Code Pink...Uncovered


This is a radical group made up of Marxist,Neo-Marxist/ radical outgrowth of the old Communist Party and of Communist splinter groups that emerged in reaction to Stalinism!

This group is also connected to Wiccan Spiritualist known as 'Starhawk' and is pushing this faith in the military as a legitiment religious group! 'Starhawk' is a co-founder of Code Pink! This group is also connected to 'United for Peace and Justice' led by Leslie Cagan(Socialist and Fidel Castro devotee)

Anyone who supports this Communist group or patronizes them should seek immediate counseling or move to Russia!
Now now, people can say and believe what they like, that's the joy of freedom. Doesn't mean they have to go to Russia.

I find christianity just as daft as these people, and the US is badly infected with that, but that doesn't mean they should be rounded up or anything.....
Now now, people can say and believe what they like, that's the joy of freedom. Doesn't mean they have to go to Russia.

I find christianity just as daft as these people, and the US is badly infected with that, but that doesn't mean they should be rounded up or anything.....

As daft as which people? You believe this idiot's crap?

According to this crock of shit and outright lies, this is what makes CodePink founders "bolsheviks".

Code Pink supporters say they will warn against the “extreme danger to all the values of nurturing, caring and compassion that women and loving men have held.” In 1917, the Bolsheviks cried out for “peace, land and bread” to fool the Russian people into believing they were patriotic, not ideological. Nine decades later, Code Pink relies on the same Leninist tactic.

In other words, someone pulled it out of their ass, and BB posted it and told us it was roses.
As daft as which people? You believe this idiot's crap?

According to this crock of shit and outright lies, this is what makes CodePink founders "bolsheviks".

Well, working from the axiom that the above organisation exists, yep, the xtians are just as loony...
This is a radical group made up of Marxist,Neo-Marxist/ radical outgrowth of the old Communist Party and of Communist splinter groups that emerged in reaction to Stalinism!

This group is also connected to Wiccan Spiritualist known as 'Starhawk' and is pushing this faith in the military as a legitiment religious group! 'Starhawk' is a co-founder of Code Pink! This group is also connected to 'United for Peace and Justice' led by Leslie Cagan(Socialist and Fidel Castro devotee)

Anyone who supports this Communist group or patronizes them should seek immediate counseling or move to Russia!
in short,"THEY ARE LIBERALS" (heaven forbid) No wonder Battleborne is downing them.
As daft as which people? You believe this idiot's crap?

According to this crock of shit and outright lies, this is what makes CodePink founders "bolsheviks".

Code Pink supporters say they will warn against the “extreme danger to all the values of nurturing, caring and compassion that women and loving men have held.” In 1917, the Bolsheviks cried out for “peace, land and bread” to fool the Russian people into believing they were patriotic, not ideological. Nine decades later, Code Pink relies on the same Leninist tactic.

In other words, someone pulled it out of their ass, and BB posted it and told us it was roses.

:321: 'Pinko'
***sigh*** Read all the links and articles posted...they ARE...Marxist! Now go do el Lunche' with Darla and Castro!

Your links are much like you, full of shit.

I already posted one example.

Another one is, your link says that Codepink is aligned with and close to ANSWER. Outright lie.

CodePink keeps themselves very far from ANSWER, and in fact when I wanted to go to an ANSWER event, I had to go as a citizen only, and could not represent CodePink.

You're a liar, and your "sources" are liars.
Your links are much like you, full of shit.

I already posted one example.

Another one is, your link says that Codepink is aligned with and close to ANSWER. Outright lie.

CodePink keeps themselves very far from ANSWER, and in fact when I wanted to go to an ANSWER event, I had to go as a citizen only, and could not represent CodePink.

You're a liar, and your "sources" are liars.

:321: 'Pinko'
Well since I retired from Federal Service and all...what do you suggest...A rest Home??? How do they treat ya donny?
see, you don't even get it. the FBI is not the all to end all. get into the real world, and leave the FBI behind. it is not usually life-threatening, and you can be cured of it.( just change yoiu attitude.) stop thinking like a bully-boy

see, you don't even get it. the FBI is not the all to end all. get into the real world, and leave the FBI behind. it is not usually life-threatening, and you can be cured of it.( just change yoiu attitude.) stop thinking like a bully-boy

Go do lunch donny boy...I think your blood sugar is low!...Once a Fed always a Fed...akin to Marines...once a Marine always a Marine! My attitude is just fine thank you very much...if it were not attitudes from my ilk y'all would be lampshades or wearing walking tents...knelling on prayer rugs 5 times per day!
Go do lunch donny boy...I think your blood sugar is low!...Once a Fed always a Fed...akin to Marines...once a Marine always a Marine! My attitude is just fine thank you very much...if it were not attitudes from my ilk y'all would be lampshades or wearing walking tents...knelling on prayer rugs 5 times per day!
You have a very exagerated opinion of your degree of importance to American Life, much like your exalted boss did. Between him and McCarthy, they almost undid the American culture.

Without them, we would have had a lot fewer Wacos and Ruby-Ridges. And who do you think McVey was targeting??? the kid's school downstairs?
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