Coke goes Full Woke

and that is? when I gave them to you you were asking for non right wing sources and calling bullshit, no?

I asked for a link to the course in question that doesn't require me to sign up and pay for. Since nobody knows what is in it, how the hell are we supposed to know the facts?
You think AA should be struck down in SCOTUS so you'll have an easier time getting hired with shitty qualifications, bad experience, poor work ethic, and questionable or fake references.

no. im against racial and gender discrimination. you're for it. you're a bad person.

You aren't in the room when they're doing interviews.

I have been in the room during interviews. On both sides of the table too. I know plenty of people have done likewise. It's an unfair system.

It's been well documented that qualified, just not the most qualified, Americans have been hired or given privileges due to their racial identity. That's why Elizabeth Warren used it. She's not the only one either.

My question is "When do you think Affirmative Action will end?" I asked you before and, despite your usual multiple responses epitomizing quantity over quality, you refused to answer it.

Is it because you don't know or because you are not willing to answer?
I have been in the room doing interviews. On both sides of the table too.

It's been well documented that qualified, just not the most qualified, Americans have been hired or given privileges due to their racial identity. That's why Elizabeth Warren used it. She's not the only one either.

My question is "When do you think Affirmative Action will end?" I asked you before and, despite your usual multiple responses epitomizing quantity over quality, you refused to answer it.

Is it because you don't know or because you are not willing to answer?

it's cuz he eats bags of donkey dick.
no. im against racial and gender discrimination. you're for it. you're a bad person.

AA isn't's just telling employers they have to look at all candidates, regardless of race.

That seems to be a problem for you, and the reason why is because if you had to compete against everyone, not just mediocre white people, you probably wouldn't succeed in getting hired.

So in the struggle of "should I continue being lazy and complain" vs. "should I work harder and shut up", you are choosing the former.
I have been in the room during interviews. On both sides of the table too. I know plenty of people have done likewise. It's an unfair system.

No it's not.

It's only unfair to those with poor qualifications.

So you might think your mediocrity is hot shit, but that's just your perception of your own work.

You think you're totally qualified, but you have nothing to measure that against if you're a candidate.

So if you got passed over for a job, you have no way of knowing what the deciding factors were in you getting passed over.

So you, Dutch Uncle, automatically assume it's AA because you cannot fathom anyone looking at your qualifications, which you think are good, and thinking they suck.
AA isn't's just telling employers they have to look at all candidates, regardless of race.

That seems to be a problem for you, and the reason why is because if you had to compete against everyone, not just mediocre white people, you probably wouldn't succeed in getting hired.

So in the struggle of "should I continue being lazy and complain" vs. "should I work harder and shut up", you are choosing the former.

and sometimes the most qualified candidate is passed over due to race/gender considerations.
It's been well documented that qualified, just not the most qualified, Americans have been hired or given privileges due to their racial identity.

Yeah, white people.

That's why Elizabeth Warren used it. She's not the only one either.

So here's the thing...Warren's ancestry had no bearing on her acceptance to the Texas State Bar. Did you know that? No, you didn't, because you don't know anything.

What did she put that ancestry down on? It was on an application for the State Bar - THAT SHE PASSED -

Her putting that down didn't change her Bar acceptance, didn't factor in her ability to take the bar, and didn't factor in anything.

So the question now becomes why do you, Dutch Uncle, think this is a cudgel in this debate when you don't even know the first thing about it?

How is that an example of AA screwing you out of anything? Take me through it. Take me through the ramifications of what she did. Because the only thing that impacted were the demographics numbers of the people who applied for the Bar. There's nothing more beyond that.

So what does that have to do with Affirmative Action? Absolutely nothing.
My question is "When do you think Affirmative Action will end?" I asked you before and, despite your usual multiple responses epitomizing quantity over quality, you refused to answer it.

You never asked that of me. If you did, I missed it, or you asked that of someone else and now you're trying to pretend you asked it generally.

But I would respond by saying Affirmative Action never really started, so it can't possibly end because it never truly began.

Is it because you don't know or because you are not willing to answer?

Looking back at the thread, you didn't really ask that question of me, you asked it generally. And I responded above.

So now comes your turn to explain why you think it's discrimination if you have to compete against everyone for the same job, instead of just the mediocre white people you're used to competing against?
At the time, she believed what her family told her.....
Only the one time? Good ol' "White" or "Caucasian" on every other fucking form she ever filled out?

So, I don't know why you think this matters at all, but even the State Bar of Texas said that wasn't a determining factor in anything of hers.

So try again, loser.

So, be honest...did you apply for a job that you didn't get, and you're blaming it on affirmative action?

Because that's the only thing that seems to make any sense here.

I am not sure why anyone would be opposed to considering all candidates for a position that anyone could do, unless they think they, or someone else, is entitled to the job...and you are the Queen of Entitlement, after all.

So what authority was given to you to make the determination about hiring in companies you're not a part of, have no knowledge of, and couldn't work for yourself?
The point being is that the system isn't as fair as you would like to believe. A thumb is on the scale and everyone knows it. Sure, I'll take that extra 6 ozs of meat if the Butcher's daughter is sweet on me, but I'll never bullshit you that it's honest and fair.

Queen of Entitlement? Shouldn't I get a raise? How about "Mod for a Day"? I'd like that.
Yeah, white people.

So here's the thing...Warren's ancestry had no bearing on her acceptance to the Texas State Bar. Did you know that? No, you didn't, because you don't know anything.

What did she put that ancestry down on? It was on an application for the State Bar - THAT SHE PASSED -

Her putting that down didn't change her Bar acceptance, didn't factor in her ability to take the bar, and didn't factor in anything.

So the question now becomes why do you, Dutch Uncle, think this is a cudgel in this debate when you don't even know the first thing about it?

How is that an example of AA screwing you out of anything? Take me through it. Take me through the ramifications of what she did. Because the only thing that impacted were the demographics numbers of the people who applied for the Bar. There's nothing more beyond that.

So what does that have to do with Affirmative Action? Absolutely nothing.

it is a debate. you lost. you're transparently racist and sexist against white males.

you = loser