civil war is inevitable

Not when that hearsay comes from the mouths of those who serve.

Why doesn't it? Once a Marine, always a marine, isn't that what they say?

Of course it's younger people, it's always been. But I do fear they don't have the cnviction their predecessors had.

More assumption. Race doesn't have anything to do with principle of defending America and our constitution. At least it shouldn't.

Race is generally the biggest factor in American politics.
Past military don't count at present.

i'm always curious as to why most people think that past/former/veteran military people don't count, either as for their opinions or for their ability to wage if you people think we're a men in black enterprise and get de-neuralized at the end of our active duty................can you explain why you believe that?
You are the one asking asinine questions not me.
i'm always curious as to why most people think that past/former/veteran military people don't count, either as for their opinions or for their ability to wage if you people think we're a men in black enterprise and get de-neuralized at the end of our active duty................can you explain why you believe that?

Not to put too fine a point on it and not wishing to get into a name-calling contest, but Pilecki's suitcases aren't packed very tight.

I suspect mild retardation but with a very strong will to look up facts and figures even when he doesn't always understand what they mean.

EDIT FWIW, his previous username of Witold Pilecki was cooler because Pilecki was a military officer and the fucker's balls were big enough to volunteer to be a prisoner at Auschwitz. He was executed by the fucking commies in 1948.

Roman Dmowski was a political leader.
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civil war is inevitable

Not to put too fine a point on it and not wishing to get into a name-calling contest, but Pilecki's suitcases aren't packed very tight.

I suspect mild retardation but with a very strong will to look up facts and figures even when he doesn't always understand what they mean.

Quit projecting your sub Human savagery onto others.
No I read that and anticipated. But the part where one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter and that distinction exists in the eye of the beholder.
If any group of any stripe thinks they are doing god's work and they have Trump ordering them to do it? It's pretty far fetched but many things
that have happened in this administration I would have said were unthinkable. The very idea of building a great wall of China across the southern border
I laughed at. And it took hold to the point it was a cornerstone of his administration. I was dead certain Republicans would reject this damn fool
before nomination. I was wrong. So then I said to myself, oh well, grownups in the room will keep him under control only to watch them carry his
water over and over with each outlandish gaff, his surrogates looked straight in the camera and stuck there chins out doubling down on his despicable
utterances and behaviors. When the Republicans didn't remove him after such a forceful case of obstruction was proven. None of that I would have thought possible.

Trump has corrupted everything he touches. I am confident in the thin green line, but the trendlines are scary. I want him the hell out.

If the unthinkable happened and ultra Trump followers attacked the citizens of the US they would be dealt with by the Feds like any survivalist cults that break the law.
LOL. That's a point many on the Right don't like to admit: The fucking Russians hacked both political parties and their members. They selectively released information that best suited Russian interests.

I have no doubt Putin has a ton of dirt on Trump. Mostly honeypot videos and shady real estate deals just as most people suspect. Trump's taxes won't show him doing anything grossly illegal, but they'll certainly show Trump's business interests in Mother Russia.

He cheated on his taxes

He cheats on EVERYTHING


They found what they needed for blackmailing someone in the Republican documents they stole access to

Right there is the proof of how to fix this nation

Bury the Republican Party and Fox News

They are the enemies of this nation
Would you fire on your friends and neighbors if ordered to if you thought the order from a commanding officer was unconstitutional (foreign and domestic, key phrase)?

Patten was a leader. Arrogant, but a leader of men. He played for keeps. You know the type when you meet them.

No I would not and neither would 90%+ of the military. Plus the flag officers would not put our troops in that position to begin with.
This election is scaring the shit out of all the far Lefties for several reasons. Besides the obvious reasons, the smarter Lefties are now realizing their calls for gun bans and eliminating the Electoral College (a buffer to prevent tyranny) wasn't as smart as they first thought.

Spot on!
Lies with no facts to back them are why your ears are always full with someone’s dick

you're a blind sheep sucking bidens jizz out of pelosis asshole.................we all know this...............

you're the epitome of your accusations about trump followers could watch him behead baby jesus and still vote for him.............

i'm always amused by the so called americans who support the politicians and government over the constitution and freedom by espousing that the average american is just too stupid and useless to fight the government.............

it's called cognitive dissonance and you're heavily infected with it..........

The facts don’t agree with you racists

Crawl back in the sewer where racists belong

If you try to start your race war you will very quickly get dead