Co worker issue


Worst gambler ever
Maybe a little advice here.

I moved onto this Island knowing nobody except the guy that let me room with him for the first two weeks, but made friends, and now people are whispering that I'm my boss's "little buddy", even though they've all known him for years, and I've known him for 9 months.

I got this job in February as a grunt, getting paid peanuts, and working with a co worker named Al. We were pulling wire for the first 3 months of my experience and him and I became pretty good friends. Then a couple of people left the company, and Al got new responsibilities as did I. Trouble is, Al isn't that smart, and he's always complaining about other people, about his paycheck, about how he's underappreciated, and about he should get more respect.

So now, I'm doing really well with the company. Huge raises, company car, big bonuses, and my project manager talking about giving me an interest in the comany in the next 12 months. Al is still bitching and crying. He's getting passed up. Waa Waa. But alls I'm going is working hard, like I always have and always will.

So we get put o this job this week at night, and Al takes 4 hours, 4 HOURS to run a 4 foot pice of conduit with 2 offsets. And the end result looks like shit. Total shit. The job is slow, Al is not carrying his weight, and its making me look bad.

But I like this guy. He's really okay. I don't want to throw him under the bus, but I don't want him to throw me under the bus with his shitty ass work either. My name's on the job too.

Well, I guess in writing this I got my answer.

throw him under the bus. I have an interesting story where I worked somewhere and after one week of being there I realized my co-worker was going to undermine all my efforts by being an idiot so I immediately went to work completely isolating him and outperforming him.

More details to follow. I don't feel like typing it all right now.
do your job with pride, but you can't carry others.
You sound like a good worker Beefy.
I used to get complaints from other sluffer workers becuase I did too much. Too bad. I was there to do a job and so were they.
Do not be nasty to the guy but I think things will work out.
Maybe a little advice here.

I moved onto this Island knowing nobody except the guy that let me room with him for the first two weeks, but made friends, and now people are whispering that I'm my boss's "little buddy", even though they've all known him for years, and I've known him for 9 months.

I got this job in February as a grunt, getting paid peanuts, and working with a co worker named Al. We were pulling wire for the first 3 months of my experience and him and I became pretty good friends. Then a couple of people left the company, and Al got new responsibilities as did I. Trouble is, Al isn't that smart, and he's always complaining about other people, about his paycheck, about how he's underappreciated, and about he should get more respect.

So now, I'm doing really well with the company. Huge raises, company car, big bonuses, and my project manager talking about giving me an interest in the comany in the next 12 months. Al is still bitching and crying. He's getting passed up. Waa Waa. But alls I'm going is working hard, like I always have and always will.

So we get put o this job this week at night, and Al takes 4 hours, 4 HOURS to run a 4 foot pice of conduit with 2 offsets. And the end result looks like shit. Total shit. The job is slow, Al is not carrying his weight, and its making me look bad.

But I like this guy. He's really okay. I don't want to throw him under the bus, but I don't want him to throw me under the bus with his shitty ass work either. My name's on the job too.

Well, I guess in writing this I got my answer.


Don't be an ass. You should cover for him.
BTW I said that mainly because I knew everyone else would say stuff like "Yes, you knowzers!" and "Throw him under the bus!", and I hate when we form a circle jerk advice group on the internet. So I decided to keep my pants zipped, even though I'd normally whip it out.
Its hard to rise to the top and be a nice guy too.

Hopefully your boss will be able to see who is the productive worker and who is not. From the sound of your progress, he has so far.

Also, at some point, there will be problems with the work done. Thats when it comes out. Yours will be good and his will have problems.

Just curious, what kind of lines are you running? (I work in utilities too)
Its hard to rise to the top and be a nice guy too.

Hopefully your boss will be able to see who is the productive worker and who is not. From the sound of your progress, he has so far.

Also, at some point, there will be problems with the work done. Thats when it comes out. Yours will be good and his will have problems.

Just curious, what kind of lines are you running? (I work in utilities too)

Sol, he is in burglar alarms, security systems and such. From what I recall.

He was lamenting one night about ghosts in a touch control door opener.
Sol, he is in burglar alarms, security systems and such. From what I recall.

He was lamenting one night about ghosts in a touch control door opener.

Thats right, I remember that post now.

Oh well, I was picturing him running lines for telecomm. Lotta idiots in that business who whine and get lazy.
I would never do wrong to another person I worked with unless they did wrong to me first but then its some serious payback.
I would never do wrong to another person I worked with unless they did wrong to me first but then its some serious payback.

I gotta agree with this 110%.

Although I have a similar situation at work wiht an admin who's so sweet and like chit chatting with. She's messed up some stuff, but just cover for anyway b/c she's nice and nice admins are hard to find around here.
I don't know what you're supposed to do about him Beefy. Most of the terrible workers at my place just get fired eventually. I don't think it's good form to personally go up to the boss and rant about how they should be fired. Does your boss know about what a shitty job he's doing?
You could sugest to him ways to make the lines function and look better. Share tips with him about how the make the work go faster.

Maybe he will get why you are deemed a more valuble employee due to your ideas on making the job an art.

Talk about how you always try to do any job you have ever done as best as you possibly can. Tell him how you like to leave each day knowing you performed to your top level.

He sounds like a slacker and sometimes a slacker needs to hear how non slackers think.

He may never get it but at least he can contrast how you two think differently and how that impacts the company.

Then throw him under the bus.
You could sugest to him ways to make the lines function and look better. Share tips with him about how the make the work go faster.

Maybe he will get why you are deemed a more valuble employee due to your ideas on making the job an art.

Talk about how you always try to do any job you have ever done as best as you possibly can. Tell him how you like to leave each day knowing you performed to your top level.

He sounds like a slacker and sometimes a slacker needs to hear how non slackers think.

He may never get it but at least he can contrast how you two think differently and how that impacts the company.

Then throw him under the bus.

LOL! Until I reached your last line, I was thinking that although that sounds reasonable and constructive, this guy doesn't come off as someone who would be receptive to any such advice. If anything it's more likely to fuel his resentment even further.

Beefy, you're not responsible for this guy; he's an adult and has to face the consequences of his own actions and inactions. I've seen this when students are required to work on a project in teams; invariably the better, harder workers end up both doing most or all of the work and refusing to work with the slackers again. This guy's ineptitude is surely apparent.
LOL! Until I reached your last line, I was thinking that although that sounds reasonable and constructive, this guy doesn't come off as someone who would be receptive to any such advice. If anything it's more likely to fuel his resentment even further.

Beefy, you're not responsible for this guy; he's an adult and has to face the consequences of his own actions and inactions. I've seen this when students are required to work on a project in teams; invariably the better, harder workers end up both doing most or all of the work and refusing to work with the slackers again. This guy's ineptitude is surely apparent.

Dumbass teachers.
You know what I hate about you dumbass teachers?

You design classes that are utterly pointless, and assign half the credit in the entire class to pointless tasks so that idiots can pass, and smart people who are annoyed by them and don't feel like doing pointless tasks but pass every test with a 100 are punished. You promote idiocy.
I used to work construction, most crews are a bunch of Mexicans. So one day the Boss says to me, "You are my worst worker. All these other guys work faster than you." I told him that I was his BEST worker because I kept on working even when he wasn't looking, and my work never had to be redone. The wetbacks used to play a game of seeing how much they could slide when he wasn't looking. This great judge of character was out of the business a few years later... I wonder why.....

If you want to see some hard workers who give a full day's work for full day's pay - hire Amish / Mennonite day labor. You have to supply the tools, but they're amazing.
You know what I hate about you dumbass teachers?

You design classes that are utterly pointless, and assign half the credit in the entire class to pointless tasks so that idiots can pass, and smart people who are annoyed by them and don't feel like doing pointless tasks but pass every test with a 100 are punished. You promote idiocy.

Hey, don't look at me! I fail slackers with regularity.
Hey, don't look at me! I fail slackers with regularity.
In any work group assignment, part of the required submission is that each member rank himself / herself and the team members. Ranking sheets are turned in separately from the project, and if not turned in results in a zero. You can tell from the reporting patterns if someone was a slug.