Coke goes Full Woke

and sometimes the most qualified candidate is passed over due to race/gender considerations.

The most qualified candidate is NEVER passed over for any reason.

You didn't get the job because you suck, AssHatZombie, not because some Black guy was filling a quota.
You never asked that of me. If you did, I missed it, or you asked that of someone else and now you're trying to pretend you asked it generally.

But I would respond by saying Affirmative Action never really started, so it can't possibly end because it never truly began.

Looking back at the thread, you didn't really ask that question of me, you asked it generally. And I responded above.

So now comes your turn to explain why you think it's discrimination if you have to compete against everyone for the same job, instead of just the mediocre white people you're used to competing against?
An answer as anti-truth as some Republicans who push anti-science.
Only the one time? Good ol' "White" or "Caucasian" on every other fucking form she ever filled out? .

Please explain the consequence of it, then.

Because she put it down on what? What did she put that down on?

And how was what she put down used in any way for her benefit?

You can't explain that, you just make inferences and allusions to things but what it all boils down to is that you have an inflated sense of self that runs in direct contradiction to what society is telling you.

You're no superstar, and you're painfully mediocre. The work you do here, if it's any indication of the work you did while you were employed, sure as shit feels like you were given many handouts and advantages to help you along, when what people should have done with you is the opposite; force you to put in the work, be honest, and do better.

You've made it clear that you don't think that's indicative of any positive character traits.
The point being is that the system isn't as fair as you would like to believe.

I know it's not that fair, and it's not that fair because of you!

You literally said you were a p[art of the process and that it wasn't fair.

So if you're looking to place blame somewhere, you should place it on yourself since by your own admission you perpetuated the unfairness.

A thumb is on the scale and everyone knows it.

Yeah...a white thumb, for white people.
it is a debate. you lost. you're transparently racist and sexist against white males.

You're a crybaby who cannot defend your beliefs on an anonymous message board without flaming out, switching to a sock, or spiking the debate because of how sad I make you feel about yourself.
An answer as anti-truth as some Republicans who push anti-science.

No, it's just not the answer you were hoping for...and I threw you for a loop because I didn't play into your bullshit games.

Anti-truth? Aren't you the one who makes all these wild claims about yourself, then refuses to back any of them up?

What is anti-truth in what I said? You're here telling me you personally made the hiring process unfair, thus proving my point that AA never really started because you are on record saying you made the system unfair!

I mean seriously, dude, do you post while you're hammered?
You're a crybaby who cannot defend your beliefs on an anonymous message board without flaming out, switching to a sock, or spiking the debate because of how sad I make you feel about yourself.

I have defended them well. you're just a willful idiot full of hate and lies, who loves racial and gender discrimination.
I have defended them well. you're just a willful idiot full of hate and lies, who loves racial and gender discrimination.

No you didn't. You just whined about yourself, called AA racist, then started attacking me.

You haven't made any defense of yourself or your beliefs on this thead.

If you think you did, here's your chance to quote yourself.
No you didn't. You just whined about yourself, called AA racist, then started attacking me.

You haven't made any defense of yourself or your beliefs on this thead.

If you think you did, here's your chance to quote yourself.

it is racial and gender discrimination, and I did criticize you for supporting those two abhorrent things, justly.
No, it's just not the answer you were hoping for...and I threw you for a loop because I didn't play into your bullshit games.

Anti-truth? Aren't you the one who makes all these wild claims about yourself, then refuses to back any of them up?

What is anti-truth in what I said? You're here telling me you personally made the hiring process unfair, thus proving my point that AA never really started because you are on record saying you made the system unfair!

I mean seriously, dude, do you post while you're hammered?

Does it really matter if I'm not a dashing millionaire with multiple yachts and a private jet? Shouldn't we both be supporting always being honest and revealing the truth no matter how ugly? Forget the claims, find the truth.

You're ignoring the ugly truth; the United States has institutionalized racism to the point racism is self-sustaining. It just keeps chugging along thanks to Uncle Sam and people like you.

Not yet, but will work on it. Thanks for asking! :thup:
it is racial and gender discrimination, and I did criticize you for supporting those two abhorrent things, justly.

OK, so what's your argument? This isn't an argument. This is you venting. I expect you to make an argument, not just repeat the same general sentence over and over.

How is levelling the playing field for everyone racial and/or gender discrimination? Take me through your thought process there.
Does it really matter if I'm not a dashing millionaire with multiple yachts and a private jet?

You stepped in it when you said that you were a part of the hiring process, and that process was "unfair".

So YOU made the process unfair, and you're here whining that AA makes it unfair?

Seriously dude, are you drunk?
Shouldn't we both be supporting always being honest and revealing the truth no matter how ugly? Forget the claims, find the truth.

I'm not the one who leans on unverifiable personal anecdotes to lend myself credibility in a debate.

I'm all here for the truth...I just don't get the full truth from you, just curated bits and pieces.

You're ignoring the ugly truth; the United States has institutionalized racism to the point racism is self-sustaining

I don't even know what you're trying to say with this, since you had a chance to change things and you didn't.

Do you always just give up on your convictions and beliefs like that when $$ is on the table?
Sorry, but that's unfair and biased: there should be no doubt that if AHZ can log onto this forum then he can figure out how to screen cat shit out of a box of gravel.

Should be...and we are...

Besides, he's 100% correct.

Oh he is? Then who is this overqualified white person who lost out on a job because a Black guy filled a quota?
You stepped in it when you said that you were a part of the hiring process, and that process was "unfair".

So YOU made the process unfair, and you're here whining that AA makes it unfair?

Seriously dude, are you drunk?

Not wanting to be judgy, but your spin is making me dizzy. :)

There are many levels to the hiring process of high income jobs. Want to flip burgers or stock shelves? Sure, fill out the form, talk to the asst mgr. and, if you aren't an asshole, you're hired.

The process at the level I worked was the "Are your records correct and are you an asshole?" My instructions were simple; verify records, assess suitability of being a good employee. It's the fucking computer age; the numbers of applicants to recommendations is assessed. Those numbers are balanced against the number assigned to the interviewer because of people like you.

If a person's numbers are out of whack, they get to review a two hour human resources video. Two or more strikes and they're done.

The problem is when people like you want to weight the numbers by racial identity.

This was never done at my level. It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to start seeing a pattern when some level above us passes on well qualified applicants and hires lesser qualified applicants. They are assessing a higher number: quotas. Percentages. Public Appearances. It all adds up.

There's no doubt in my mind that you are a good person seeking to help others. Affirmative Action isn't it because it's institutionalizing racism. Find something better.
OK, so what's your argument? This isn't an argument. This is you venting. I expect you to make an argument, not just repeat the same general sentence over and over.

How is levelling the playing field for everyone racial and/or gender discrimination? Take me through your thought process there.

gender and racial discrimination are gender and racial discrimination. where's the flaw?
Should be...and we are...

Oh he is? Then who is this overqualified white person who lost out on a job because a Black guy filled a quota?
Correct. Should be, yet here we are. It's not working. You and I both know it isn't working.

My argument is that what we are doing is both not working and it's making the situation worse.

Your argument is to support institutionalized racism by having the Federal government differentiate Americans by racial identity.

You have no end game. No exit strategy. When does it end?