Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
weren't you just telling me that you're not the guy to tell me where the line is at????? and you're still on this whole kick of labeling me a mass murderer of innocent people because i'll accept collateral damage? Do you feel that George W Bush is a mass murderer for ordering us to war in the middle east? Is Bill Clinton a mass murderer for changing the rules of engagement in the serbian conflict? Is Obama a mass murderer for droning buildings with innocent people in and around them????
or is it just us lowly civilian serfs who have no business dealing in violence, that is something best left to the ruling class?
Yes and yes. Your reply reminds me of this joke.
So, here you are, approaching middle-age as a father and a husband comparing yourself and your life to Presidents. Cool. Tell me more, sir.
I believe in We, the People. You, like the fucking Democrats, believe "We know what is best for you!" You have repeatedly supported the mass murder of innocent Americans as "collateral damage". You can't deny it even if you delete your posts since I quoted most of them.
Dude, if you were ever any kind of decent or better Marine, then you certainly know the difference between right and wrong. If you can't see that allowing innocent Americans to die on your watch is wrong, then the Marine Corps has changed a lot since my days.