Communists March Through Philadelphia

The protest turned violent after the Left showed up and started attacking the neo-Nazis like they have with those they don't like elsewhere. They threw frozen water bottles, bottles filled with urine, cans of soup, and used pepper spray. That is a classic radical Leftist tactic at riots. The neo-Nazis fought back.

If anything, the MSM downplayed the Left's violence while amplifying that of the Right. Not unexpected.
Wow, your own citations admit the violence the night before was solely Neo-Nazi, without any counter protesters.

Or remember the Fourth of July Gettysburg Neo-Nazi protest? They went to protest against Antifa peeing on the Confederate graves at Gettysburg... The obvious problems with this is there are no Confederate graves at Gettysburg, and Antifa does not care about it all. That ended with threats against park rangers, attacks on Black park goers, and one Neo-Nazi shooting himself in the leg.

That seems to be a common theme to Neo-Nazi protests. They often shoot themselves in the leg.
Poor put up on nazis who shouted Jews will not replace us

Death to all nazis and their apologists
I don't give a shit what crap they were spouting. That's free speech. You don't have to agree with it. But the Left doesn't like or want free speech, they want only agreement with their speech.
So you have backed away from the claim that University of Virginia graduate students were instantly able to turn into Antifa, and cause the Neo-Nazis to violently attack them... Or that a family enjoying a birthday tube rafting down a river were instantly able to turn into Antifa, and cause Neo-Nazis to violently attack them... And now mention Portland.

Actually Portland proves my point. In Portland, any protest by far left groups was immediately reported to Neo-Nazis by the police, and was immediately attacked. Philadelphia learned from that, and did not tell the Neo-Nazis, and Philadelphia had no violence.

I would say it takes two to tango, but there appear to be plenty of cases where Neo-Nazis just attack random people. Far left groups would not, if for no other reason, they do not think they can identify the enemy by just looks. The Neo-Nazis see a mixed race couple, or a Black, and they go out of control.
Wrong. I said the Left started the shit there, and I am correct. The radicals on the Right would have come and gone otherwise. The Left loves--LOVES--starting shit with those they disagree with.
I don't give a shit what crap they were spouting. That's free speech. You don't have to agree with it. But the Left doesn't like or want free speech, they want only agreement with their speech.
If you don't give a crap what protesters are yelling and marching about, why did you post your OP? Is free speech only for you RW snowflakes?
If you don't give a crap what protesters are yelling and marching about, why did you post your OP? Is free speech only for you RW snowflakes?
Because I do give a crap about what the radical Left says and does. They should be opposed by anyone and everyone who values their freedom.
Because I do give a crap about what the radical Left says and does. They should be opposed by anyone and everyone who values their freedom.
Your problem, as is true of most MAGATs, is that you label everyone who disagrees with the RW the "radical Left." Believe in having a national health care plan like most civilized nations? Radical Left! Want sensible gun control to curb the mass murder of our children at school? Radical Left! Want lower taxes on working people and higher on the uber wealthy? Radical Left! Believe in equality under the law for all citizens! Super radical! Want government to butt out of people's sex lives? So radical it's practically communism!
Your problem, as is true of most MAGATs, is that you label everyone who disagrees with the RW the "radical Left." Believe in having a national health care plan like most civilized nations? Radical Left! Want sensible gun control to curb the mass murder of our children at school? Radical Left! Want lower taxes on working people and higher on the uber wealthy? Radical Left! Believe in equality under the law for all citizens! Super radical! Want government to butt out of people's sex lives? So radical it's practically communism!
No, I label the radical Left as the radical Left. Persons like you on the Left try to tamp that down by not calling them what they are but instead trying to insist they are "Left of Center," or "Centrist."

Claiming we need a government run healthcare system on the basis of other nations doing so is an irrelevant appeal to popularity fallacy. Britian's NHS, for example, serves about 67 million people (about 20% of the US population) and has a staff of 1.38 million workers (7th largest employer on the planet) and currently eats up just over 30% of the UK's total government spending. It's literally unsustainable. Besides, the government taking over a huge portion of the economy to run it (into the ground) never works.

What do you call "sensible gun control?" Give some specifics there. Your "sensible" could well be simple confiscation. As for the "...curb the mass murder of our children at school?" statement, that's just another fallacy, this time an appeal to emotion.

The radical Left wants higher taxes on everybody. For example, they would confiscate all or virtually all wealth when someone dies (estate taxes). They'd tax unrealized capital gains. So, somebody goes and buys some land. The government comes in a few years later and demands a huge tax because the potential value went way up. Or they tax someone's home the same way because it gained considerable value even if it isn't being sold.

The radical Left believes in equal outcomes, not equal opportunity. They'd readily kick someone successful to the curb and give stuff to the lazy and incompetent.
When the alt right does not show up, there is no violence. When the alt right is alone, there is violence. And when the alt right confronts anyone, there is violence. Odd how that works.

Between 100 and 300 (according to the police) Communists did no harm to anyone. Notice that the only pictures of the event were taken from an amateur video, because no one cared. Best guess there are about 300 members in the entire country, and most of them were there.
Yep, Losers! They are just a very small group of idiots. They have no power. They are not a serious threat what-so-ever.

Let them make asses out of themselves and be done!
No, I label the radical Left as the radical Left. Persons like you on the Left try to tamp that down by not calling them what they are but instead trying to insist they are "Left of Center," or "Centrist."

Claiming we need a government run healthcare system on the basis of other nations doing so is an irrelevant appeal to popularity fallacy. Britian's NHS, for example, serves about 67 million people (about 20% of the US population) and has a staff of 1.38 million workers (7th largest employer on the planet) and currently eats up just over 30% of the UK's total government spending. It's literally unsustainable. Besides, the government taking over a huge portion of the economy to run it (into the ground) never works.

What do you call "sensible gun control?" Give some specifics there. Your "sensible" could well be simple confiscation. As for the "...curb the mass murder of our children at school?" statement, that's just another fallacy, this time an appeal to emotion.

The radical Left wants higher taxes on everybody. For example, they would confiscate all or virtually all wealth when someone dies (estate taxes). They'd tax unrealized capital gains. So, somebody goes and buys some land. The government comes in a few years later and demands a huge tax because the potential value went way up. Or they tax someone's home the same way because it gained considerable value even if it isn't being sold.

The radical Left believes in equal outcomes, not equal opportunity. They'd readily kick someone successful to the curb and give stuff to the lazy and incompetent.
You wasted a lot of words trying to justify your blind partisanship and false labeling of your fellow citizens as something we are not. Your lies about what we on the Left want are just that -- bullshit spoonfed to you by your Reichwing masters and joyfully swallowed right down. Try to be smarter.
You wasted a lot of words trying to justify your blind partisanship and false labeling of your fellow citizens as something we are not. Your lies about what we on the Left want are just that -- bullshit spoonfed to you by your Reichwing masters and joyfully swallowed right down. Try to be smarter.
You brought up each position I listed as a vague generality. I put specifics--factual specifics--to each. Your response was emotional hatred at being questioned. That is typical for radicals on both sides of the political spectrum. Try to be smarter.
So you have backed away from the claim that University of Virginia graduate students were instantly able to turn into Antifa, and cause the Neo-Nazis to violently attack them... Or that a family enjoying a birthday tube rafting down a river were instantly able to turn into Antifa, and cause Neo-Nazis to violently attack them... And now mention Portland.

Actually Portland proves my point. In Portland, any protest by far left groups was immediately reported to Neo-Nazis by the police, and was immediately attacked. Philadelphia learned from that, and did not tell the Neo-Nazis, and Philadelphia had no violence.

I would say it takes two to tango, but there appear to be plenty of cases where Neo-Nazis just attack random people. Far left groups would not, if for no other reason, they do not think they can identify the enemy by just looks. The Neo-Nazis see a mixed race couple, or a Black, and they go out of control.
TA outer himself to be a neo Nazi apologist
You brought up each position I listed as a vague generality. I put specifics--factual specifics--to each. Your response was emotional hatred at being questioned. That is typical for radicals on both sides of the political spectrum. Try to be smarter.
MY response is emotional hatred? :laugh:

I correctly identified your RW propaganda for what it is -- blatant mischaracterization of what half the citizens, if not more, in this country believe in and wish for. Your masters enjoy their power and their gold and wish to keep it. So they've assembled an entire media devoted to feeding you b.s. about what normal, rational, average citizens in America -- and around the civilized world -- want their society to be. Fair taxes, national health care, better and more affordable education, improved infrastructure, gun safety, reproductive freedom, a level playing field for all citizens. I've seen you label these aspects of civilization as "communism" and "socialism" and now "radical." They are not. I've seen you claim that we can't afford them. We can. Your masters don't want us to have nice things. Why do you let them tell you what to think?
MY response is emotional hatred? :laugh:

I correctly identified your RW propaganda for what it is -- blatant mischaracterization of what half the citizens, if not more, in this country believe in and wish for. Your masters enjoy their power and their gold and wish to keep it. So they've assembled an entire media devoted to feeding you b.s. about what normal, rational, average citizens in America -- and around the civilized world -- want their society to be. Fair taxes, national health care, better and more affordable education, improved infrastructure, gun safety, reproductive freedom, a level playing field for all citizens. I've seen you label these aspects of civilization as "communism" and "socialism" and now "radical." They are not. I've seen you claim that we can't afford them. We can. Your masters don't want us to have nice things. Why do you let them tell you what to think?
Yes, your response was emotional hatred. How would you characterize this?

Your lies about what we on the Left want are just that

I made no lies in what I posted you were responding to, and if I somehow did, you failed to point even one of them out. So, the above is just emotionally charged hatred. Hatred because you are calling me a liar without proof, and emotionally charged by the tone of the sentence in general.

-- bullshit spoonfed to you by your Reichwing masters and joyfully swallowed right down.

Then you say the above. "bullshit" is a pejorative indicating you are being emotional after which you insult me with a Godwin's Law fallacy calling me a Nazi in effect, followed by more opinion. No facts, not one. Just your opinion based on emotions because you didn't like what I wrote. That's what the article in the OP was directly pointing out. You don't want a discussion. You want everyone to kneel before you and your opinions and accept them as the unvarnished truth. When someone, like me, disagrees, you immediately respond with emotion and more opinion.

The Left doesn't want "fair" anything. They want power. They want lots of taxes because they want to be in control of what you make and can spend. They want nationalized healthcare because they don't trust you to make your own decisions on that subject. They don't want "affordable education," they want public education run by the government with no other options.

When you say "gun safety" you mean confiscation and heavy restrictions on ownership. Reproductive freedom? Nope. You mean abortion on demand with no restrictions.

They don't want a "level playing field for all citizens." They want equal outcomes. They want to tax the successful and productive to give to the lazy and incompetent.

In order to do all that, they want to impose socialism on society. How else can they get equal outcomes if they don't control everything?
Yes, your response was emotional hatred. How would you characterize this?

Your lies about what we on the Left want are just that

I made no lies in what I posted you were responding to, and if I somehow did, you failed to point even one of them out. So, the above is just emotionally charged hatred. Hatred because you are calling me a liar without proof, and emotionally charged by the tone of the sentence in general.

-- bullshit spoonfed to you by your Reichwing masters and joyfully swallowed right down.

Then you say the above. "bullshit" is a pejorative indicating you are being emotional after which you insult me with a Godwin's Law fallacy calling me a Nazi in effect, followed by more opinion. No facts, not one. Just your opinion based on emotions because you didn't like what I wrote. That's what the article in the OP was directly pointing out. You don't want a discussion. You want everyone to kneel before you and your opinions and accept them as the unvarnished truth. When someone, like me, disagrees, you immediately respond with emotion and more opinion.

The Left doesn't want "fair" anything. They want power. They want lots of taxes because they want to be in control of what you make and can spend. They want nationalized healthcare because they don't trust you to make your own decisions on that subject. They don't want "affordable education," they want public education run by the government with no other options.

When you say "gun safety" you mean confiscation and heavy restrictions on ownership. Reproductive freedom? Nope. You mean abortion on demand with no restrictions.

They don't want a "level playing field for all citizens." They want equal outcomes. They want to tax the successful and productive to give to the lazy and incompetent.

In order to do all that, they want to impose socialism on society. How else can they get equal outcomes if they don't control everything?
Another massive waste of unread words. Sorry, there is no rational adult debate to be had with a knee-jerk uber partisan who engages in hyperbole, bullshit, lies, and total mischaracterization despite having been told numerous times that your view of the mythical "radical Left" is pure fiction fed to you by your masters.

There was a huge march through Philadelphia today. Shows you where the nation is headed, and it is straight to Hell in a handbasket...


These are people calling for violent revolution, not just "change." Bet they won't be arrested for advocating the overthrow of the government...
Did your legs get tired?"
Another massive waste of unread words. Sorry, there is no rational adult debate to be had with a knee-jerk uber partisan who engages in hyperbole, bullshit, lies, and total mischaracterization despite having been told numerous times that your view of the mythical "radical Left" is pure fiction fed to you by your masters.

And Gardner thinks Jan. 6 was a peaceful protest.
You wasted a lot of words trying to justify your blind partisanship and false labeling of your fellow citizens as something we are not. Your lies about what we on the Left want are just that -- bullshit spoonfed to you by your Reichwing masters and joyfully swallowed right down. Try to be smarter.
T.A. is one bitter pill to swallow. It is hard for me to even imagine people are as hateful, cold, and self-centered as he is.

What a world!