Code Pink Hotties....

however he did come to dinner at my Granpas house...he was a really nice guy...even patted the 'Little Battle' on the head...nice try with your humor hat!

Of course he did! No doubt that's how you met Francis Ford Coppola who then bought the movie rights to your life, and turned it into Apocalypse Now.


What a delusional loser.
MY My what a ditz you are darla...

Of course he did! No doubt that's how you met Francis Ford Coppola who then bought the movie rights to your life, and turned it into Apocalypse Now.


What a delusional loser.

I was not kidding about John...and G/pa...but 'Francis' naw I never met him!

Nor was I ever cast for the "Apocalypse Now" Movie or any movie for that matter...but nice try again with the humor go huddle with cippie and see if you can get to me...never happen...but go ahead and try anyway...just keep saying the same stupid comments over and over...maybe someone will eventually believe you!:cof1:
Nope not humor, I saw a lady on the show from Reno that her dad was in the catering business with John Wayne. She had a bunch of JW stuff.

Nope not humor, I saw a lady on the show from Reno that her dad was in the catering business with John Wayne. She had a bunch of JW stuff.

Well that lady was not one of my daughters...however she is probably right as John had many business interests...he even invested in Wasington State as well as Oregon...I believe he donated his harbor property to the State of Washington...and I did meet him at G/pas My G/pa was the Head of Transportation at WB back when it was a family operation...Heck I even met old Ronny when he was just a actor...both were actually funny guys in person!
Oh I have no reason to disbelieve you met them. I won't name names but I have met some famous people as well.
A couple of them would not think it strange if I went to visit them today.

One of them introduced themselves in a big brash manner to me. To which I replied while shaking her hand. "Well that is ok you can't help it". with a smile of course.
A moment of confusion and then big shared laughter and we seemed to be old friends.
She seemed to like that I treated her like a regular person. And I seemed to be the one she wanted to spend time with at the dinner.
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I just gave darla and cippie and all others of your ilk a taste of your own love to attack conservatives and call us names and such...yet when you see something that is a fact you cry up yours donny boy!

and for the record before you make a big deal outta that 'up yours' is a cliche' not a sexual innuendo!

It is a vular expression which means the same as giving someone the finger but vulgarirty and jackassism is your forte, Right???

Now I wouldn't have commented thaisway without your "up Yours"
I just gave darla and cippie and all others of your ilk a taste of your own love to attack conservatives and call us names and such...yet when you see something that is a fact you cry up yours donny boy!

and for the record before you make a big deal outta that 'up yours' is a cliche' not a sexual innuendo!

It is a vular expression which means the same as giving someone the finger but vulgarirty and jackassism is your forte, Right???

Now I wouldn't have commented this way without your "up Yours"comment.---you bring it on yourself
"invited"you to any such thing...well maybe in your perverted mind...get a grip cippie ya are making a total ass out of yourself!

With your incomplete statement perhaps you are looking in a mirror, again.

What were you quoting, or even attempting to say???

Damn...donny are you a glutton...

With your incomplete statement perhaps you are looking in a mirror, again.

What were you quoting, or even attempting to say???


for punishment...I really don't want to beat ya up please take your meds along with cippie and darla...kay!

Oh I have no reason to disbelieve you met them. I won't name names but I have met some famous people as well.
A couple of them would not think it strange if I went to visit them today.

One of them introduced themselves in a big brash manner to me. To which I replied while shaking her hand. "Well that is ok you can't help it". with a smile of course.
A moment of confusion and then big shared laughter and we seemed to be old friends.
She seemed to like that I treated her like a regular person. And I seemed to be the one she wanted to spend time with at the dinner.

Most of them are from the old era though...they were from 'real' average stock and longed for the old days of going out without all the hype associated with their fame...not quite sure about all these new children stars I will cut them some slack and blame it on all their overuse of drugs!
Now if I said that darla and cippie and ole donny would be all over me calling me a pervert or some such thingee...

I have never called you a pervert,--- Tho I seriously beleive you are.But truely, one of those you mention has no room to talk.
Yes you did several times...

I have never called you a pervert,--- Tho I seriously beleive you are.But truely, one of those you mention has no room to talk.

and you did it again...take a short vacation donny...don't ya have to pack your bags for Wisconsin..ya really need the fresh air!:cof1:
and you did it again...take a short vacation donny...don't ya have to pack your bags for Wisconsin..ya really need the fresh air!:cof1:

HA HA HA Do you honestly think that saying I think you are a pervert is calling you one????HEH HEH,At least stay on this planet with your nonsense.
You're ....

HA HA HA Do you honestly think that saying I think you are a pervert is calling you one????HEH HEH,At least stay on this planet with your nonsense.

starting to learn grasshopper...your backpeddling skills have improved...there is hope for you yet!