tell that to the native americans..................
The Supreme Court ruled that the Trail of Tears was unconstitutional, and the government ignored it.
tell that to the native americans..................
I believe in the Constitution, just not the secret Constitution that you believe in. I believe in the one that is written down.
....annnnd, with your great life experience, you've decided to commit mass murder as the solution to these problems.
Dude, if you try to push your fantasies into reality, you'll end up lying dead in the street and your family, if you haven't killed them, will be forced to change their names in shame.
The Supreme Court ruled that the Trail of Tears was unconstitutional, and the government ignored it.
again, war is hell.
hell is having to listen to chickenshit right wing punks like you act like you could do any real damage when your widdle feewings get hurt. what a little bitch you are.
you say you are a marine. big ass deal. so was lee harvey oswald. is that all you got?
Well, if the need would ever arise, he's better trained to eliminate you than you are trained to eliminate him. So there's that.
You're whimpering & weak.
I don't agree with his brutish volatile nature, either.
Why are West Euros such a disaster?
how much training is there needed to shoot a gun or to kick a punk's ass? you are too wimpy to understand.
how much training is there needed to shoot a gun or to kick a punk's ass? you are too wimpy to understand.
how much training is there needed to shoot a gun or to kick a punk's ass? you are too wimpy to understand.