Clinton v. McCain, within the margin of error!


Well-known member
I am really shocked by this.

Dick Morris was on television last night. He really does not like Sennator Clinton but he said last night he would be suprised if she did not win, because of the shift in voter turn out it will cause among women.

The conservatives already have about max on voter turnout for conservative men... but voter turnout for liberal women is, according to him, very low. He thinks if Sennator Clinton runs, it will get out many who have never voted before to vote for her. I belive it will get many to come out just to vote against her, but according to Morris, those people are going to vote Republican anyway.
Neither of them would be my choice for preze.

I think McCain is digging his own grave. He's been one of the biggest cheerleaders for the Iraq War around - and last sunday he said we should send MORE troops.

Iraq could be the albatross hanging around his neck in 2008.
Even though I am not a big Hillary fan and hope she doesn't run...a Hillary- Barak Obama ticket would be intriguing. All those women voting and all those african americans.... wow
Neither of them would be my choice for preze.

I think McCain is digging his own grave. He's been one of the biggest cheerleaders for the Iraq War around - and last sunday he said we should send MORE troops.

Iraq could be the albatross hanging around his neck in 2008.

Agreed, but I think its a good bet those two will be our mainstreem choices for president in 08'. Given that choice I might go third party.
How about another Clinton gore ticket, but with clinton as the VP ? Are we ready for a female pres yet ?
I have no problem with a woman pres, but I suspect many do.
How about another Clinton gore ticket, but with clinton as the VP ? Are we ready for a female pres yet ?
I have no problem with a woman pres, but I suspect many do.

I might vote for that ticket, especally if a Bush type were on the Republican side.
I think that comb is the most viable for the demoncrats. Of course then the repubs would have to put Riceroni on their ticket to go fotr the female and black vote :)
I'm 100% done voting for legacies. If your daddy, husband, brother, sister, child, etc has been the President don't expect me to give you a vote for either P or VP. I'm done with that. From 300 Million people we can't find any other qualified candidates but from the elite legacy families? Rubbish!
I'm 100% done voting for legacies. If your daddy, husband, brother, sister, child, etc has been the President don't expect me to give you a vote for either P or VP. I'm done with that. From 300 Million people we can't find any other qualified candidates but from the elite legacy families? Rubbish!

How can you say that 100%....

So if it was say Jeb Bush, and pretend his political ideology was identical to yours, versus say.... someone with the same political pholosophy as say Hitler and it was a close election in your state... you would not vote for Jeb?
Unfortunately we probably would never have one president that fit with Damo's ideology let alone a family member of that president run.
How can you say that 100%....

So if it was say Jeb Bush, and pretend his political ideology was identical to yours, versus say.... someone with the same political pholosophy as say Hitler and it was a close election in your state... you would not vote for Jeb?
Yes. There are other people with political ideology equal to mine without having to create elite almost-royalty in this nation.
I'm 100% done voting for legacies. If your daddy, husband, brother, sister, child, etc has been the President don't expect me to give you a vote for either P or VP. I'm done with that. From 300 Million people we can't find any other qualified candidates but from the elite legacy families? Rubbish!

after the bush debacle, I've got similar feelings.