Climate Change - Yet another UN report

"The bones were dated to the Eocene epoch,
Hey, scientific genius, what do you believe that means?

In any event you can't travel in time and know where the land mass was at that time. Nobody has that magical superpower.

and were similar to those of marsupials known to have flourished in South America at the time."
Nothing is known. Everything is speculated. It's the past, genius. Nobody has a time machine. Nobody has omniscience. Nobody can hook up a rock to a TV and get the past in 4K, not even a geologist.

You are clearly not the sharpest tack in the box.
Hey, scientific genius, what do you believe that means?

In any event you can't travel in time and know where the land mass was at that time. Nobody has that magical superpower.

Nothing is known. Everything is speculated. It's the past, genius. Nobody has a time machine. Nobody has omniscience. Nobody can hook up a rock to a TV and get the past in 4K, not even a geologist.

You are clearly not the sharpest tack in the box.
It means it was 150 million years after Pangea plates broke apart.
You don't know anything about what or when anything happened. Anyone can, at best, speculate about the unobserved, distant past.
Any fifth grader can see how the continental puzzle plates used to fit perfectly together as Pangea.

The important hing about that graph is it shows something called "paleoclimate". There's an entire sub-specialty in geology related to paleoclimatology. That's how we know about "NATURAL FORCINGS" which affect climate. In the absence of humans we have to explain climate change in the past. So we learn a lot about how the natural forcings shift temperature.

The real problem arises in when we try to apply that knowledge to the warming we've seen in the recent past. Right now natural forcings alone CANNOT explain the warming. It isn't until we factor in human behaviors like GHG's and land use changes that suddenly the warming we see fits the data.

Random numbers don't show anything. There is no data. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
That isn't how it works at all.

When you make an error in how the data is collected of course any conclusion you draw from that error is bound to sound wrong. Thankfully that isn't how the data is treated. It is much more detailed. Much more complicated.

And when you say "deriving estimates from other estimates", well, sadly that is all data. All data are estimates of the true value. You never have perfect data. The topic you are bouncing around here is something called "propogation of error". Every measurement you take may have errors embedded in it: whether it is just random noise or a problem with a measurement tool. All measurements are estimates. The best you can do is attempt to characterize the relative error or unexplained variance.

There is no data. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
The stefan boltzmann equation gives a blackbody temperature of the earth.

J = εσT^4

When you calculate the "blackbody temperature" of the earth (T) (if it were a true black body radiator) the temperature you get a temperature that is about 33degC cooler than what the earth's average temperature is. (SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2)

You are free to doubt me, but you shouldn't doubt the math.

No it does not. The Earth is a blackbody radiator. The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not calculate temperature.
That's not true. We know that anthropogenic CO2 isn't the only potential cause of warming. Yet, the Gorebal Warming crowd is 'all in' on that as the single cause of warming due to anthropogenic means. It's a fool's errand to buy into that.

CO2 has no capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. See the 1st law of thermodynamics.