Code Pink...Uncovered


You have a very exagerated opinion of your degree of you importance yo American Life, much like your exalted boss did. Between him and McCarthy, they almost undid the American culture.

Without them, we would have had a lot fewer Wacos and Ruby-Ridges. And who do you think McVey was targeting??? the kid's school downstairs?

You have crossed the had better go play bingo before you get yourself in deep shit!
You have crossed the had better go play bingo before you get yourself in deep shit!
Now what line would that be pray tell? Are you implying a threaT again. the last time, people dismissed it as a misunderstanding. twice in a row???

Now what line would that be pray tell? Are you implying a threaT again. the last time, people dismissed it as a misunderstanding. twice in a row???

Your comments leading up to aligned yourself with Timothy McVee..what part of this spanking did you not understand?
I didn't see anyone align themselves with Tim McVey. Battleborne I think you are full of hyperbole. You know what that means right? ;)

So Battleborne, I have a question for you. Is the enemy of your enemy, your friend?
Okee Dokee then...

I didn't see anyone align themselves with Tim McVey. Battleborne I think you are full of hyperbole. You know what that means right? ;)

So Battleborne, I have a question for you. Is the enemy of your enemy, your friend?

I just saw this as I was getting ready to hit the bbq...I have really good friends and family hun...I am outspoken on all issues...blame it on 'real life' experience... vs the ole' college professors to answer this hypothetical question...'Theory without fact is Hypothesis-fact without theory is chaos'....hope this answered your question...if not sorry, but I am just a simple guy...have a great night...I am so hungry! Night!
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Your comments leading up to aligned yourself with Timothy McVee..what part of this spanking did you not understand?

BB. I have a question. Seriously.

Lets pretend no one else is here and its just you and me. umm kay.

Be honest, I won't judge you. I just want to understand.

Do you smoke crack on a regular basis? Perhaps Meth?

And don't be alarmed that I know you have a substance abuse problem. I've seen this before. I won't judge you. I want to be your friend.
No actually I wanted an actual answer to - is the enemy of your enemy, your friend?

Because codepink is anti-Hillary.

So I was wondering if that means you are supporting Hillary for President?

No actually I wanted an actual answer to - is the enemy of your enemy, your friend?

Because codepink is anti-Hillary.

So I was wondering if that means you are supporting Hillary for President?


He thinks he did answer you. Don't worry, no one else can decipher his posts either.

And in case you didn't see me say it the first time, I love your avatar!
He thinks he did answer you. Don't worry, no one else can decipher his posts either.

And in case you didn't see me say it the first time, I love your avatar!
Thanks Darla! Men are hard enough to understand, right wing men, are an enigma! LOL!

Thanks for the avatar compliment :D

The Queen knights her loyal man-servant. ;)
So typical....

BB. I have a question. Seriously.

Lets pretend no one else is here and its just you and me. umm kay.

Be honest, I won't judge you. I just want to understand.

Do you smoke crack on a regular basis? Perhaps Meth?

And don't be alarmed that I know you have a substance abuse problem. I've seen this before. I won't judge you. I want to be your friend.

Sorry to disappoint ya...but I use to arrest idiots like you...after all I was a Narc...up-yours 'Pinko' go play with Darla already!:321:
Thanks Darla! Men are hard enough to understand, right wing men, are an enigma! LOL!

Thanks for the avatar compliment :D

The Queen knights her loyal man-servant. ;)

Well, that's not fair to men in general to lump them in with BB. He speaks in stream of conscience (sp?). If that's not bad enough he always seems really amused at himself and has delusions of grandeur that he has some how "won" the debate.
Well, that's not fair to men in general to lump them in with BB. He speaks in stream of conscience (sp?). If that's not bad enough he always seems really amused at himself and has delusions of grandeur that he has some how "won" the debate.

True, and otherwise known as "public masturbation"...but I still think she's right about right wing men, generally. Though, BB is a star even among that group.
Oh my....

Thanks Darla! Men are hard enough to understand, right wing men, are an enigma! LOL!

Thanks for the avatar compliment :D

The Queen knights her loyal man-servant. ;)

The three Musketeers..Queens of 'Code Pink' have banned together for a weak 'Dog Pile' attempt...Darla,viola and of course Lady ladies like I said before and will say again...:321: 'Pinkos' Now back to a well deserved bbq...!
The three Musketeers..Queens of 'Code Pink' have banned together for a weak 'Dog Pile' attempt...Darla,viola and of course Ladt ladies like I said before and will say again...:321: 'Pinkos' Now back to a well deserved bbq...!

Actually I don't even belong to Code Pink. Your attempt at humor has failed yet again.

Too bad. I was looking forward to laughing.
The three Musketeers..Queens of 'Code Pink' have banned together for a weak 'Dog Pile' attempt...Darla,viola and of course Ladt ladies like I said before and will say again...:321: 'Pinkos' Now back to a well deserved bbq...!

To my knowledge, and certainly to yours, I am the only one of the three who is in CodePink. Is anyone who talks to me now a member of codepink?

Yeah, go start that BBQ, and don't forget, put a little extra lighter fluid in it, it will catch easier. You're tired, you don't need the struggle. Stand close to it.