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general adjective
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gen·er·al | \ ˈjen-rəl , ˈje-nə- \
Essential Meaning of general
1 : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or things in a group
They have issued a general warning/order.
a general alarm
: involving or including many or most people
The general mood here is optimistic. [=most people here are optimistic]
The general consensus is that we should go ahead.
It's a story with general interest. = It's a general-interest story. [=it is a story that will interest many or most people]
2 : relating to the main or major parts of something rather than the details : not specific
The witness was able to provide a very general description of the thief.
She began her talk with some general observations about the state of the industry.
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3 —used to indicate that a description relates to an entire person or thing rather than a particular part
The building was in good general shape.
Full Definition of general (Entry 1 of 2)
1 : involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole
2 : involving, relating to, or applicable to every member of a class, kind, or group
the general equation of a straight line
3 : not confined by specialization or careful limitation
a general outline
4 : belonging to the common nature of a group of like individuals : GENERIC
the general characteristics of a species
5a : applicable to or characteristic of the majority of individuals involved : PREVALENT
the general opinion
b : concerned or dealing with universal rather than particular aspects
6 : relating to, determined by, or concerned with main elements rather than limited details
bearing a general resemblance to the original
7 : holding superior rank or taking precedence over others similarly titled
the general manager
general noun
Definition of general (Entry 2 of 2)
1 : something (such as a concept, principle, or statement) that involves or is applicable to the whole
3 archaic : the general public : PEOPLE
b : a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who ranks above a lieutenant general and whose insignia is four stars
— compare ADMIRAL
in general
: for the most part : GENERALLY
In general, things are going as planned.
Synonyms & Antonyms
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Synonyms & Antonyms for general
Synonyms: Adjective
across-the-board, blanket, broad-brush, common, generic, global, overall, universal
Antonyms: Adjective
individual, particular