Coke goes Full Woke

FWIW, the college I went to had women outnumber men 3 to 1. A really target rich environment. :thup:

What college was that? Sarah Lawrence?

Obviously you didn't work your way through college because minimum wage doesn't cover all of those things

You said that you worked a job to pay your way through college:

I paid my way through college and earned every grade, regardless of what it was

So are you changing your story again? Why do you people always do that? Why can't you just be fucking honest the first time?

What, were you some kind of executive or something at age 20, and that's how you could afford all the expenses that go along with college?

Was it a job that you got through a family connection? Had to be MW, right, because you had no experience when you got it, and you've said plenty of times that people with no experience shouldn't get anything more than MW. So what experience did you have at age 18, 19, 20, 21?

There's a lot of details here that seem to muddy the picture the deeper we get into it.
Thanks for your hate of the US military in general and the Coast Guard in particular. It fits your political views.

Yes, I hold a lot of contempt for a $750B annual boondoggle that is our National Defense.

Some "defense"...couldn't even stop 19 guys armed with boxcutters.

Couldn't even stop a 19-year old in St. Petersburg, Russia, from attacking our elections.

Couldn't do a goddamned thing about a pandemic, and now 1/3 of them refuse to even get the vaccine.

The military is a money pit, it is a welfare program. One that I'd argue has much less value to our society than SNAP or WIC or Obamacare.
What college was that? Sarah Lawrence?

You said that you worked a job to pay your way through college:

So are you changing your story again? Why do you people always do that?.....
What do you mean "you people"?

I worked my way through college. What story do you want to hear that would satisfy your delusions of "White Privilege"?

Thanks for the doxxing ploy, but I already have one psychotic cyberstalker issue to work upon. Maybe in a few months?
What do you mean "you people"?

The lazy, the privileged, the entitled.

I worked my way through college.

Right, in a MW job, which is not something someone could do today.

You also had the benefit of privilege to even GET you that job that you used to pay your way through college, which you haven't really explained further. Was it a job someone gave you through a personal or family connection? Or was it a job you applied for against hundreds of other candidates and you won out because of your interview?

And I get don't want to divulge detail that personal...but it would certainly seem that working a part-time job to pay for college yourself is pretty privileged, particularly if that job was enough to cover your expenses.

I worked part-time in college too as a clerk in a convenience store. And I got paid MW. And it was barely enough to cover just my meal card in the late 90's, when I attended undergrad. I had to take out loans to cover the cost of tuition and expenses. But that was in the 90's, before college tuition costs really started spiking.

What story do you want to hear that would satisfy your delusions of "White Privilege"?

I don't want a story, I want the truth.

Thanks for the doxxing ploy, but I already have one psychotic cyberstalker issue to work upon. Maybe in a few months?

Not sure how any of this is doxxing, but what I tend to see from people who fear doxxing is not so much for their safety, but rather that the lies and exaggerations they tell will get called out, and that's what makes them most afraid.
You're oppressing my rights by lying about me, comrade dookie. :laugh:

Claiming something doesn't mean shit if you can't back it up, son. Like a few others on this forum, you talk a good fight but then you fuck it up by proving you're a lying, whiny piece of shit crapping all over other people.

You lie about everything. literally you cannot go two posts without lying. you picking the same fight with someone else now?
I don't care who you are, that's some delusional bullshit right there! LOL

So all those military personnel risking their lives for their country are privileged and only got where they are because it was given to them. Fascinating fantasy, but I disagree. The only person who ever gave me anything was my parents and my wife. Everything else I had to work for.

The only people who think white males are victims are pathetic, whiny white males like you who stole, exploited, and jealously guarded your privilege for all of human history. Well, guess what pussy boi. We're done with it. You can't stop progress any longer. You can either cooperate and play nice or we'll put you in the subhuman class of people that you've held us in for all of time.

affirmative action is a despicable race and gender discrimination policy.

revenge and collective punishment are not a legitimate basis for policy.
I've read her stuff. It's racist. She needs to reconsider what she is doing. Yes, people should be more aware/awoke in society about the plight of others, but to she is only flipping the script by calling all whites racists. That's not true. It's a path to maintaining racism, not eliminating it.

aren't you a little late to the party?