Code Pink Hotties....

Really now....

Coming from a known perv, which is what you are, indicates otherwise.

you just made my point a little search on some of your past have made some rather perverted comments and claimed it was in humor..yet when a conservative responds in kind they are called pervs...and by the way you brought this on another thread you were telling everyone how y'all in code pink did your nails/makeup and wore sexy clothes and stripped to your underwear in one of your protests!

so now who is calling the kettle black?...Why of course it is wonderful Darla!:doh: :FootMouth:
Not like this and you know it. It is the only thing a woman is judged on by most of society.
I don't see evidence that it is the "only" thing women are judged by. There are many not-so-hot women elected to offices around the land, many of the managers where I work are not-so-hot women who got there on the merits of their ability.

I understand your view on this, but I don't think it is as prevalent as you are making it out to be.

Studies done showed that both women and men who were less attractive made less money, it wasn't just women judged that way.
you just made my point a little search on some of your past have made some rather perverted comments and claimed it was in humor..yet when a conservative responds in kind they are called pervs...and by the way you brought this on another thread you were telling everyone how y'all in code pink did your nails/makeup and wore sexy clothes and stripped to your underwear in one of your protests!

so now who is calling the kettle black?...Why of course it is wonderful Darla!:doh: :FootMouth:

I never said any such thing, you lying drunk.
Boy I can find some doofus looking guys in the NRA as well :)
Most of them around here are beer belly toting Bubba types.

Shooter cheney for one :)
Not like this and you know it. It is the only thing a woman is judged on by most of society.

There is no denying men do but women are often just as hard on each other as men are. Women can be very bruttal on each other (as I'm sure your aware).
You are about as dumb as dumb can get...

What, are you 12 years old?

You must have spent 30 minutes finding those photos, and posting them....just to "get back" at liberals. Is your life really that pathetic?

You're are a perv.

I didn't appreciate it when you invited me to "bend over and take it like a man".

No normal man, has ever said that to me. In fact, I don't think any man in my life has said that to me. I'm familiar with the phrase, but normal men don't use it.

any adult on a adult board would have understood that I used the comment as a cliche'...only a real perv would have been I suppose you are the perv...nice one cippie!:cof1:
I don't see evidence that it is the "only" thing women are judged by. There are many not-so-hot women elected to offices around the land, many of the managers where I work are not-so-hot women who got there on the merits of their ability.

I understand your view on this, but I don't think it is as prevalent as you are making it out to be.

Studies done showed that both women and men who were less attractive made less money, it wasn't just women judged that way.

Name the last movie made where an actress of Clint Eastwood's age was paired with an actress of Rene Russo's age? Find me a woman as fat and ugly as Al Roker who became millionaire national weather person.

The first thing we ever hear about a woman is "she has fat ankles" (hillary) "She's had a face lift" (Pelosi). I have yet to see any woman speak about any man with the disgust that I have seen men speak about Hillary Clinton with, and I am talking about on television.

It's far more of an issue with women than it is with men.
Why are checking out guys man?

I belong to a hunting club for social reasons and to use the shooting range.
I am the only one out of 300 that is not a NRA member. If all you are concerned about is looks...well it looks like a bubba convention.
But some good people are ther even if a bit nuts about the fear of having their guns taken away. sooo paranoid and insecure I suppose.
Bb Drank From The Wrong Bottle Again

any adult on a adult board would have understood that I used the comment as a cliche'...only a real perv would have been I suppose you are the perv...nice one cippie!:cof1:

Nah, I think he's got it about right.
Name the last movie made where an actress of Clint Eastwood's age was paired with an actress of Rene Russo's age? Find me a woman as fat and ugly as Al Roker who became millionaire national weather person.

The first thing we ever hear about a woman is "she has fat ankles" (hillary) "She's had a face lift" (Pelosi). I have yet to see any woman speak about any man with the disgust that I have seen men speak about Hillary Clinton with, and I am talking about on television.

It's far more of an issue with women than it is with men.

Barbara Wawa ?
Name the last movie made where an actress of Clint Eastwood's age was paired with an actress of Rene Russo's age? Find me a woman as fat and ugly as Al Roker who became millionaire national weather person.

The first thing we ever hear about a woman is "she has fat ankles" (hillary) "She's had a face lift" (Pelosi). I have yet to see any woman speak about any man with the disgust that I have seen men speak about Hillary Clinton with, and I am talking about on television.

It's far more of an issue with women than it is with men.
Once again, I understand your position, but it is clearly not the only thing that women are judged on. Just as it isn't the only thing that men are judged on.

It happens more often with women, but less often nowadays and getting better.
Once again, I understand your position, but it is clearly not the only thing that women are judged on. Just as it isn't the only thing that men are judged on.

It happens more often with women, but less often nowadays and getting better.

If you want to marginalize a woman, it is the only thing needed to do so. You need only look at this thread. About women trying to save people's lives, but they are degraded and marginalized and become nothing because Battleborne, who probably couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with two cratefuls of bananas, has decided they're not attractive.

It's disgusting.
What's her name on Fox... The one that 'sold out' to go there, Van Susteran.... Not pretty.

No that's true, but she's not outright ugly. That is going to be a subjective thing. What's not subjective Damo? That a 300 pound women is not attractive. Neither is a 300 pound man. But, a 300 pound man can become a nationally famous and very wealthy weather man.

I am still waiting to see the first 300 pound woman even giving a local weather forecast.
If you want to marginalize a woman, it is the only thing needed to do so. You need only look at this thread. About women trying to save people's lives, but they are degraded and marginalized and become nothing because Battleborne, who probably couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with two cratefuls of bananas, has decided they're not attractive.

It's disgusting.
I didn't bother to look at the pictures. He does it to get a rise out of you, it works.