Code Pink Hotties....

These are tough days to be a charter member of the Bush fan club, if this is all you have to offer the board.

I didn't see your warning sign until it was too late.

However I've lived in San Francisco long enough to say unfortunately beauty's like that are a familiar site.
You are the (hot) exception not the rule.

No but I'm not. One of my closest friends from my group, looks like a barbie doll. She's beautiful.

You can snap pictures in any broad group of people, say, a Republican convention and find very unattractive women, if that's what your goal is.
You are the (hot) exception not the rule.

pfffftt. What are you looking at? Pictures posted on or NewsMax?

I've seen the gals from our local code pink chapter. They're all pretty normal looking gals, with even a few cute ones.
What's really sick is that this is an issue.

No matter what women do, they are judged on their looks, and mocked and belittled if they don't measure up to some notion of what attractive is.

What are these women doing? They are agitating to stop a war.

The people who sent us to that war, and who have caused untold and unknowable amounts of devestation, pain, death, maimings, burnings, mental damage, dead children, they are ugly. That is what ugly is. That is ugliness.

But in our world it all comes down to "Would you do her?"

It's a terrible world that we live in.

I don't know what most of you look like, but you could be the most gorgeous man in the world and it would take me five minutes to see you as ugly. And you could be the most average looking man in the world, and it could take me five minutes to see you as desirable and attractive.
You really have a problem--Don't YOU???

Warning-Warning-Warning severe eye damage may occur!

(REPHRASED)Warning-Warning-Warning severe BRAIN damage may occur!(If you continue paying attention to BB)
pfffftt. What are you looking at? Pictures posted on or NewsMax?

I've seen the gals from our local code pink chapter. They're all pretty normal looking gals, with even a few cute ones.

I'm looking at the pictures BB posted. The Chronicle's website has shown multiple CodePink pictures. I'm calling it as I see it.

Women trump politics and ideology to me. A hot girl is a hot girl regardless of whether she's a Marxist, Democrat, Republican or Libertarian. My eyes don't see politics when looking at a woman. So I'm not trying to say I think Code Pink woman are ugly because I disagree with their politics. Their politics are irrelevent.
No but I'm not. One of my closest friends from my group, looks like a barbie doll. She's beautiful.

You can snap pictures in any broad group of people, say, a Republican convention and find very unattractive women, if that's what your goal is.

I agree with that.
What's really sick is that this is an issue.

No matter what women do, they are judged on their looks, and mocked and belittled if they don't measure up to some notion of what attractive is.

What are these women doing? They are agitating to stop a war.

The people who sent us to that war, and who have caused untold and unknowable amounts of devestation, pain, death, maimings, burnings, mental damage, dead children, they are ugly. That is what ugly is. That is ugliness.

But in our world it all comes down to "Would you do her?"

It's a terrible world that we live in.

I don't know what most of you look like, but you could be the most gorgeous man in the world and it would take me five minutes to see you as ugly. And you could be the most average looking man in the world, and it could take me five minutes to see you as desirable and attractive.

It's not the same for men as it is women, no contest, but the press and public do make comments about how the (male) Presidential candidates look and their hair etc. I think most of us wish it weren't that way but it is.
I'm looking at the pictures BB posted.

Oh, there's a representative sampling. (btw: I didn't bother looking, I just assumed it was lame)

The Chronicle's website has shown multiple CodePink pictures. I'm calling it as I see it.

I just see normal looking women here. Women who are protesting a war. I never thought of code pink as some beauty contest.

Women trump politics and ideology to me. A hot girl is a hot girl regardless of whether she's a Marxist, Democrat, Republican or Libertarian. My eyes don't see politics when looking at a woman. So I'm not trying to say I think Code Pink woman are ugly because I disagree with their politics. Their politics are irrelevent.

I honestly don't think about advocacy groups in terms of "hotness". Whether its Code Pink, or Falwell's Moral Majority.
No donny no problemo here...

You really have a problem--Don't YOU???

(REPHRASED)Warning-Warning-Warning severe BRAIN damage may occur!(If you continue paying attention to BB)

I just gave darla and cippie and all others of your ilk a taste of your own love to attack conservatives and call us names and such...yet when you see something that is a fact you cry up yours donny boy!

and for the record before you make a big deal outta that 'up yours' is a cliche' not a sexual innuendo!
I just gave darla and cippie and all others of your ilk a taste of your own love to attack conservatives and call us names and such...yet when you see something that is a fact you cry up yours donny boy!

and for the record before you make a big deal outta that 'up yours' is a cliche' not a sexual innuendo!

Coming from a known perv, which is what you are, indicates otherwise.
What's really sick is that this is an issue.

No matter what women do, they are judged on their looks, and mocked and belittled if they don't measure up to some notion of what attractive is.

What are these women doing? They are agitating to stop a war.

The people who sent us to that war, and who have caused untold and unknowable amounts of devestation, pain, death, maimings, burnings, mental damage, dead children, they are ugly. That is what ugly is. That is ugliness.

But in our world it all comes down to "Would you do her?"

It's a terrible world that we live in.

I don't know what most of you look like, but you could be the most gorgeous man in the world and it would take me five minutes to see you as ugly. And you could be the most average looking man in the world, and it could take me five minutes to see you as desirable and attractive.

It isn't like people talk about how Fred Thompson is ugly, yet has a beautiful wife. People never talk about how it must be his cash because there is nothing else there for him to offer, etc.

Men are often judged by their looks as well.
I just gave darla and cippie and all others of your ilk a taste of your own medicine...

What, are you 12 years old?

you love to attack conservatives and call us names and such...yet when you see something that is a fact you cry up yours donny boy!

You must have spent 30 minutes finding those photos, and posting them....just to "get back" at liberals. Is your life really that pathetic?

and for the record before you make a big deal outta that 'up yours' is a cliche' not a sexual innuendo!

You're are a perv.

I didn't appreciate it when you invited me to "bend over and take it like a man".

No normal man, has ever said that to me. In fact, I don't think any man in my life has said that to me. I'm familiar with the phrase, but normal men don't use it.

It isn't like people talk about how Fred Thompson is ugly, yet has a beautiful wife. People never talk about how it must be his cash because there is nothing else there for him to offer, etc.

Men are often judged by their looks as well.

Not like this and you know it. It is the only thing a woman is judged on by most of society.