civil war is inevitable

weren't you just telling me that you're not the guy to tell me where the line is at????? and you're still on this whole kick of labeling me a mass murderer of innocent people because i'll accept collateral damage? Do you feel that George W Bush is a mass murderer for ordering us to war in the middle east? Is Bill Clinton a mass murderer for changing the rules of engagement in the serbian conflict? Is Obama a mass murderer for droning buildings with innocent people in and around them????

or is it just us lowly civilian serfs who have no business dealing in violence, that is something best left to the ruling class?

Yes and yes. Your reply reminds me of this joke.

So, here you are, approaching middle-age as a father and a husband comparing yourself and your life to Presidents. Cool. Tell me more, sir.

I believe in We, the People. You, like the fucking Democrats, believe "We know what is best for you!" You have repeatedly supported the mass murder of innocent Americans as "collateral damage". You can't deny it even if you delete your posts since I quoted most of them.

Dude, if you were ever any kind of decent or better Marine, then you certainly know the difference between right and wrong. If you can't see that allowing innocent Americans to die on your watch is wrong, then the Marine Corps has changed a lot since my days.
So, here you are, approaching middle-age as a father and a husband comparing yourself and your life to Presidents. Cool. Tell me more, sir.
you either believe a mass murderer is a mass murderer, or you do not. If you do not, what are the differences.

I believe in We, the People. You, like the fucking Democrats, believe "We know what is best for you!" You have repeatedly supported the mass murder of innocent Americans as "collateral damage". You can't deny it even if you delete your posts since I quoted most of them.
so now i'm a democrat...........and don't you think it's a bit hypocritical for you to accuse me of 'knowing what is best for 'you', when you are doing exactly that by condemning my attitude and position, or calling me a mass murderer?

Dude, if you were ever any kind of decent or better Marine, then you certainly know the difference between right and wrong. If you can't see that allowing innocent Americans to die on your watch is wrong, then the Marine Corps has changed a lot since my days.
you muddy the waters where there is no mud. I notice you're not all up-in-arms about those presidents allowing innocents to die on their watch, but you want to hold me to a higher standard and keep it pure and impossible task for anyone
you either believe a mass murderer is a mass murderer, or you do not. If you do not, what are the differences.

so now i'm a democrat...........and don't you think it's a bit hypocritical for you to accuse me of 'knowing what is best for 'you', when you are doing exactly that by condemning my attitude and position, or calling me a mass murderer?

you muddy the waters where there is no mud. I notice you're not all up-in-arms about those presidents allowing innocents to die on their watch, but you want to hold me to a higher standard and keep it pure and impossible task for anyone

Dude, you are free to compare yourself to Presidents when you blow up a Federal building and kill dozens, of not hundreds, of innocent people, but I think it's indicative of a deluded mind. You're smart enough to know the difference between an honorable military target and dishonorably targeting a civilian facility. You're also smart enough to know the difference between an act of war and an act of terrorism. You keep advocating terrorism.

Your sure as shit act like an authoritarian "I'm here to help" Democrat. If some other asshole blows up a post office for a political statement, what do you call that? An act of war or an act of terrorism? If your wife or kids were inside, would you agree it's just collateral damage and go home alone?
no more hiding behind a keyboard than a slut like you acting like you are going to go medieval if the naughty libs don't quit pushing you!! what a pussified bitch you are!!

So fucking true. These scum should be on knees begging forgiveness. Fucking traitors. Russian dick suckers. Lying vote stealers. Insufferable idiots.

We CARRY their ignorant asses. "Here, here's my checkbook you poor rural scum, please kick me in the nuts" WTF?
Not a Democrat so that alone qualifies me.

Well over 95% of the human population are not members of the Democratic Party, so that is a lot of Americans.

Your language usage makes me question your claims to be an American.
Dude, you are free to compare yourself to Presidents when you blow up a Federal building and kill dozens, of not hundreds, of innocent people, but I think it's indicative of a deluded mind. You're smart enough to know the difference between an honorable military target and dishonorably targeting a civilian facility. You're also smart enough to know the difference between an act of war and an act of terrorism. You keep advocating terrorism.

Your sure as shit act like an authoritarian "I'm here to help" Democrat. If some other asshole blows up a post office for a political statement, what do you call that? An act of war or an act of terrorism? If your wife or kids were inside, would you agree it's just collateral damage and go home alone?

You apparently have abandoned your oath to the constitution..........preferring instead to hold true to authoritarian beliefs that only government is capable of ruling over you. you're not fit for a combat arena or environment since you seem unable to differentiate between war and terrorism...........when the civil war does break out, you should stay behind in shame while others fight, or maybe you can chip in and be the cook.
You apparently have abandoned your oath to the constitution..........preferring instead to hold true to authoritarian beliefs that only government is capable of ruling over you. you're not fit for a combat arena or environment since you seem unable to differentiate between war and terrorism...........when the civil war does break out, you should stay behind in shame while others fight, or maybe you can chip in and be the cook.

Dude, you can repeat back everything I wrote to you and it doesn't mean shit when you still believe you are justified in blowing up a few hundred Americans with a truck bomb.

Your terrorist attack isn't a "civil war". Even a coordinated attack where you and your terrorist cell attack several civilian targets at once and murder over a 1000 Americans isn't a civil war. It's still a terrorist attack.

You and I discussed the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter; the freedom fighter is happily hidden and protected by the local population. If the local population is seeking to turn them in like the Tsarnaev brothers, then you are terrorists. If you and your men have to murder an entire American family because they might go to the police, then you are terrorists.
So fucking true. These scum should be on knees begging forgiveness. Fucking traitors. Russian dick suckers. Lying vote stealers. Insufferable idiots.

We CARRY their ignorant asses. "Here, here's my checkbook you poor rural scum, please kick me in the nuts" WTF?

THIS ^^^^^^ right there is why you lefties and elitists are despised by the rest of firmly believe you are better than the rest of us but you have to lie to yourselves, delude yourselves, with obvious idiotic generalizations of us to solidify, unify, together so you don't feel alone with your inadequacies, your limitations, your low self esteem.......It's why you ungrateful fucks look at the military with disdain, while publicly you praise those very people you look down upon...........done so with the deep seated sub conscious knowledge that you're at our mercy if shit hits the look at those on the right as racists full of hate, but you're looking in the mirror.
THIS ^^^^^^ right there is why you lefties and elitists are despised by the rest of firmly believe you are better than the rest of us but you have to lie to yourselves, delude yourselves, with obvious idiotic generalizations of us to solidify, unify, together so you don't feel alone with your inadequacies, your limitations, your low self esteem.......It's why you ungrateful fucks look at the military with disdain, while publicly you praise those very people you look down upon...........done so with the deep seated sub conscious knowledge that you're at our mercy if shit hits the look at those on the right as racists full of hate, but you're looking in the mirror.

Well, I must say that, from abroad, you trumpers appear not only uneducated but half-witted.
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Originally Posted by SmarterthanYou
THIS ^^^^^^ right there is why you lefties and elitists are despised by the rest of Americans..........It's why you ungrateful fucks look at the military with disdain, while publicly you praise those very people you look down upon...........done so with the deep seated sub conscious knowledge that you're at our mercy if shit hits the look at those on the right as racists full of hate, but you're looking in the mirror.

So Trump is a leftist elitist who you despise, right?
Dude, you can repeat back everything I wrote to you and it doesn't mean shit when you still believe you are justified in blowing up a few hundred Americans with a truck bomb.

Your terrorist attack isn't a "civil war". Even a coordinated attack where you and your terrorist cell attack several civilian targets at once and murder over a 1000 Americans isn't a civil war. It's still a terrorist attack.

You and I discussed the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter; the freedom fighter is happily hidden and protected by the local population. If the local population is seeking to turn them in like the Tsarnaev brothers, then you are terrorists. If you and your men have to murder an entire American family because they might go to the police, then you are terrorists.

pathetically, you're a pro big government sheep. all too many times when we've seen civilians killed as collateral damage, you slaves indemnify the government by blaming the people for allowing terrorists to hide within their population centers......

just admit to yourself that you believe only government has the capability and superior moral ability to wage war. it makes you feel safer, emotionally and mentally, to believe that the average citizen who employs violence is just a terrorist.

you're like the active or former active military promoting gun bans by saying 'you've had weapons of war training and civilians shouldn't touch them', total leftist treason against the constitution
Originally Posted by SmarterthanYou
THIS ^^^^^^ right there is why you lefties and elitists are despised by the rest of Americans..........It's why you ungrateful fucks look at the military with disdain, while publicly you praise those very people you look down upon...........done so with the deep seated sub conscious knowledge that you're at our mercy if shit hits the look at those on the right as racists full of hate, but you're looking in the mirror.

So Trump is a leftist elitist who you despise, right?

don't tell me you're waking up to how I actually feel about trump....

So fucking true. These scum should be on knees begging forgiveness. Fucking traitors. Russian dick suckers. Lying vote stealers. Insufferable idiots.

We CARRY their ignorant asses. "Here, here's my checkbook you poor rural scum, please kick me in the nuts" WTF?
THIS ^^^^^^ right there is why you lefties and elitists are despised by the rest of firmly believe you are better than the rest of us but you have to lie to yourselves, delude yourselves, with obvious idiotic generalizations of us to solidify, unify, together so you don't feel alone with your inadequacies, your limitations, your low self esteem.......It's why you ungrateful fucks look at the military with disdain, while publicly you praise those very people you look down upon...........done so with the deep seated sub conscious knowledge that you're at our mercy if shit hits the look at those on the right as racists full of hate, but you're looking in the mirror.

Despised is too strong a word, IMO, but disliked, distrusted, and dishonest all work for me.

The good news is that people like Micawber, Diesel, BidenPresident and Hoosier (Mason's sock army) are the lunatic fringe of the Left Wing. They do not represent Democratic Party members as a whole.

The bad news: Unfortunately, too many Democrat leaders like to use the Crazy Town rhetoric of the lunatic fringe to fear-monger Americans.

More good news: ~70% of Americans are not Democrats and I believe that number exists for good reason.
pathetically, you're a pro big government sheep. all too many times when we've seen civilians killed as collateral damage, you slaves indemnify the government by blaming the people for allowing terrorists to hide within their population centers......

just admit to yourself that you believe only government has the capability and superior moral ability to wage war. it makes you feel safer, emotionally and mentally, to believe that the average citizen who employs violence is just a terrorist.

you're like the active or former active military promoting gun bans by saying 'you've had weapons of war training and civilians shouldn't touch them', total leftist treason against the constitution
Disagreed. You are just desperate to justify murdering dozens, if not hundreds of innocent Americans including children.

Yes, I do believe that a government of the people should be the only authority to declare war, not some middle-aged wannabe terrorist.

I support NRA firearms training in schools. I believe every American should have and know how to use firearms to protect themselves both from a tyrannical government and terrorists like you and the Tsarnaev brothers.