Coke goes Full Woke

So all those military personnel risking their lives for their country are privileged and only got where they are because it was given to them.

Who's really risking their lives, and for what?

You're telling me that a paper-pushing Coast Guardsman in MISSOURI is risking their lives for this country and not just sitting back and collecting a paycheck by doing the bare minimum?

You're telling me that a guy sitting his fat ass, staring at a monitor in an air-conditioned room, directing traffic, is risking his life for this country?

You're telling me that some person sitting in a dark room in Arizona, flying a drone half a world away and bombing a wedding or gathering of locals in the Middle East, is risking their life?

Those in the military want us to think they're all SEAL Team 6, while most are really just Luke Wilson in Idiocracy.

The only person who ever gave me anything was my parents and my wife. Everything else I had to work for.

Like clockwork:

Now comes the part where you try to convince me that you worked hard and earned everything that was handed to you,
And usually those who deny white privilege are the laziest, have the worst work ethic, and have issues with being honest.

100 percent. The visceral denial that some people express is plain and simple guilty conscience. It's easier for white people who rely on their privilege to exist to deny white privilege than to confront it. As you said, they're lazy and dishonest people.
Who has the privilege in this scenario, and how did they attain it?

What scenario? America? There's over 328 million answers. Did you get your part of the Hilton, Rockefeller, Hearst or Trump fortunes? I didn't. I paid my way through college and earned every grade, regardless of what it was. I worked my whole life and was never given a fucking thing that everyone else didn't too.

That said, is it true for everyone in one of the largest nations on the planet? No. Some areas are corrupt. No doubt Bill Clinton felt privileged riding on Epstein's jet to Rape Island. ;)
What scenario? America? There's over 328 million answers. Did you get your part of the Hilton, Rockefeller, Hearst or Trump fortunes? I didn't. I paid my way through college and earned every grade, regardless of what it was.

Ok, let's talk about college because that is one of the biggest examples of privilege.

You say you "paid your way" through your college. Well, OK, firstly, that was probably back during a time where you could work a part-time job as a college student and be able to afford tuition. Which is not something most students can do today. So that's privilege.

But we need to back up two steps there because:

1) You got accepted into the college when others without your privilege didn't because of the high school you went to, as a white person, that gave you institutional educational advantages someone who didn't go to your school doesn't get. So you are privileged because of where and how you grew up, and which schools you attended as a child and teenager. Not all schools are created equal, so the school you went to and did a passable job (I say "passable" because you didn't get a scholarship to attend the college, which tells me your grades were probably not that great), was enough to get you accepted into a college, albeit with no financial aid or scholarships because your grades in HS weren't good enough.

2) You also had to compete against fewer people to get into the college or university you went to because they probably didn't accept that many women or minorities, since you went to college decades ago (I'm guessing the 70's or 80's yeah?) when the makeup of a college campus was overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male.

3) You also had the institutional advantage of your race to get yourself the job that you say made it possible for you to pay your way through this college. Let me guess, it was a house painting job, or a clerk job, or some other kind of job where you got minimum wage, and that minimum wage was enough to cover your tuition, your room and board, your meals, your books, and all the other expenses that come from going to college. There is absolutely no way someone in a minimum wage, part time job would be able to afford the same today, and I think even you can admit to that.

4) Accurately evaluating your own personal work ethic is not something you can do yourself. So you might think you worked hard, but that's just self-evaluation. Your grades and lack of a scholarship would seem to indicate you didn't work that hard, instead gliding by on the bare minimum because that was acceptable and enough back then. It's not today.
That said, is it true for everyone in one of the largest nations on the planet? No. Some areas are corrupt. No doubt Bill Clinton felt privileged riding on Epstein's jet to Rape Island.

If you think I'm going to leap to Bill Clinton's defense, then you thought wrong.

If it turns out Clinton was involved in the Epstein stuff, he should have to face accountability for that, along with everyone else.

The fact is that racial privilege exists, and you are a product of that privilege by your own admission. Grades not quite good enough to get you a scholarship or Financial aid, but enough to get you acceptance to the college that you apparently paid for by making milkshakes, or painting houses, or doing whatever minimum wage labor you did as a college student.

The fact that MW job was enough for you to not only afford tuition, but afford all other other expenses of college is pretty privileged, my dude.
Who's really risking their lives, and for what?

You're telling me that a paper-pushing Coast Guardsman in MISSOURI is risking their lives for this country and not just sitting back and collecting a paycheck by doing the bare minimum?

You're telling me that a guy sitting his fat ass, staring at a monitor in an air-conditioned room, directing traffic, is risking his life for this country?

You're telling me that some person sitting in a dark room in Arizona, flying a drone half a world away and bombing a wedding or gathering of locals in the Middle East, is risking their life?

Those in the military want us to think they're all SEAL Team 6, while most are really just Luke Wilson in Idiocracy.

Like clockwork:
Thanks for the attack on our military. I'd expect nothing less from the racist far Left. ;)

FWIW, if you had ever served or even known someone who served, then you'd know that geek Coastie sitting in Missouri pushing papers is only doing it for 2 years before s/he rotates back to sea duty. Yes, it's unlikely some LW terrorist will blow up his little office in Missouri, but at sea there are more risks than being attacked.

Who do you think goes out to rescue a sinking ship in the middle of a hurricane? Yup, those same Coasties who, the previous year, were pushing pencils on shore duty.

Regardless, the entire tone of your post was to demean, disregard and put down the United States military, specifically the Coast Guard who are risking their lives to help others.
If you think I'm going to leap to Bill Clinton's defense, then you thought wrong.

If it turns out Clinton was involved in the Epstein stuff, he should have to face accountability for that, along with everyone else.

The fact is that racial privilege exists, and you are a product of that privilege by your own admission. Grades not quite good enough to get you a scholarship or Financial aid, but enough to get you acceptance to the college that you apparently paid for by making milkshakes, or painting houses, or doing whatever minimum wage labor you did as a college student.

The fact that MW job was enough for you to not only afford tuition, but afford all other other expenses of college is pretty privileged, my dude.
Aren't you going to leap to Hillary's help? She enabled and protected the child rapist Bill.
Ok, let's talk about college because that is one of the biggest examples of privilege.

You say you "paid your way" through your college. Well, OK, firstly, that was probably back during a time where you could work a part-time job as a college student and be able to afford tuition. Which is not something most students can do today. So that's privilege.

But we need to back up two steps there because:

1) You got accepted into the college when others without your privilege didn't because of the high school you went to, as a white person, that gave you institutional educational advantages someone who didn't go to your school doesn't get. So you are privileged because of where and how you grew up, and which schools you attended as a child and teenager. Not all schools are created equal, so the school you went to and did a passable job (I say "passable" because you didn't get a scholarship to attend the college, which tells me your grades were probably not that great), was enough to get you accepted into a college, albeit with no financial aid or scholarships because your grades in HS weren't good enough.

2) You also had to compete against fewer people to get into the college or university you went to because they probably didn't accept that many women or minorities, since you went to college decades ago (I'm guessing the 70's or 80's yeah?) when the makeup of a college campus was overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly male.

3) You also had the institutional advantage of your race to get yourself the job that you say made it possible for you to pay your way through this college. Let me guess, it was a house painting job, or a clerk job, or some other kind of job where you got minimum wage, and that minimum wage was enough to cover your tuition, your room and board, your meals, your books, and all the other expenses that come from going to college. There is absolutely no way someone in a minimum wage, part time job would be able to afford the same today, and I think even you can admit to that.

4) Accurately evaluating your own personal work ethic is not something you can do yourself. So you might think you worked hard, but that's just self-evaluation. Your grades and lack of a scholarship would seem to indicate you didn't work that hard, instead gliding by on the bare minimum because that was acceptable and enough back then. It's not today.

Nice text wall. You should write a paper for college with that bullshit. I bet you get an "A"!

FWIW, the college I went to had women outnumber men 3 to 1. A really target rich environment. :thup:

Obviously you didn't work your way through college because minimum wage doesn't cover all of those things. You've been misinformed again.

PS thanks for all the racism. :)
Thanks for the attack on our military. I'd expect nothing less from the racist far Left

Can you please tell me what "freedoms" the military has secured and protected in the last, say, 60 years?

Because from where I sit, the military failed:

1. To protect the country on 9/11
2. To protect the country from white supremacist terrorists
3. To protect our allies from foreign terrorism
4. To protect the country from cyber attacks
5. To protect the country from pandemics
6. To protect the country from climate change

The military is batting .000 on those, and because of their failures, this country lost freedoms over the last 60 years.
FWIW, if you had ever served or even known someone who served, then you'd know that geek Coastie sitting in Missouri pushing papers is only doing it for 2 years before s/he rotates back to sea duty. Yes, it's unlikely some LW terrorist will blow up his little office in Missouri, but at sea there are more risks than being attacked.

LMAO! So what are the risks? The Coast Guard has never once stopped a terrorist attack, never once fought in a war, though many Coast Guard folks did participate in the 1/6 insurrection.

So is that what they trach and train in the military? To attack the seat of government for the nation?

Also, it's not LWers bombing and killing cops and the military...IT'S YOUR "VERY FINE PEOPLE". When was the last time the left bombed anything? The freaking 1960's. Eat shit.
Who do you think goes out to rescue a sinking ship in the middle of a hurricane? Yup, those same Coasties who, the previous year, were pushing pencils on shore duty.

So I'm supposed to congratulate them for doing their fucking job?

I'm supposed to venerate them because SOMETIMES they are successful at rescuing people from storms?

And how is that "protecting our freedoms", or whatever? What you're talking about is lifeguard duty...which the 21 year old down the street does every summer.
Regardless, the entire tone of your post was to demean, disregard and put down the United States military, specifically the Coast Guard who are risking their lives to help others.

Wait - I thought they were risking their lives to protect the country and our freedoms, which is what you said earlier here. So now you're moving the goalposts.

You know who else risks their lives to help others? Baywatch.
LMAO! So what are the risks? The Coast Guard has never once stopped a terrorist attack, never once fought in a war, though many Coast Guard folks did participate in the 1/6 insurrection.

So is that what they trach and train in the military? To attack the seat of government for the nation?

Also, it's not LWers bombing and killing cops and the military...IT'S YOUR "VERY FINE PEOPLE". When was the last time the left bombed anything? The freaking 1960's. Eat shit.

Thanks for your hate of the US military in general and the Coast Guard in particular. It fits your political views.
Aren't you going to leap to Hillary's help? She enabled and protected the child rapist Bill.


So you keep trying to bait me and I just keep refusing to play ball.

I'm no fan of Clinton, though I do think she rightfully won the 2016 election, and she was also right about everything she predicted.
Thanks, but Stone and the Proud Boys don't think so. They have a "plan" for me. :)


No one has a plan for you, you are harmless.

So you keep trying to bait me and I just keep refusing to play ball.

I'm no fan of Clinton, though I do think she rightfully won the 2016 election, and she was also right about everything she predicted.

Wow! So what happened to #STOPtheSTEAL?