Completed my project yesterday!

We were always taught to live beneath our means. Sure beats what the overwhelming % of the population does by living above their means. Besides, I enjoy doing it. Projects can be fun and very fulfilling when completed. You should really try it sometime. It will make you feel physically and mentally better, its good for you. Its healthy. Or you can just sit inside all day like a lump. Your choice.

Despite your odd phrasing, I agree that smart people live within their means.

Also agreed on fun but positive projects such as home improvement.

Have you ever considered working in some self-improvement? Your leadership and communications skills are those of a worker bee, not someone who hopes to be the boss one day. :thup:
You're right. It's impossible to climb a fence or a wall. Also, there's this mythical device called, "a ladder". Sure! A device one can use to climb stuff! Ha! Next, you're going to tell us there's a device that will allow you to pee inside the house! Ha! Your propaganda is no good here!

Knock them off the ladder. Better ye,t string live current wire, about 600 volts and 65 amps across the top. That should warm their hearts.
What? A device that allows you to piss in the house? You have mental issues and your medication is way too strong!
Which witch power?
Always know which power...the power to never settle for less than that which lights up your life... and allows you and others people to be their best, most authentic selves... Witches don' t have that power...;)

RB was never in the military. Walls can slow down intruders, but they do not stop anyone.

No, but I competed with a few of the military's best marksmen and women. I'm still proficient. They make it much easier to catch illegals. They stop the fat, weak and lazy. You'd be screwed.
Knock them off the ladder. Better ye,t string live current wire, about 600 volts and 65 amps across the top. That should warm their hearts.
What? A device that allows you to piss in the house? You have mental issues and your medication is way too strong!

Oh, no. Are you really that dumb? I was talking about indoor plumbing, brain trust - you know - toilets?

So sad when twumptards can't understand sarcasm, or humor, or who to use the toilet.
Always know which power...the power to never settle for less than that which lights up your life... and allows you and others people to be their best, most authentic selves... Witches don' t have that power...;)

I feel we all need to turn down the temperature here. I don't like this personal infighting at all. This is a debate site. There are many unnecessarily frightened people here. They need reassurance from the mature people. No matter what happens Tuesday, the world will not end.
Oh, so you’re changing your tune, it’s not walks that stop them, it’s personnel. I think that’s what Dems have been saying for a long time. Thanks for finally realizing this.

What do you mean I'm changing my tune? I've been bitching about the damn illegals and this letting them in and turning them lose.Most don't know anything about how we do things here and they don't even speak English!

Then why hasn't Joe and the (appointed border czar) Ho done anything to slow the influx of illegals? What the hell are we supposed to do with them all? Churches can't feed them all for free. So it falls on us taxpayers. And now with 87,000 more IRS agents, don't be surprised if you get audited.

What do you mean I'm changing my tune? I've been bitching about the damn illegals and this letting them in and turning them lose.Most don't know anything about how we do things here and they don't even speak English!

Then why hasn't Joe and the (appointed border czar) Ho done anything to slow the influx of illegals? What the hell are we supposed to do with them all? Churches can't feed them all for free. So it falls on us taxpayers. And now with 87,000 more IRS agents, don't be surprised if you get audited.

I feel we all need to turn down the temperature here. I don't like this personal infighting at all. This is a debate site. There are many unnecessarily frightened people here. They need reassurance from the mature people. No matter what happens Tuesday, the world will not end.
Make it happen if you can...:) Do you mean what happens today? ;) Of course the world will not end...did someone say it would?
Oh, no. Are you really that dumb? I was talking about indoor plumbing, brain trust - you know - toilets?

So sad when twumptards can't understand sarcasm, or humor, or who to use the toilet.

No shit.

You should have your prescription changed. Your simple sarcasm sucks. You wanna debate? Don't be a dick.
Make it happen if you can...:) Do you mean what happens today? ;) Of course the world will not end...did someone say it would?

Well, but we won't know the results until later this week, but I did mean today. And yes, many people on both sides feel the world's going to end if the other side wins the majority.
What do you mean I'm changing my tune? I've been bitching about the damn illegals and this letting them in and turning them lose.Most don't know anything about how we do things here and they don't even speak English!

Then why hasn't Joe and the (appointed border czar) Ho done anything to slow the influx of illegals? What the hell are we supposed to do with them all? Churches can't feed them all for free. So it falls on us taxpayers. And now with 87,000 more IRS agents, don't be surprised if you get audited.

You fall for all the talking points…

[h=1]„Trump Allies Are Attacking Biden For a Plan to Hire 87,000 New IRS Agents That Doesn't Exist“[/h]
No shit.

You should have your prescription changed. Your simple sarcasm sucks. You wanna debate? Don't be a dick.

I had high hopes for you - but you've devolved. Come back when you can use more than one brain cell at once.
Well, but we won't know the results until later this week, but I did mean today. And yes, many people on both sides feel the world's going to end if the other side wins the majority.
Listening to people in line this morning only one group sounded like this is life and death situation, but this is a very liberal city....and they feel they've got everything to lose...I don't think our groups is of the same mindset... It can't get much worse...and we've been finding ways to deal with it...
Biden doesn't deny it if it ain't true. And what about his college loan forgiveness? I have to pay toward some stupid kid's LBGQ classes and public school taxes too, and I don't have kids! :mad:
I had to pay for several wars and campaigns I didn’t support, plus fat cat bail outs. It’s what we do as Americans.