The 2016 election was so close, any number of events would have changed the outcome. Comey is probably on top of that, of course. Then you have Bernie Sanders who broke into the DNC servers, downloaded and stole Hillary's campaign info, got caught by Debbie wasserman schultz, and sued the DNC for catching him criming. Then used the fact that he was caught criming, to portray the democratic primary as "rigged". These are all facts. Once Hillary beat him, Trump picked up Sanders' rigged narrative and ran on that, claiming the election that hadn't yet taken place, but that he believed he would lose, was "rigged" just like the Dem primary. Of course, in the minds of Sanders and Trump, all of this non-existent "rigging" was at the hands of Hillary Clinton.
I had an ex whom I remained on good terms with, and then he went batshit crazy about Hillary around this time. He would blow up my phone with these fevered texts about Hillary's foreign policy while she was SOS. I pointed out that she served under President Obama, a man he had voted for twice, the first time claiming he cried he was so moved, and that they were Obama's policies.
His response? Yeah, but I wouldn't vote for him a third time. Oh, so you voted for the man twice, but now that he's ineligible to run, you wouldn't vote for him, but you will blame Hillary for the policies you voted for twice?
He claimed this wasn't misogyny. What happened to him? He got radicalized at The Intercept and Democracy Now. I finally told him to get fucked and blocked his number. I have not talked to him since and will never talk to him again for as long as I live. This is a mf'er who I was close to since 2001. I don't miss him! I have another one I could get into, but no need to give it away as my dad always tried to learn me! I write a lot about these asshats on my blog though. Personal anecdotes? Yeah, but what I found out online, is that they are highly representative of democratic, liberal, and left wing men. I won't get into right wing men, because I don't speak to them in real life and certainly don't give a shit for what they have to say.
Hillary Clinton is going nowhere, you misogynistic little shits. And she is a force to the Democratic BASE, which does not consist of white men. Deal with it. Just like you force me to deal with Peepaw who named a post office, had a bird land outside, and became a hero to misogynists everywhere.