatican? Do you really belive the same percentage of you money given to the Catholic Church goes to charity as when you give to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army or even better directly to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen?

soooooooooooo, the Biggest Charity that there is in the world, the Catholic Charities, you want to change their tax status because they DO NOT HAVE WOMEN PRIESTS?

you are breaking the constitution to try to control private groups or churches in such a manner and why is it that YOU WANT TO DO THAT?

Why do you want to have our government control private groups or churches?

you are just wrong alex.....on this one.
1) I did not say all churches, just the ones that are promoting such inequality and bigotry.

2) Cut the head off the church and there will be MUCH MUCH more money for the LEAST AMONG US. Have you seen the riches at the Vatican? Do you really belive the same percentage of you money given to the Catholic Church goes to charity as when you give to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army or even better directly to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen?

WHO RUNS the homeless shelter or soup kitchens alex....? hahahaha....

gees louise...they are run mostly by churches....same with the salvation army....
Definitely. They pay for advertising, churches rarely do. The advertizing dollar is probably the highest outcost other than giving that charities have. Churches have a pretty much set payment level, electricity, the Pastor's wage, etc all the rest goes to charity... Usually you get a higher dollar/gift amount from a church than a usual charity that has to pay for advertising (telemarketing and other expenses as well...)