Completed my project yesterday!

Sorry Walt but work is work. Grandpa must have forgot to teach you that. By my estimation it would have cost me between 8-9 thousand or so to have this fence put in if I hired it out. I put out around 3 grand or so in materials and did the work myself in my own spare time available while not working at my real job. By doing so I saved at a minimum 5 grand.
Translation: I'm not as rich as I claimed to be.

No shit.

OTOH, if it's a hobby, that's cool. A twofer is always nice. I know people who like making things and sell them. They don't need the money but it does pay for their hobby.
Translation: I'm not as rich as I claimed to be.

No shit.

OTOH, if it's a hobby, that's cool. A twofer is always nice. I know people who like making things and sell them. They don't need the money but it does pay for their hobby.

We were always taught to live beneath our means. Sure beats what the overwhelming % of the population does by living above their means. Besides, I enjoy doing it. Projects can be fun and very fulfilling when completed. You should really try it sometime. It will make you feel physically and mentally better, its good for you. Its healthy. Or you can just sit inside all day like a lump. Your choice.
OK...enjoy on your one day each their own, right?:)

Some of these people have gotten so silly. They are now to the point where they are finding some kind of fault in a man doing home improvements on his own property. Talk about trying to pick fly shit out of pepper! LOL Those two would say I am at fault no matter what I did,.....its actually comical in a way.
Walls keep intruders and illegals out. That is a fact.

You're right. It's impossible to climb a fence or a wall. Also, there's this mythical device called, "a ladder". Sure! A device one can use to climb stuff! Ha! Next, you're going to tell us there's a device that will allow you to pee inside the house! Ha! Your propaganda is no good here!
Translation: I'm not as rich as I claimed to be.

No shit.

OTOH, if it's a hobby, that's cool. A twofer is always nice. I know people who like making things and sell them. They don't need the money but it does pay for their hobby.

Dude! C'mon! I never hired anyone to mow my lawn or power wash my sidewalks and driveway. I just liked doing it. I like the feeling of accomplishment and seeing my work when I enter and leave my home.

It's rewarding to DIY. It really is.
We were always taught to live beneath our means. Sure beats what the overwhelming % of the population does by living above their means. Besides, I enjoy doing it. Projects can be fun and very fulfilling when completed. You should really try it sometime. It will make you feel physically and mentally better, its good for you. Its healthy. Or you can just sit inside all day like a lump. Your choice.

I agree, and I applaud your choice to build your own fence. I can repair a fence, replace boards and stuff, but - making sure the fence line is straight, that the boards line up correctly when the terrain ascends and descends, I can't do that - not the whole thing.

Now, one can go the other way, living below their means. I have a buddy back in Seattle. He's sitting on over a million dollars. He's in his late 60's but he won't spend any of it. His home is falling apart, he could sell it and upgrade, but he won't. His fridge freezer won't close and the fridge "beeps" when it swings open. New fridge? No. Just duct tape the freezer closed. I'm not kidding.
Some of these people have gotten so silly. They are now to the point where they are finding some kind of fault in a man doing home improvements on his own property. Talk about trying to pick fly shit out of pepper! LOL Those two would say I am at fault no matter what I did,.....its actually comical in a way.

Like I said, do it yourself if you can. But even some Republicans call in Latino labor when they could do things themselves. Jerry Fallwell, Jr. hired a young Cuban man to rail on the Mrs. :)
Would you please code some patches for vbulletin? Please!!!!

LMAO!!! I get that too much.

Seriously, I try to avoid PHP, even though sometimes it can be fun. Besides, I think vBulletin is proprietary, not open source. Once again, could be wrong, but I do not think I am wrong.

The one PHP project I did work on, I want to be vague about, because I do not want to be doxxed by certain people.

Stringfellow Hawk said:
keep it up and I will hunt you up
You are a piece of shit and really close to an unpleasant encounter
According to several on this forum your hobby is home brewing.

Witches, that is <wink>.
Several?:laugh: Do tell... ( I'm not surprised you got confused, considering.... There is a witch here., btw...but I've got the power...I always have....;))
LMAO!!! I get that too much.

Seriously, I try to avoid PHP, even though sometimes it can be fun. Besides, I think vBulletin is proprietary, not open source. Once again, could be wrong, but I do not think I am wrong.

The one PHP project I did work on, I want to be vague about, because I do not want to be doxxed by certain people.

You know, people like that aren't going to do anything. Just like our fat, incel buddy Matt Dillon, they make threats all the time, talk about how tough they are - it's a fantasy.

It cracks me up when they do it, it does frighten some people though. I wish they'd stop for that reason.