Completed my project yesterday!


Well-known member
Hooray! Started fencing in part of my back yard a while back. Little at a time when I had time. Put up 120 feet or so of nice Cedar fencing with treated lumber for the bones. 10 foot 4x4 posts every 8 feet sunk 4 feet in the ground encased in concrete. Decorative caps on top of each post. Three entrances for easy in and out. Dog proof. Built to last. Glad its done.

Looks pretty much like this.... 3rd pic down in left row.[gallery_image_1]/5

I let my posts extend 2 inches above the cedar pickets though and installed decorative caps on top. Come spring im gonna top the whole thing off with solar lighting. Party central baby! :)
Hooray! Started fencing in part of my back yard a while back. Little at a time when I had time. Put up 120 feet or so of nice Cedar fencing with treated lumber for the bones. 10 foot 4x4 posts every 8 feet sunk 4 feet in the ground encased in concrete. Decorative caps on top of each post. Three entrances for easy in and out. Dog proof. Built to last. Glad its done.

Looks pretty much like this.... 3rd pic down in left row.[gallery_image_1]/5

I let my posts extend 2 inches above the cedar pickets though and installed decorative caps on top. Come spring im gonna top the whole thing off with solar lighting. Party central baby! :)

Very nice! How's Georgie doing? And hi Bailey!!
Hooray! Started fencing in part of my back yard a while back. Little at a time when I had time. Put up 120 feet or so of nice Cedar fencing with treated lumber for the bones. 10 foot 4x4 posts every 8 feet sunk 4 feet in the ground encased in concrete. Decorative caps on top of each post. Three entrances for easy in and out. Dog proof. Built to last. Glad its done.

Looks pretty much like this.... 3rd pic down in left row.[gallery_image_1]/5

I let my posts extend 2 inches above the cedar pickets though and installed decorative caps on top. Come spring im gonna top the whole thing off with solar lighting. Party central baby! :)

Do you live in a nice neighborhood? It would be tragic, after all that work, if one of your neighbors, "took a fence".

I want everyone to know you're not the only "handy" person here. I'm staying in a hotel right now, first floor room. There's a Handicap parking spot right outside my door marked by two 1ft x 6in thin steal signs, screwed to a steel post.

The handicap sign rattled, when the wind blew, making a racket. I have tools with me, and tried to tighten the screws. Both are stripped.

So what to do?

You guessed it: PACKING TAPE.

I wrapped those fuckers up good - no more rattling and because packing tape is transparent, the signs are clearly visible and now facing forward!

I'm "Traveling MacGyver", baby!
I think it has become the best project on this place I ever did. The dogs LOVE It. And so do we. We walk them often and take out to play and fetch. But know,...we just want to let them out. This has REALLY made our lives easier for those times. Plus we still have enuff backyard for our personal use for cookouts and other gatherings. Our poop free zone....LOL The dogs mind so well too. When we let them out they go right to the gate and wait for us to open it. Same on the way back in.
Posts four feet into the ground? I guess that's to get below the frost line.

Exactly right. Up in Northern Climates we have to overbuild everything. For instance,...Not having a full basement as the foundation here is almost unheard if. There a few homes built on slabs here but not many. Plus, can finish off part or all of the basement and get more living space.

Almost half of my basement is all finished off as my man cave. Full bar, fireplace, the whole deal. This summer Im putting in the last piece sometime, will be the crowning achievement of " Stones Tap"...LOL Putting in an old restored BOTTLED Coke machine. Only difference is this one will dispense bottles of Blue Moon instead of Coke! :laugh:
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I guess this really is a preview of what would happen if there was a universal basic income.

Since the pandemic, America has divided into two Americas. One works longer hours, and one picks up a lot of hobbies. The division is not income, but in respect for working for a living.

When I was young, my Zayde taught me never to turn down a job. As I became a teen, he had to reteach me not to go insane. There are only so many hours in the week, and you should not work more than you can possibly handle. The idea was to work as many hours as possible health wise, 6 days a week, and then take 1 day off(Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians, right now for me it is usually Thursday or Friday).

People like Stone were taught by the grandpas to find a hobby, or something. I am not saying it is a better or worse way to see the world, but it is a divide.
I guess this really is a preview of what would happen if there was a universal basic income.

Since the pandemic, America has divided into two Americas. One works longer hours, and one picks up a lot of hobbies. The division is not income, but in respect for working for a living.

When I was young, my Zayde taught me never to turn down a job. As I became a teen, he had to reteach me not to go insane. There are only so many hours in the week, and you should not work more than you can possibly handle. The idea was to work as many hours as possible health wise, 6 days a week, and then take 1 day off(Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians, right now for me it is usually Thursday or Friday).

People like Stone were taught by the grandpas to find a hobby, or something. I am not saying it is a better or worse way to see the world, but it is a divide.

Sorry Walt but work is work. Grandpa must have forgot to teach you that. By my estimation it would have cost me between 8-9 thousand or so to have this fence put in if I hired it out. I put out around 3 grand or so in materials and did the work myself in my own spare time available while not working at my real job. By doing so I saved at a minimum 5 grand.
I guess this really is a preview of what would happen if there was a universal basic income.

Since the pandemic, America has divided into two Americas. One works longer hours, and one picks up a lot of hobbies. The division is not income, but in respect for working for a living.

When I was young, my Zayde taught me never to turn down a job. As I became a teen, he had to reteach me not to go insane. There are only so many hours in the week, and you should not work more than you can possibly handle. The idea was to work as many hours as possible health wise, 6 days a week, and then take 1 day off(Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians, right now for me it is usually Thursday or Friday).

People like Stone were taught by the grandpas to find a hobby, or something. I am not saying it is a better or worse way to see the world, but it is a divide.

I think we should only work long enough for what is absolutely necessary. Americans work longer hours and more days than people in the Middle Ages did, if you can believe that. The problem is that the capitalist class hoards all the wealth that the working class produces and gives us a pittance -- enough to get by on, but not enough to really enjoy this thing called "life."
Very nice! How's Georgie doing? And hi Bailey!!

You shouldn't do that TOP. It's gotten you into trouble in the past.

I guess this really is a preview of what would happen if there was a universal basic income.

Since the pandemic, America has divided into two Americas. One works longer hours, and one picks up a lot of hobbies. The division is not income, but in respect for working for a living.

When I was young, my Zayde taught me never to turn down a job. As I became a teen, he had to reteach me not to go insane. There are only so many hours in the week, and you should not work more than you can possibly handle. The idea was to work as many hours as possible health wise, 6 days a week, and then take 1 day off(Saturday for Jews, Sunday for Christians, right now for me it is usually Thursday or Friday).

People like Stone were taught by the grandpas to find a hobby, or something. I am not saying it is a better or worse way to see the world, but it is a divide.
What is the difference between work and a hobby other than pay?

Everyone needs money up to a certain point. After that, then it becomes disposable income. Volunteer work is still work. Improving one's home or yard is still work. Knitting sweaters and sewing vests is still work. Call it a hobby if you like, but, in the spirit of your Zayde, I think it still counts as work. It's the solution to the problem "Idle hands are the Devil's playground".