Communists March Through Philadelphia

TA outer himself to be a neo Nazi apologist
He is desperate to defend the Neo-Nazis.

I do not support the Communists, but they did not cause any trouble this time around. Calling for their arrest seems silly.

Notice how Gardner does not support freedom of speech when applied to people who say things he does not like, but then applies freedom of speech to the violence of the Neo-Nazis?
There was a huge march through Philadelphia today. Shows you where the nation is headed, and it is straight to Hell in a handbasket...


These are people calling for violent revolution, not just "change." Bet they won't be arrested for advocating the overthrow of the government...
Trump voters are organizing now.
Seriously? No wonder he writes crazy b.s. like in his posts above. He calls me emotional, then warps "gun safety" into "confiscation of all firearms."

But I'm the one seething with the redundant "emotional hatred." :laugh:
He refuses to look at any evidence about the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
Another massive waste of unread words. Sorry, there is no rational adult debate to be had with a knee-jerk uber partisan who engages in hyperbole, bullshit, lies, and total mischaracterization despite having been told numerous times that your view of the mythical "radical Left" is pure fiction fed to you by your masters.

You were the person the author of that article was talking about...