Climate change discussion

"Resident libs" was already a bad sign, bud. There is nothing to discuss anyway. You will splay out the orthodox climate science and he will offer
some sophistry cherry picked misapplication at best or disreputable oil commissioned blog sourced heterodoxy. In the end you have all the expert science, he has none,
and you win.

Why talk to trolls or idiots? You are agreeing to have a civil debate over the general contour of planet earth and he says it's flat.

The thinking appears to be that if ' the libs '- whoever they are- cease pointing out the facts of anthropogenic global warming then it will crease to exist.

Haw, haw...........................haw.
Hello redfish.

OK, I don't think we are going to find agreement on religion or birth control. So lets talk about CO2. OK?

CO2 makes up about .039% of the atmosphere. It has been at that same level ever since we have been able to measure it and, based on ice cores and fossil records, it was at that level millions of years ago. CO2 is not a pollutant. No plant life can survive without it, and with no plant live there would be no animal or human life. CO2 is not a problem. Toxic waste put into the air and water is a problem and the biggest offenders are China and India. Those countries are doing virtually nothing to reduce their pollution.

Now, on climate change. Man does not control earth's climate, never has and never will. Short of an all out nuclear war which would block sunlight for many years, we humans have nothing to do with climate. the climate of planet earth is controlled by the sun (specifically sun spots) and tiny wobbles on earth's axis. Ocean currents also have some affect on climate because they are not consistent. For example, northern europe would be extremely cold if not for the gulf stream current.

The earth has amazing healing powers. Example, in the 1950s River Rouge in Detroit caught fire due to all of the chemicals put into it by the car companies. Today that same river is clean and has fish living in it. We can stop polluting and if we do that the air and water will be clean again.

The falacy put out by the AGW crowd is that there is a direct link between pollution and climate. That link has never been proven and in fact, has been discredited by more than half of the world's climate "experts".

IMHO, the current climate crisis is nothing but an attempt by radical leftists to control the lives and actions of the people of the world, not to manage the climate but to control for the sake of control. Rand and Orwell wrote about it and their writings are proving true today.

Let's go a little further back than you're looking. Way back, long before we began measuring CO2. Before humans even walked the Earth a few million years ago. Let's go back BILLIONS of years:

The Earth did not always have oxygen in the atmosphere. Before then, Earth would not support human life.

"The Great Oxidation Event (GOE), sometimes also called the Great Oxygenation Event, Oxygen Catastrophe, Oxygen Crisis, Oxygen Holocaust,[2] or Oxygen Revolution, was a time period when the Earth's atmosphere and the shallow ocean first experienced a rise in oxygen, approximately 2.4–2.0 Ga (billion years ago) during the Paleoproterozoic era.[3] Geological, isotopic, and chemical evidence suggest that biologically produced molecular oxygen (dioxygen, O2) started to accumulate in Earth's atmosphere and changed it from a weakly reducing atmosphere to an oxidizing atmosphere,[4] causing many existing species on Earth to die out.[5] The cyanobacteria producing the oxygen caused the event which enabled the subsequent development of multicellular forms.[6]"

Great Oxidation Event

Before the Great Oxygenation Event, the Earth had a largely CO2 atmosphere. Cynobacteria produced something called Stromatalites.

"Stromatolites (/stroʊˈmætəlaɪts, strə-/[2][3]) or stromatoliths (from Greek στρῶμα strōma "layer, stratum" (GEN στρώματος strōmatos), and λίθος líthos "rock")[4] are layered sedimentary formations that are created by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. These microorganisms produce adhesive compounds that cement sand and other rocky materials to form mineral “microbial mats”. In turn, these mats build up layer by layer, growing gradually over time.[5][6] A stromatolite may grow to a meter or more.[7][8] Although they are rare today, fossilized stromatolites provide records of ancient life on Earth. "


They exploded in numbers. They kept on multiplying because they had no enemy, no predator, nothing that ate them. They eventually covered the Earth. Their only problem was they used up so much of the CO2 they no longer had enough to live on. So most of them died. And they left us with this Oxygen-rich atmosphere.

We're glad that happened. Without them, we couldn't exist.

But here's the point:

A life form changed the Earth's atmosphere.

Simply by multiplying.

All their activity, all added up, all put together, changed the atmosphere of the planet.

It happened.

It can happen again.

Humans are in the process of changing the Earth's atmosphere.

This is physics. It has nothing to do with 'liberals trying to control people's lives.'

I don't want to control your life. That's the furthest thing from my mind. I just want humanity to endure.

If we don't change what we are doing, humanity is doomed.
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Hello and welcome redfish,

I'll be happy to address every one of your points as long as we can have an agreement to be polite. No down-talking to each other, OK? Mutual respect, or forget it.

That work for you?

You know that works for me. I will be polite and stay on topic.
The issue today is one of what is / are the cause(s) of "climate change?" If we consider just the anthropogenic ones, there are a number in play. The environmental front allied with the Left has settled on one issue: CO2. They ignore all else. They have also largely settled on selected solutions to this problem as they define it and now will tolerate no opposition to their positions. It is as if they have taken a religious stand on the issue. That is a huge problem in itself.
I want the resident libs to respond to this with factual data if you have any

1. the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, ice cores and fossils prove that
2. man has never had anything to do with it
3. the sun and earth's tilt of its axis control our climate, not use of fossil fuels
4. solar and wind and hydro make up around 5% of our energy use, they will never be capable of producing 100%
5. The USA has drastically reduced pollution in the last 30 years
6. It takes massive amounts of fossil fuel to produce solar panels and windmills. they are made of plastics and plexiglass which are made from oil
7. electric cars require recharging after 200 miles or so. you will never be able to drive across the country in an electric car or truck
8. the electricity to recharge is produced mostly by fossil fuels
9. which of you will volunteer for the first night flight in a solar powered airplane?
10. If your goal is to stop pollution, why isn't that enough? why do you need an unproved link between pollution and climate?
11. everyone on earth supports reducing pollution, everyone
12. be honest, this is not about pollution or climate, its about finding a way to control everyone's actions and lives
13. Al Gore is a liar and hypocrite

Global Warming saves lives. I'm surprised you don't support it. More people die in winter than in summer.

I'll tell you who is on my Ignore list. The extremists. Both sides. That says something, right there. It doesn't seem to be possible to hold extreme views and not be a very angry person. I just wanna talk about politics..

Yet you flatly refused to discuss Biden's alleged support for a foreign coup just days after the failed coup in Washington. You should be cautious that ' extremism ' isn't your label for any topic that you don't want to face up to.
I'm not picking a fight- just giving you my view.
The issue today is one of what is / are the cause(s) of "climate change?" If we consider just the anthropogenic ones, there are a number in play. The environmental front allied with the Left has settled on one issue: CO2. They ignore all else. They have also largely settled on selected solutions to this problem as they define it and now will tolerate no opposition to their positions. It is as if they have taken a religious stand on the issue. That is a huge problem in itself.

If- as they believe- CO2 is the life-or-death issue then why should they tolerate any time-wasting, self-serving and spurious opposition to survival ?

Do you really believe that the condemned man should listen to the hangman's reasons for pulling the lever ?
Hello moon,

Yet you flatly refused to discuss Biden's alleged support for a foreign coup just days after the failed coup in Washington. You should be cautious that ' extremism ' isn't your label for any topic that you don't want to face up to.
I'm not picking a fight- just giving you my view.

What thread? Quote of me saying "I flatly refuse to discuss 'x' ?"
Now- I don't care if you refuse to discuss an issue- but I DO care when you then claim that you're here to discuss politics, as you have, above.
Hello and welcome redfish,

I'll be happy to address every one of your points as long as we can have an agreement to be polite. No down-talking to each other, OK? Mutual respect, or forget it.

That work for you?

PoliTalker still thinks that it works that way.
I agree that it should.
I won't live to see it ever be true, however.

America is the world's most bountiful petri dish for pure, undiluted hatred.
The framers unwittingly designed it that way.
America is the world's most bountiful petri dish for pure, undiluted hatred.
The framers unwittingly designed it that way.

I don't think that they expected future citizens to be silly enough to try to employ their observations over 200 years later.
They are.
The thinking appears to be that if ' the libs '- whoever they are- cease pointing out the facts of anthropogenic global warming then it will crease to exist.

Haw, haw...........................haw.

first you need tp post proof positive that global warming exists today, then you must prove that man directly caused it. When you do those two things we can talk, until then you are wasting everyone's time.

its very easy to prove that man has polluted the air and water, but to prove that that pollution caused the climate to change is a stretch. But give it a try, I'll wait.
They say we are speeding it up now, that is their new talking point which is still stupid because all they want to do is push the problem down to another generation instead of dealing with it now and getting a head start on it.

Since they say they know what will happen why aren't they beginning preparations to deal with it like moving cities away from the coasts.

No matter what argument they use they still reveal themselves to be idiots.

The Dems would love to do a lot about global warming. The reds have blocked it as hard as they can since they work for corporations and the wealthy. It getting worse on not a talking point but scientific fact.
The Dems would love to do a lot about global warming. The reds have blocked it as hard as they can since they work for corporations and the wealthy. It getting worse on not a talking point but scientific fact.

You might want to take a look at all the Corporate and rich donor campaign contributions given to Biden. You are without a doubt one the dumbest fucks on this board.