civil war is inevitable

The thing is people like RD that have never served don't understand the military. It doesn't matter whether we like our leaders or not we are taught to respect the position, and we take an oath swearing to follow their orders (they have to be lawful orders). Hell Patton's men hated but respected him and would follow him into hell if ordered.

Trump is CIC.....:whoa:
Why does the Alt Right assume that even though they are failures in life, they will be well suited for a post apocalyptic world?
i'm not alt right so I can't speak for them

Here is a thought: maybe people who are good at making stuff work, will continue to be needed to make stuff work? Maybe those who are uneducated will just die if society no longer has extra money to support them?
survival of the fittest, the double edged sword that would take as many of the left as it would the right. I like it
Burn it all down. I hope the country enters a depression worse than the FDR years

That is the general position of many Republican politicians. How do you think voters will react? The Republicans are putting party before country, and trying to destroy America.
That is the general position of many Republican politicians. How do you think voters will react? The Republicans are putting party before country, and trying to destroy America.

That's what is so alarming. In most countries quarrels are settled by compromise - but how do you compromise with people who are barking mad, and treasonable with it?
Electing people who scream constantly about how much they hate government is like hiring a child murderer to babysit your toddler

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed?

Exactly whom will you bubbas in the pickup trucks attack to start a civil war?
Will you attack Washington DC?

You don't have to start a civil war. You merely have to support partition.
You won't get any more charity money from New York and California, but you'll have the government that you want. You'll invent the fourth world. Third world nations will look down at you,

Or, you could take up arms and get exterminated.
You're such a dumb fuck, STY.
I'm a 1/2 full guy ( I have to be as a salesman)

half full= Optimism breeds good thoughts, good thoughts breeds good deeds
half empty =pessimism. breeds anger and doubt, breeds bad intent, lowly deeds

A good philosophy for both life and business.
That's what is so alarming. In most countries quarrels are settled by compromise - but how do you compromise with people who are barking mad, and treasonable with it?

There are no garden variety Republicans in real life talking publically about grabbing an AK 47 and attacking the nearest National Guard Depot.

Obscure political message boards provide fertile terrain for weaklings to anonymously play fantasy Rambo..

The only tangible problem with America's rightwing is terrorism, not Civil War. There is a tiny subset of conservatives who are actually willing to commit criminal acts of rightwing terrorism, aka shooting up black churches and blowing up federal office buildings
So,if Trump refuses to leave the White House & calls for secession of Republican states it's a lawful order?

Oh, really?

Didn't say that did I shit head? I said the military takes an oath to follow the orders of the president and officers above them. That excludes unlawful orders! So your stupid question was answered before you asked it. Try to keep up.
There are no garden variety Republicans in real life talking publically about grabbing an AK 47 and attacking the nearest National Guard Depot.

Obscure political message boards provide fertile terrain for weaklings to anonymously play fantasy Rambo..

The only tangible problem with America's rightwing is terrorism, not Civil War. There is a tiny subset of conservatives who are actually willing to commit criminal acts of rightwing terrorism, aka shooting up black churches and blowing up federal office buildings

I suppose those of us from outside tend to go by what we read here. Trump really is weird though! Who in his right mind would vote for such an oddo!
Didn't say that did I shit head? I said the military takes an oath to follow the orders of the president and officers above them. That excludes unlawful orders! So your stupid question was answered before you asked it. Try to keep up.

Lol, if January 20th brings about Civil War.

You are admitting the military would legally have to follow Biden.

So. Your snippy comments are absurd & unnecessary in the first place.
The military will kill violent racists to save Americans

They will not kill Americans to protect violent racists who try to kill Americans
Well you asked who Hoosier was, so I posted a pic of a legendary Indiana coach Bob Knight and you failed to make the connection.
UR Stupid

How the fuck would I know who the fuck that is? Why are you answering who someone else is? What the fuck is wrong with you that makes you think A) A contextless picture will immediately be understood, and B) You can speak in a conversation you weren't in and it'll have the same effect.

Seriously, how are you this old and still unable to understand the basics of human interaction?
Lol, if January 20th brings about Civil War.

You are admitting the military would legally have to follow Biden.

So. Your snippy comments are absurd & unnecessary in the first place.

Yes shit for brains when Biden is sworn in he becomes the CIC of the military. But if idiots like you cause trouble he can't use the military because of the posse comitatus act. But he has the power of the Justice dept. to arrest and put your sorry asses in jail. Is that plain enough for you?
Yes shit for brains when Biden is sworn in he becomes the CIC of the military. But if idiots like you cause trouble he can't use the military because of the posse comitatus act. But he has the power of the Justice dept. to arrest and put your sorry asses in jail. Is that plain enough for you?

Why would I cause trouble over Biden being sworn in?

When troublemaker Trump is likely to not leave the White House?

You make no sense.

Truly a desperate dunce.
So,if Trump refuses to leave the White House & calls for secession of Republican states it's a lawful order?

Oh, really?

Don't be so silly. Republican states? My state has a Dem governor, my area is mostly Rep. There was a Biden yard sign (one of very few) not more than a 1/4 mile down the road from me.
You'd have to split each individual state and county. Do you think any of us would move?.

I'll take it from those I know who are serving, and those I know who have.

The problem is no longer who was legitimately elected President of the United States, but how long can the civil war be postponed?...
Exactly whom will you bubbas in the pickup trucks attack to start a civil war?
Will you attack Washington DC?

You don't have to start a civil war. You merely have to support partition.
You won't get any more charity money from New York and California, but you'll have the government that you want. You'll invent the fourth world. Third world nations will look down at you,

Or, you could take up arms and get exterminated.
You're such a dumb fuck, STY.

First, as previously posted, there will be no civil war. At least not in this decade. I fail to see what would drive a second one.

Second, the article's author Thierry Meyssan is just making money selling this bullshit the same way political pundits on other websites are making money writing articles for other political websites. I take them all with a grain of salt. Meyssan had written previous article forecasting a Civil War. Some people like the fantasy, I suppose.

Lastly, there will be no partition either since it would only be completed through violence and, mainly, it would cost a lot of major business interests a lot of money.

Who do you think would be doing the exterminating, Niblick? Certainly not you. :)
Don't be so silly. Republican states? My state has a Dem governor, my area is mostly Rep. There was a Biden yard sign (one of very few) not more than a 1/4 mile down the road from me.
You'd have to split each individual state and county. Do you think any of us would move?.

I'll take it from those I know who are serving, and those I know who have.

Hear say doesn't count as hard evidence.

Past military don't count at present.

The military appears to reflect the younger generations more & more.

AKA slightly more Liberal Whites, but significantly more Latino & Black Biden voters.