Into the Night
Verified User
That can happen. I appreciate you pointing it out if I do.
Actually, it renders the claim invalid. An estimate calculated from other estimates is simply stripping away the original raw data. At that point, all that remains is an unfalsifiable claim that no rational adult should accept on it face.
I really wouldn't use the wording "it gets worse." A predetermined conclusion becomes an invalid conclusion, from the start. It starts out invalid and just doesn't get any better. It is to be summarily dismissed with extreme prejudice.
You are objectively incorrect and I am not missing your point.
First, you just did it again. There is absolutely no mention of margin of error in your statement here. I want to be polite, but your omission makes your statement very stupid and naive, and broadcasts that you have absolutely no understanding of the math involved. If you had made your statement with the addition of "to within 4C margin of error" for examle, you would have had to justify why you believe that by showing your math. Upon trying to support your assertion with the approriate math, you would have realized the impossibility of achieving any temerature within any usable margin of error.
Second, I realize that you believe that today it should be possible to get enough data points, but just as in point 1, you haven't run any numbers. At this moment, you are imagining a concerted effort to collect tens of thousands of temperature measurements, which is doable. However, your margin of error would be at least in the +/-70C range, but likely much higher. And now you're thinking "No way, how can that be?" and all I can do is tell you to brush up on your statistical math. The correct answer is that you would need various layers of hundreds of millions of synchronized and calibrated temerature measurements, all across the globe, to include over the ocean, at different altitudes within the atmosphere and various depths of the ocean, to reach a margin of error in the single digits Celsius. Again, you are thinking "No way, how can that be?" and the answer is "take a statistical math class."
I really wish to impress upon you the necessity of including margin of error in your discussions if you want to set yourself apart from the warmizombies who babble their religious dogma. You could grab one, single thermometer, go somewhere outdoors, read the temperature and claim that is the temperature of the earth. Your estimate would be just as valid as anyone else's who similarly provided no margin of error.
Now, the whole topic of margin of error is itself a long and comlicated one. If you have never followed or created a data collection plan, you might not see right away how it fits into the overall grand scheme of things, but it is very much worth learning. Into the Night would be a good source for information on instrumentation tolerances (I would just tell you that every instrument has one).
There's no ozone hole. I just wanted to warn you before Into the Night beats you up for claiming that there is.
The sun creates ozone from atmosheric O2 via the Chapman cycle. There is always an ozone "hole" over the pole that is currently in winter (extended nighttime). As long as there is a functioning sun, if we were to totally eliminate all the ozone in the atmosphere, it would all be back to normal in 24 hours. Do not fear. Do not panic.
Quite right. As long as there is sunlight and oxygen, there will be ozone. Man has no power to destroy the ozone layer even if he wanted to.
You are also quite right on statistical math. All statistical summaries MUST include the margin of error. One value without the other is completely meaningless.