Christofacists at it again

Definitely. They pay for advertising, churches rarely do. The advertizing dollar is probably the highest outcost other than giving that charities have. Churches have a pretty much set payment level, electricity, the Pastor's wage, etc all the rest goes to charity... Usually you get a higher dollar/gift amount from a church than a usual charity that has to pay for advertising (telemarketing and other expenses as well...)

There are other forms of advertisement. Like a new bigger spiffier church.
Just to stir the pot a little more. For those of you who are liberal minded but don't support revoking tes from churches why do you have a different standard with private business?

Because society decided long ago, that non-profit organizations that provide social, civil, and charitable functions for the general welfare have a benefit for the community. And TES is one avenue to encourage that.

As soon as Exxon starts providing energy and oil, in a not-profit way to the american public, they can get a TE.

Otherwise, income and profits are subject to taxation.
LOL, Yeah same here. But things will get better after the divorce reorganization one time charges are complete.

you're doing it? getting the divorce? i thought you were going to bear the cross and stick it out with your miserable life?

well, whatever you chose....the best of luck!
And I am have to go through this.... it ain't a pretty thing.... :(
Because society decided long ago, that non-profit organizations that provide social, civil, and charitable functions for the general welfare have a benefit for the community. And TES is one avenue to encourage that.

As soon as Exxon starts providing energy and oil, in a not-profit way to the american public, they can get a TE.

Otherwise, income and profits are subject to taxation.

No no Cypress thats not what I meant. Why is it ok to coerce businesses in their hiring practices but not churches and charities.
There are other forms of advertisement. Like a new bigger spiffier church.
Almost always paid for by a separate drive. This assumption that there is some zero sum game is just an assumption.

1. A donation to a church-run charity pretty much 100% reaches the public.
2. A donation is different than tithes.
3. People tithe regardless of which charity they donate to.
4. Those who want the most money to actually reach the needy should donate to church charities because they do not spend their money on advertisement.
Care you are being an idiot when you put words in someones mouth!

No.. you are an idiot .. you got caught in a lie ..and now you are trying to play word games... it aint woking Alex... the name change hasnt done a thing for you ...
btw I resigned my position of Chairman of the board of trustees at the neighborhood church last sunday. Free at last, I am free at last.
the wife mumbled something that led me to believe that she might want a divorce over the church thing. I sure hope so, it would make things smoother if she thought it was her idea before I spring it on her.
Perhaps she will con someone at church into supporting her lazy ass.
I think the 503(C) (?) tax expemption regulations are intended to keep churches from becoming de facto operatives of a political party - but are not intended to regulate their personal thoughts, and the logistics of how they run their churches.

The basis of your argument thus far has been the unconstitutionality that would be had in "regulating" what the church does and/or says. You've stated that by losing their TE status based on gender discrimination would be unconstitutional. Yet somehow you're okay with them losing their TE status with churches campaigning for a particular candidate or political party? If they hold rallies, vocally support a candidate/party, or encourage people to donate to a particular party, its okay for them to lose their TE status? I think you want to have your cake and eat it to.
you're doing it? getting the divorce? i thought you were going to bear the cross and stick it out with your miserable life?

well, whatever you chose....the best of luck!
And I am have to go through this.... it ain't a pretty thing.... :(
Yep life is too short to be miserable because of a spouse. And I don't figure on being repaid after I die like believers do.
btw I resigned my position of Chairman of the board of trustees at the neighborhood church last sunday. Free at last, I am free at last.
the wife mumbled something that led me to believe that she might want a divorce over the church thing. I sure hope so, it would make things smoother if she thought it was her idea before I spring it on her.
Perhaps she will con someone at church into supporting her lazy ass.

Yikes! Why do I get the feeling you're pretty happy about that?!
Because society decided long ago, that non-profit organizations that provide social, civil, and charitable functions for the general welfare have a benefit for the community. And TES is one avenue to encourage that.

As soon as Exxon starts providing energy and oil, in a not-profit way to the american public, they can get a TE.

Otherwise, income and profits are subject to taxation.

No no Cypress thats not what I meant. Why is it ok to coerce businesses in their hiring practices but not churches and charities.

Federal anti-discriminatory hiring practices, were enacted under the authority of the Commerce Clause. Widespread discrimination in commerce was alleged to have a detrimental impact on intrastate labor, wages, and commerce.

Churches don't play a role in intrastate commerce.
Federal anti-discriminatory hiring practices, were enacted under the authority of the Commerce Clause. Widespread discrimination in commerce was alleged to have a detrimental impact on intrastate labor, wages, and commerce.

Churches don't play a role in intrastate commerce.

Does it really though? If I open a one chain hot dog stand and only employ amply bosomed women is that insterstate commerce?

Beyond that I wasn't asking can the government do it I'm asking should they?

Why is it ok to regulate business association but not church association.
Federal anti-discriminatory hiring practices, were enacted under the authority of the Commerce Clause. Widespread discrimination in commerce was alleged to have a detrimental impact on intrastate labor, wages, and commerce.

Churches don't play a role in intrastate commerce.

Does it really though? If I open a one chain hot dog stand and only employ amply bosomed women is that insterstate commerce?

Beyond that I wasn't asking can the government do it I'm asking should they?

Why is it ok to regulate business association but not church association.
Yes it is interstate commerce because you purchase products for your hotdog stand that are from other states. It is almost impossible to treat only with your state on this. What drinks are you going to sell if not soda that comes from another state? So on...

Churches do not fall under the Interstate commerce laws.
The basis of your argument thus far has been the unconstitutionality that would be had in "regulating" what the church does and/or says. You've stated that by losing their TE status based on gender discrimination would be unconstitutional. Yet somehow you're okay with them losing their TE status with churches campaigning for a particular candidate or political party? If they hold rallies, vocally support a candidate/party, or encourage people to donate to a particular party, its okay for them to lose their TE status? I think you want to have your cake and eat it to.

Maybe I gave the wrong impression. I'm not "Okay" with discrimination.

But, I'm only pointing out what the law and the constitution allow the federal government to do. This is just reality.

I might be wrong, but federal anti-disriminatory laws only can apply, under the constitutions Commerce Clause. The legislature cannot simply deem discrmination "immoral", and legistlate based on morality. In a nation of laws, there has to be a legal and constitutional way for legislating against discrimination.

As such, the Feds can only regulate discrimination as it applies to intrastate commerce. Typically, I think this means private "for profit" companies that have 25 (I think) or more employees.
Yes it is interstate commerce because you purchase products for your hotdog stand that are from other states. It is almost impossible to treat only with your state on this. What drinks are you going to sell if not soda that comes from another state? So on...

Churches do not fall under the Interstate commerce laws.

This is not necessarily so. Anti discrimination laws do not state that sales or purchases have to cross state lines to be subject to the legislation.
Federal anti-discriminatory hiring practices, were enacted under the authority of the Commerce Clause. Widespread discrimination in commerce was alleged to have a detrimental impact on intrastate labor, wages, and commerce.

Churches don't play a role in intrastate commerce.

Does it really though? If I open a one chain hot dog stand and only employ amply bosomed women is that insterstate commerce?

Beyond that I wasn't asking can the government do it I'm asking should they?

Why is it ok to regulate business association but not church association.

Because a business is not a private membership group....nor are all the other nonprofits out there.....who are in business to make a profit, provide paying jobs to the public..... what does that have to do with assembling in a group?