Complaining about slow vote count?

He had no evidence. That is what the courts asked for. He supplied none because he was devoid of any at all. 60 court cases. All he had to do was present something, anything. Trump was chastised by the courts for wasting their time. Since voter machines have been used, they claim their code is propriety. That is for all manufacturers. You are flat-out wrong. Fox is being sued for zillions for lying about voting machines.

Trump never got an evidentiary hearing.
Trump never got an evidentiary hearing.
There was no evidence of fraud and the lawsuits didn’t claim fraud because the lawyers presenting the cases for Trump knew there was no evidence of fraud.

“According to the Washington Post here , instead of alleging “widespread fraud or election-changing conspiracy” the lawsuits pushed by Trump’s team and allies focused on smaller complaints, which were largely dismissed by judges due to a lack of evidence. “The Republicans did not provide evidence to back up their assertions — just speculation, rumors or hearsay.”
Massachusetts now has mail-in voting, early voting, and is pretty much always done by 11PM on election night.
(I still vote on election day because what the fuck else do I have to do?)

It's simply a matter of how many resources are applied to counting the vote.

On that same subject, I've never waited in line to vote for more than fifteen minutes, either, and that's going back to 1968.
Some people in red states have to wait for hours.

You can do it right or do it half-assed.
That's to what it really amounts.
Alaska elections will likely take more than a week from now on since they implemented rank choice voting. It takes time to count the ballots once. Then it takes time to see who the second choice was of the voters that voted for the candidate with the least votes. Then they may have to count the second choice of the third lowest vote getter and the third choice of the lowest vote getter.

Maybe they should wake up and understand they have a fucked up system
How so? You have nothing to back your statement. Also illegal ballots can be counted over and over for eternity and the count will not change.

Hand counting is the type of counting that takes the longest. You said this-
A long count is ripe with fraud.
Are you saying your statement is BS since I am only using YOUR words that you now seem to think are not backed up.
He did not because when cases are dismissed they lose their chance of getting that very hearing. Get a lawbook fuckface.

The judges asked him directly for evidence to continue the case. That was his opportunity to present evidence or any case at all. He had none. The judges tossed them out and criticized Trump's people for wasting the court's time. You are wrong, of course.
The judges asked him directly for evidence to continue the case. That was his opportunity to present evidence or any case at all. He had none. The judges tossed them out and criticized Trump's people for wasting the court's time. You are wrong, of course.

Prove it. I'll wait. And I am not wrong. When a case is dismissed it means they will never get an evidentiary hearing. FACT.
He did not because when cases are dismissed they lose their chance of getting that very hearing. Get a lawbook fuckface.

Coldie: When the judges in court proceedings asked Rudy or whomever to repeat their claim there was fraud, they refused to. You know why? They can say any lie in public but cannot commit perjury in court. You really don't know this? You're really sticking to your MAGA story there was fraud? You poor thing.
Coldie: When the judges asked Rudy or whoever to repeat his claim there was fraud, they refused to. You know why, they would not commit perjury. You really don't know this? You're really sticking to your MAGA story there was fraud?

Was it an evidentiary hearing? The answer is no. Please link to the proceeding and prove what you say. I do not expect you to prove anything.