What part of they have to be lawful orders don't you understand?
No I read that and anticipated. But the part where one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter and that distinction exists in the eye of the beholder.
If any group of any stripe thinks they are doing god's work and they have Trump ordering them to do it? It's pretty far fetched but many things
that have happened in this administration I would have said were unthinkable. The very idea of building a great wall of China across the southern border
I laughed at. And it took hold to the point it was a cornerstone of his administration. I was dead certain Republicans would reject this damn fool
before nomination. I was wrong. So then I said to myself, oh well, grownups in the room will keep him under control only to watch them carry his
water over and over with each outlandish gaff, his surrogates looked straight in the camera and stuck there chins out doubling down on his despicable
utterances and behaviors. When the Republicans didn't remove him after such a forceful case of obstruction was proven. None of that I would have thought possible.
Trump has corrupted everything he touches. I am confident in the thin green line, but the trendlines are scary. I want him the hell out.