Con Law - Lesson 1 "The Preamble"

Ok… but when the government kills you, haven’t they taken all those rights? When the government imprisons you have they not taken rights. When a felon can’t vote or own a gun are those rights not alienated?

why don't you just come out and say that you don't care about the constitution, that you NEED government to tell you what you can and can't do?
Every time you regurgitate that shit, I picture you driving an explosive-laden truck to a daycare center where, unbeknownst to you, it will be set off remotely the second you are in position.

sounds like a personal problem.
Fredo, you're free to do as you please. All I ask is that you be man enough to accept the consequences of your actions, words and deeds, not pussy out like you often do.


im ready to accept the consequences of being a freedom, truth, anticorruption advocate.

are you ready to burn in hell for your life based on lies?
im ready to accept the consequences of being a freedom, truth, anticorruption advocate.

are you ready to burn in hell for your life based on lies?

Good, then start acting like it instead of being a terrorist supporting cocksucker.

God loves me but I think you're fucked if you don't pull your head out of your ass, Asshat.

The good news? Being inside an explosion that works is instant death. Nice way to go.

If it fucks up and only burns leaving you horribly disfigured and in excruciating pain, not so good. Especially in prison.
My recommendation is for you to carry a pistol to facilitate your "exit strategy". :thup:

Good, then start acting like it instead of being a terrorist supporting cocksucker.

God loves me but I think you're fucked if you don't pull your head out of your ass, Asshat.

The good news? Being inside an explosion that works is instant death. Nice way to go.

If it fucks up and only burns leaving you horribly disfigured and in excruciating pain, not to good. Especially in prison.
My recommendation is for you to carry a pistol to facilitate your "exit strategy". :thup:


you're still lying.

you're a self-discrediting cretin.

everyone sees it but you.
you're still lying.

you're a self-discrediting cretin.

everyone sees it but you.

What's the lie? That you're a terrorist cocksucker? Cocksucker = terrorist supporter/anti-American asshole.

People are free to make up their own minds about me as they are you and everyone else. God Bless America!

What's the lie? That you're a terrorist cocksucker? Cocksucker = terrorist supporter/anti-American asshole.

People are free to make up their own minds about me as they are you and everyone else. God Bless America!


yes. the insurrection bullshit is your big lie, traitor to freedom.
yes. the insurrection bullshit is your big lie, traitor to freedom.

Sing all the crazy shit you want, asshat, but the fact remains you support the events of 1/6; the overthrow of the United States of America and shredding of our Constitution.
it was a mostly peaceful protest with some laws broken.

Everyone that entered the Capitol building broke the law. That would be about 1500 people. That would be more violations than any other single protest I can think of in the last few years. That doesn't include the people that simply entered the Capitol grounds which was also illegal.
You are correct, just read it… I believe they could have used it, but Equal Protection is more solid.

We don’t really have a bright line for the Right to Privacy yet. I think arguments could be made for euthanasia, medication/drugs, movement/travel, diet, if the governments tried to regulate.

I think the point was that a state cannot discriminate unless it has a compelling reason. Since marriage is a basic right for humans there is no legitimate reason to deny a person that right based on race.

I looked at the Kennedy book and she did take a very broad approach to privacy. She did not use the right to privacy in the 9th amendment but privacy as it is protected by other rights--especially the 4th search and seizure and 1st right of association. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th were cited in Roe as support for the right to privacy in the 9th as illustration that the founders meant to protect our privacy.
What rights can't some people exercise unless government or someone is blocking them?

I don't know any. My point is that government or someone blocks most of these inalienable for most people. In most countries people don't have free speech to criticize the government; so, the inalienable right of free speech is not really inalienable.
I don't know any. My point is that government or someone blocks most of these inalienable for most people. In most countries people don't have free speech to criticize the government; so, the inalienable right of free speech is not really inalienable.

Yes, most nations get along fine without a free speech clause. The whole free speech thing is pretty trivial, as I see it.