Clinton mocks Trump, says his followers’ conspiracy theories are getting ‘wilder’

Another point to consider is the civil war going on inside the DNC now. Notice that the only person they could agree upon in the end was a septuagenarian and a black woman.

They ran off the moderates right off the bat. Leaving mostly wackadoodles and the very senior Senator from Delaware. Joe won't be running in 2024*, so it will be a free-for-all election like 2000, 2008 and 2016. Two of those didn't work out so well for the D's. LOL

*I'm still betting that best strategy for the DNC is to persuade Biden to resign after 20JAN23 and letting Harris run as an incumbent.

What is a moderate Democrat?

You don’t even know

You just hate us all for saving your dumb ass over and over and over and over and over and over
Agreed. A sore loser too....


A sore loser? On orders from Obama she immediately conceded an election that had foreign interference and collusion by an American campaign. An election that history will show should not have been conceded. You're full of shit.
Wrong person. I said nothing about Sanders. Go for a walk if you're angry at the world.

You asked me why I brought up Sanders after numerous posts that were discussing Sanders. If you can't follow a thread, maybe you're the one who needs the walk. Exercise helps with cognitive powers.
Another man caves to Darla.

I'm thinking BP is least effeminate.

Cypress and I have talked about the Turing Test before. When Turing first proposed it, he used the example of a man and woman on teletypes communicating with a third person trying to figure out who was the woman with the woman trying to imitate being a man (my guess; by using smaller words. :thup: )

Turing then went onto using the example of a computer programmed to act like a human but the initial thought experiment applies here on JPP. People claim to be all sorts of things. Terri4Trump was a male who claimed to be female. Mostly it's females claiming to be males in a male-dominated grouping.

All that said, it's been an interest of mine to explore Turing's thought experiment. My conclusion is that BP is female or gay....under 35 years old....some college and very, very angry at her life. Lots of displaced aggression there. She snaps at everyone so I never take it personal.

FWIW, people in constant chronic pain are often crabby too. All the time but understandably so. Usually that's the older Euro-American males which is why I ignore most of their shit.
You were discussing Sanders, I responded, you then stupidly asked why I mentioned him.

Bolded is yet another sexism red flag.

He says stupid things

I can’t quite figure out if he a shatter bot or just hate anyone who challenges him when he says stupid shit
Another point to consider is the civil war going on inside the DNC now. Notice that the only person they could agree upon in the end was a septuagenarian and a black woman.

They ran off the moderates right off the bat. Leaving mostly wackadoodles and the very senior Senator from Delaware. Joe won't be running in 2024*, so it will be a free-for-all election like 2000, 2008 and 2016. Two of those didn't work out so well for the D's. LOL

*I'm still betting that best strategy for the DNC is to persuade Biden to resign after 20JAN23 and letting Harris run as an incumbent.

Biden is saving this nation

So you trash him
It really doesn't matter I guess, because regardless of what JPP misogynists demand she do, Hillary is going nowhere. She is highly regarded by the dem base, which does not include Peepaw fanboys and is simply not made up of white men. Hillary took out Gabbard with one statement, and Gabbard was under orders to take out Kamala, whom Trump was very worried about. Trump actually said he was, he will tell you everything. Putin is tight-lipped but his US puppet is not.

So it really comes down to impotence. No one here has the power to make Hillary "go away" they can only impotently rant about her. I just think every once in a while you should be stood up to. White women tend to shy away from that because many of them want to be considered "cool". And admiring Hillary isn't considered "cool" with the menfolk of any party. They need those male approval cookies. Evince doesn't need or want them, and that's why people call her crazy. When a woman doesn't give a fuck about male approval, she will always be deemed "crazy."

Hillary is here to stay. I'd say "sorry' but it actually gives me pleasure to watch the misogynists squirm.
What is a moderate Democrat?

You don’t even know

You just hate us all for saving your dumb ass over and over and over and over and over and over
Maybe this will help us agree on a common definition:
What is a 'moderate' Democrat anyway?
The presidential field is tacking hard to the left, leaving some to wonder if there's room for a different approach and what it would look like.
...So what makes a moderate Democrat?

Crossing enemy lines
The single biggest split might be how a Democratic candidate envisions working with the other side as president, whether that's Republicans or businesses and interest groups considered hostile to progressive causes....

...The progressive candidates, especially the senators in the race, have been eagerly trying to one-up each other with the most far-reaching policy proposals on taxes, education, housing and child care, many of which are priced in the trillions of dollars.

While candidates have yet to directly clash often, there are signs a moderate challenger might distinguish himself or herself by critiquing rival plans as too large, too costly or too risky....
A sore loser? On orders from Obama she immediately conceded an election that had foreign interference and collusion by an American campaign. An election that history will show should not have been conceded. You're full of shit.

Disagreed but I'd love to see your evidence that she actually won. You know, "stop the steal". LOL
Look at you criticizing someone for entering a primary.

No, look at me criticizing someone for switching party affiliation and primarying that party's candidate instead of running as an independent, which is what he was and still is.

Disagreed. They were the same party. Bernie tried to rally people behind Hillary but his fans disliked her as much as they did Republicans.

No they weren't.

Old BS was/is an independent.

He hijacked the DNC's election apparatus for his own use, then his crybaby supporters got their panties in a wad when it was suggested that the DNC ((GASP!!!!)) preferred their own DEMOCRAT candidate over the interloper who was exploiting them for his own ends and who they knew had almost zero chance of winning in a general election.

To his butthurt BernieBot pantypissers I say.... Thanks for Trump.

A better example of splitting one side to allow the other to win was 1992 and 2000; Perot and Nader. Perot split the conservative vote allowing the Slick Hicks from Little Rock into the Big Show and Nader split the Democrats to allow a Bush win.

Rather than trying to change the Constitution, would it be possible to allow ranking votes in Federal elections? If that were allowed, Bush would have won in '92 and Gore in '00.

No, that's a different scenario.

Those two ran as independents in the general election.

Sanders primaried Hillary and dampened enthusiasm for her with progressive dipshits who swallowed his bullshit about free everything for everyone even after Obama barely managed to squeak The Affordable Care Act through Congress using a Conservative created health care model as the basis for it.

Hillary would have still lost. LOL

She got over 3 million more votes than Trump.

I wonder how many of the 77,000 votes Trump won the three "blue wall" states by were cast by butthurt BernieBots