Hoosier Daddy
Verified User
to give you fair warning............stop pushing us
hilarious! mommy, make the mean internet guy stop pushing us with words and stuff!! he is so mean!! i am about to stamp my little feet like a marine!!
to give you fair warning............stop pushing us
Thanks. Pilecki is very upset with me this morning. Maybe it was revealing that his mommy won't let him have a pocket knife, maybe it was advising him to go to Poland. I don't know, but he's certainly as upset with me as the tranny goat-fucker today.
terrorist, freedom fighter........both the same
I don't think you know, or knew, any Marines at all........in fact, you're probably one of those stolen valor punks who couldn't hack air force training...
RD and the goat fucker have a lot in common. They could be inbred siblings. Scary thought but a real possibility....
Girls think I'm attractive & got a huge d***
i knew a lot of marines right out of high school during the vietnam war. all of them were punks. they tried to be marines because they thought it might make other guys respect them for once, but they were all wrong. once a punk, always a punk. like you. imagine so stupid you believe even a trump voter could not understand marine corps training!!
Maybe if they hook up, both could find peace and happiness.
Maybe if they hook up, both could find peace and happiness.
girl goats, maybe. your huge head is kinda dick shaped, but i doubt if human women find that attractive.
I am sure you mumbled that to yourself everyday hiding behind those bushes. Now you just carried on that cowardice and hide behind a keyboard.
no more hiding behind a keyboard than a slut like you acting like you are going to go medieval if the naughty libs don't quit pushing you!! what a pussified bitch you are!!
consider yourself warned. Please be on the front lines and carry a sign so I know who you are.
View attachment 18397
you and your constant gay fantasies!! is dutch uncle code for gay lord? look, nobody cares about your private life or what his name is. you just keep being you and keep pleasing your man and keep your head up high, missy!!
at least you are honest enough to know you need a sign to know who to shoot out on the street once you go full on homicidal.
Why are people from Texas so dumb?
collateral damage is an unfortunate by product of war, but I do like to minimize it when possible
a lot are. but they are all republicans, bitch. how long have you been in this country? how long have you been able to tie your own shoes?
Why are people from Texas so dumb?