
I always stop in this cafe before my morning paddle on the weekends.

I can't tell a damn bit of difference between the Panamanian, Sumatran, Ethiopian, and Colombian roasts.

I think its a gimmick. :mad:

I can tell when I'm drinking instant, that's about it. I prefer real coffee though I'm not able to differentiate one from another.

I am unsophisticated. But I blame our coffee shops. Here if you want milk in your coffee you ask for a "flat white", that's a generic term (we do get the others, I mean we have Starbucks an' stuff). I forgot last time I was in North America, how it goes, you order your coffee and you toddle over to the counter to put in milk, suger/sweetener etc yourself. So in my dumbarse state I think, "oh wait, they don't put milk in it here, I'd better order it with au lait please..." And I wondered why I had the milkiest coffee I'd ever had.
I can tell when I'm drinking instant, that's about it. I prefer real coffee though I'm not able to differentiate one from another.

I am unsophisticated. But I blame our coffee shops. Here if you want milk in your coffee you ask for a "flat white", that's a generic term (we do get the others, I mean we have Starbucks an' stuff). I forgot last time I was in North America, how it goes, you order your coffee and you toddle over to the counter to put in milk, suger/sweetener etc yourself. So in my dumbarse state I think, "oh wait, they don't put milk in it here, I'd better order it with au lait please..." And I wondered why I had the milkiest coffee I'd ever had.

Basically I like Chock Full O' Nuts or Folgers, black thank you very much. I'll go to Starbucks when I'm shopping or driving, I had a killer pumpkin spice or something a few weeks ago, but the calories, even with skim milk are ridiculous.
Coffee isn't likely to kill you. There are enough antioxidants packed in there to make you live forever.

The caffene was giving me heart palpatations.

I switched to green tea which does not do it to me no matter how many cups I drink. I drink like two pots a day. I make it in a coffe maker. Just put the tea bags in the top fill the sucker and you get a whole pot ready to go.

I was drinking a pot an a half of coffee a day and I could feel it messing with my system.
The caffene was giving me heart palpatations.

I switched to green tea which does not do it to me no matter how many cups I drink. I drink like two pots a day. I make it in a coffe maker. Just put the tea bags in the top fill the sucker and you get a whole pot ready to go.

I was drinking a pot an a half of coffee a day and I could feel it messing with my system.
That's a shame. There's also cholesterol in coffee, if you don't use paper filters to get the full oil effect of the oils in the drink you can actually raise your cholesterol levels. I do use the paper filters for specifically that reason, while it effects the flavor a tiny bit negatively it is just better for me. Just as I chose to become vegetarian because of cholesterol issues.
I love my green tea and whe I have cofffe now I cant even fathom drinking as much of it as I did. I used to put milk in my coffee but dumped it when I switched to the Green tea because I read it counteracts the antioxidents in the tea. Green tea is packed with them.
That's a shame. There's also cholesterol in coffee, if you don't use paper filters to get the full oil effect of the oils in the drink you can actually raise your cholesterol levels. I do use the paper filters for specifically that reason, while it effects the flavor a tiny bit negatively it is just better for me. Just as I chose to become vegetarian because of cholesterol issues.

You're vegetarian for health reasons? I thought it was for Buddhist reasons.
I wish I was a Buddhist instead of a horribly repressed Catholic. Then I might get a lot of ladies with my suave'.
It's never too late, and there are many Buddhists in Hawaii.

There's Buddhist all over. In fact, they walk around like they own the place. I've been doing some studying, and I think, of all the world religions, the Buddhist religion one of the few to get it right.

"Christians" would have gotten it right too if they would just listen to Jesus, but they don't so they're wrong.
There's Buddhist all over. In fact, they walk around like they own the place. I've been doing some studying, and I think, of all the world religions, the Buddhist religion one of the few to get it right.

"Christians" would have gotten it right too if they would just listen to Jesus, but they don't so they're wrong.
I've been reading the Nag Hammadi documents, there is many great gnostic teachings that have the flavor of Eastern religions in them.
I often find myself thinking, "If this is what they taught in church when I was a kid, I never would have left!"

Hmmm, I've only heard of them, never looked at them. But if they're good by my friend G, then they must be worth having a gander at.
Basically I like Chock Full O' Nuts or Folgers, black thank you very much. I'll go to Starbucks when I'm shopping or driving, I had a killer pumpkin spice or something a few weeks ago, but the calories, even with skim milk are ridiculous.

In Toronto you can get Starbucks to put a little lattice of maple syrup on the top. I love it. But I can feel my blood sugar going past my ears.

Folgers is good. Can't get it here (like so many other things).
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Mmmmmm maple syrup.

If I was going to commit to any religion it would be the Buddist religion.

I perfer just listening to all the thoughts and going solo.
I'll probably ignite a fight here but Buddhism always strikes me as being fatalistic but out of all the world's religions it seems to be the one that does the least damage.