Code Pink Hotties....

You are going to compare her to Al Roker? Before he had his stomach stapled, he was obese. And he is still quite ugly.

Not him but she is old and not too good looking and has a speech impediment.
I do agree with you though Darla, women are judged far more often than men on looks alone. I have often been guilty of this myself in the past.
Of course I still freely admit to enjoy looking at a hottie.
Yellow Belly

:gives: what you and cippie think..ya are two peas in a it out then cry like babies when when it comes back to haunt you!

Dish it out? Is this because I had to point out that you ran like a coward after BAC made a damned fool out of you, when you were following me around on yet another thread?

Is there anyone you post to here as much as me?

Who the hell do you think you are fooling, you drunken old perv.
Not him but she is old and not too good looking and has a speech impediment.
I do agree with you though Darla, women are judged far more often than men on looks alone. I have often been guilty of this myself in the past.
Of course I still freely admit to enjoy looking at a hottie.

True, now, but she became famous when she was young, and from pictures I've seen, quite attractive.
No that's true, but she's not outright ugly. That is going to be a subjective thing. What's not subjective Damo? That a 300 pound women is not attractive. Neither is a 300 pound man. But, a 300 pound man can become a nationally famous and very wealthy weather man.

I am still waiting to see the first 300 pound woman even giving a local weather forecast.
One out of how many? Most have contracts that won't even let them gain weight during their work. Name another job that men who are losing hair must wear a hair piece as part of their contract?

The only funny looking person on our local news seems to be whomever does the movie reviews. It seems to be a requisite of the job, male or female, to be humorous looking for that one.
BTW - We have a local weather lady in an obvious wheelchair, who really isn't all that attractive.
BTW - We have a local weather lady in an obvious wheelchair, who really isn't all that attractive.

That's great. I don't think we've ever had one here who didn't look like a model. Sometimes I expect them to turn letters when they're pointing to the map. But, most of our weather men, have not been their matches. A lot of very balding ones.
We men have the same issues in the work world. How many short executives are there ? And an executive haircut is a real plus.

He does it to get a rise in his pants...I doubt anything works for that though.

Damo got it right..and you are the one who always brings 'bb' into the fray...even when I stop harrassing you and waunder into the what are you listening to now thread! And no,darla, you and cippie are the circle jerk crowd!

Ya see you are the one who always brings sex into the equation...but I can almost bet you will go into the 'denial state' and call me a liar take your meds like a good little girl!
The Fake Veteran Squawks

Damo got it right..and you are the one who always brings 'bb' into the fray...even when I stop harrassing you and waunder into the what are you listening to now thread! And no,darla, you and cippie are the circle jerk crowd!

Ya see you are the one who always brings sex into the equation...but I can almost bet you will go into the 'denial state' and call me a liar take your meds like a good little girl!

any adult on a adult board would have understood that I used the comment as a cliche'...only a real perv would have been I suppose you are the perv...nice one cippie!:cof1:

I already said I'm familiar with the phrase. Weirdos use it.

But, at work, in the professional environment, with friends, pretty much anywhere, I've never had a normal man invite me to "bend over and take it like a man"

Maybe you and your "butt buddies" out in nevada think its a common enough thing to say to each other, and other men....but believe me, its not normal outside of "Butt buddy, Nevada", or whereever you live.
No one certainly not me...

I already said I'm familiar with the phrase. Weirdos use it.

But, at work, in the professional environment, with friends, pretty much anywhere, I've never had a normal man invite me to "bend over and take it like a man"

Maybe you and your "butt buddies" out in nevada think its a common enough thing to say to each other, and other men....but believe me, its not normal outside of "Butt buddy, Nevada", or whereever you live.

"invited"you to any such thing...well maybe in your perverted mind...get a grip cippie ya are making a total ass out of yourself!
Originally Posted by Cypress
I already said I'm familiar with the phrase. Weirdos use it.

But, at work, in the professional environment, with friends, pretty much anywhere, I've never had a normal man invite me to "bend over and take it like a man"

Maybe you and your "butt buddies" out in nevada think its a common enough thing to say to each other, and other men....but believe me, its not normal outside of "Butt buddy, Nevada", or whereever you live.

"invited"you to any such thing...well maybe in your perverted mind...get a grip cippie ya are making a total ass out of yourself!

No normal man says that to another man.

Unless you live in a way different (and wierd) world than I do. Do you sit around in a bar with male friends, inviting other men to "bend over and take it". Seriously, in normal every day conversation, do you really say this to men?

If you do, you're more of a creep than I thought. :shock: