Christofacists at it again

soooooooooooo, the Biggest Charity that there is in the world, the Catholic Charities, you want to change their tax status because they DO NOT HAVE WOMEN PRIESTS?

you are breaking the constitution to try to control private groups or churches in such a manner and why is it that YOU WANT TO DO THAT?

Why do you want to have our government control private groups or churches?

you are just wrong alex.....on this one.

I never said ANYTHING about changing anyones tax exempt status...

Ill wait for my apology.
I never said ANYTHING about changing anyones tax exempt status...

Ill wait for my apology.

yes YOU said they should be cut off if they have discriminating practices....

Is no women allowed to be priests discriminating policy to you? it is to Tiana...

so, no apology given, unless you can explain what you are saying more clearly...
WHO RUNS the homeless shelter or soup kitchens alex....? hahahaha....

gees louise...they are run mostly by churches....same with the salvation army....

I am not saying cut out all churches... But I belive if you can get past the Church tax, if you can get past paying for guilded thrones for the Pope and new vestments you can get more bang for your buck. If you can donate directly to Catholic Charities, go for it... But instead you are funding a church who spends a percentage of the money money fighting for a political ideal you dont nessarly belive in. If you give money directly to the Catholic Church a small percentage goes directly to the needy. How do you think the Vatican got so many riches?
yes YOU said they should be cut off if they have discriminating practices....

Is no women allowed to be priests discriminating policy to you? it is to Tiana...

so, no apology given, unless you can explain what you are saying more clearly...

Show me anywhere where I ever said anything about changing anyones tax exempt status. I said people should stop giving their money to discriminatory institutions and give that same money directly to a charity!
IF any get TE status, then all should. LadyT you cannot punish selectively for people excercising their rights to Assemble... They have a Right, outlined in the Constitution, that allows them to assemble with any group they see fit. Since they are private organizations attempting to judge them on whom they freely associate with while excercise that right and discriminate by taxing according to the excercise of that right would be unconstitutional.

No one is punishing them! I'm simply saying they shouldn't be afforded a PRIVELEDGE for supporting institutionalized bigotry.
I am not saying cut out all churches... But I belive if you can get past the Church tax, if you can get past paying for guilded thrones for the Pope and new vestments you can get more bang for your buck. If you can donate directly to Catholic Charities, go for it... But instead you are funding a church who spends a percentage of the money money fighting for a political ideal you dont nessarly belive in. If you give money directly to the Catholic Church a small percentage goes directly to the needy. How do you think the Vatican got so many riches?

YOU are obviously not a member of the Catholic Church....there are two COLLECTIONS in every service, one goes to the Church and one goes to the poor, via their charities...

And once again, the majority of donations to a church goes directly to the needy, moreso than ANY OTHER CHARITIES OUT THERE.....

there are charitites out there that are not involved with Churches that only give 10 cents on the dollar donated to the poor...the rest they pay these high salaries to their workers at the top...

there is no such thing with Churches....

Why would you change that...?
IF any get TE status, then all should. LadyT you cannot punish selectively for people excercising their rights to Assemble... They have a Right, outlined in the Constitution, that allows them to assemble with any group they see fit. Since they are private organizations attempting to judge them on whom they freely associate with while excercise that right and discriminate by taxing according to the excercise of that right would be unconstitutional.

Spot on. I agree.
No one is punishing them! I'm simply saying they shouldn't be afforded a PRIVELEDGE for supporting institutionalized bigotry.

so answer this tiana...would you take tax exempt status AWAY from the Catholic Church as an example , solely because they refused to have female priests? yes or no?

would you be punishing them, by taking their tax exempt status away because no female priests is part of their church doctrine that has been there for 1500 years because you think their doctrine is discriminatory?
YOU are obviously not a member of the Catholic Church....there are two COLLECTIONS in every service, one goes to the Church and one goes to the poor, via their charities...

And once again, the majority of donations to a church goes directly to the needy, moreso than ANY OTHER CHARITIES OUT THERE.....

there are charitites out there that are not involved with Churches that only give 10 cents on the dollar donated to the poor...the rest they pay these high salaries to their workers at the top...

there is no such thing with Churches....

Why would you change that...?

I know what the Bishop's appeal is and I understand what they say about the money in the general donation going to charities, but ask for an accounting and see if they will give it to you... They will NOT! I wonder why? Now where is my apology for the Tax exempt comment?
So then do you disagree that a church shouldn't have its TE status revoked for endorsing a candidate vs. another? Afterall, you would be judging them on who they freely associate with and by your definitions' you're regulating the pulpit.
so answer this tiana...would you take tax exempt status AWAY from the Catholic Church as an example , solely because they refused to have female priests? yes or no?

would you be punishing them, by taking their tax exempt status away because no female priests is part of their church doctrine that has been there for 1500 years because you think their doctrine is discriminatory?

I'd have NO problems with that whatsoever.
Just to add my two cents I believe their should be no such thing as tax emempt status.

Charity begins at home right? The family is the most important charitable organization there is. Does the family get tax exempt status? Can I deduct from my taxes the money I spend to buy food for my child? No

Yet if I spent money to buy food for another child I could deduct that.

Also the amount of money I donate to charity doesn't exceed that which I get through a standard deduction so I don't even get a tax benefit for that which I give away.

Why must I pay taxes but not a church or any other charity. All entities should pay tax.

Now of course I support progressive consumption tax so basically anybody who spends any money in this country pays taxes.
So then do you disagree that a church shouldn't have its TE status revoked for endorsing a candidate vs. another? Afterall, you would be judging them on who they freely associate with and by your definitions' you're regulating the pulpit.

I think the 503(C) (?) tax expemption regulations are intended to keep churches from becoming de facto operatives of a political party - but are not intended to regulate their personal thoughts, and the logistics of how they run their churches.
A candidate HAS NOTHING to do with Church doctrine and ALL NONPROFITS have a rule against preaching for a candidate from the pulpit or from their headquarters, I believe....? so this would be breaking the law for all nonprofits if they preached from the pulpit or from their nonprofit headquarters.... and yes they should be fined or their tax exempt status should be taken it was for Pat robertson's 800 club or maybe it was the Christian coalition?

but that has nothing to do with this woman that was fired from her voluntary sunday school teaching position because her church has decided to follow more strictly their church doctrine....imo....this is a separate issue.
No one is punishing them! I'm simply saying they shouldn't be afforded a PRIVELEDGE for supporting institutionalized bigotry.
A priveledge taken from one group but given to another who stick with the government approved Assembly is a punishment. It is also unconstitutional. If it is extended to one group it must also be extended to the other...

To say, "I don't like who you are associating with so the government will treat your assembly different" is what is unconstitutional....

All or nothing, LadyT.
Just to stir the pot a little more. For those of you who are liberal minded but don't support revoking tes from churches why do you have a different standard with private business?