To each his own what they support. I'm not familiar with your positions but am always interested in hearing people's opinions. What is it about conservatism that you feel to be a cancer?
Pardon me, may I butt in here?
The following pertains to modern American conservatives.
1. I find their allegiance to party and leader, rather than to our country, to be dangerous.
2. Most conservatives seem to have a fantasy idea of the United States when they talk about their patriotism and love of country. They do not like our people, except for the ones who think as they do.
3. The insistence that this country was "founded on Christianity," their fearfulness of those of other faiths or no faith, and the insistence on trying to shove religious ideals and teachings into public institutions is both unconstitutional and not in keeping with either the Founders' or American ideals over the centuries. It borders theocratic politics.
4. The worship of weapons, war, and the military at the expense of peaceful activities like building, infrastructure, research & development, funding of scientific and medical advances, etc.
5. Their disdain for public safety net programs, national health care, and other institutions that benefit our citizens. This disdain no longer is an economics-only policy, but extends to what sounds like active hate for the unfortunate who have to rely on public assistance.
6. Their blind worship of guns and refusal to even consider sensible gun control and registration regulations.
7. The desire to cling to the past, which is always golden and "better," and reluctance to see ourselves as part of all humanity, rather than some island surrounded by enemies.