Con Law - Lesson 1 "The Preamble"'s all too easy to think Trump is stupid because of some of his crazy deeds. I see that he is actually quite adept at his main talent which is managing his public image. He is also very talented with the gift of gab. He stirs emotions in people like a political talk pundit. He creates his own alternate version of things and gets people to really believe in his BS. Extremely talented at dazzling susceptible minds with slick talk.....

Agreed on all points. While Trump is no genius, he's not stupid. Being unstable doesn't equal stupid. He's an excellent showman who knows how to work a crowd, especially one filled with crazy and/or stupid people.

Hello Jarod,

I'm not surprised. And it's all too easy to think Trump is stupid because of some of his crazy deeds. I see that he is actually quite adept at his main talent which is managing his public image. He is also very talented with the gift of gab. He stirs emotions in people like a political talk pundit. He creates his own alternate version of things and gets people to really believe in his BS. Extremely talented at dazzling susceptible minds with slick talk. He specializes in fast subject-switching It catches minds off guard. Just before they might realize what he has said is bogus, he craftily switches the subject to something else rather stirring, so that the train of thought is derailed before the unsuspecting follower can come to understand that he is dealing in contrived fantasy rather than fact. The man knows what he's doing, and he's quite effective at it. I do not think he is an idiot at all. It's just that everything he has learned in life is how to deceive.

Yeah, Trump did bring a lot of political neophytes into the equation.

I agree, but this only works on weak minds. Trump is a bit of an idiot savant when it comes to mind manipulation of unintelligent people.
Hello Jarod,

I agree, but this only works on weak minds. Trump is a bit of an idiot savant when it comes to mind manipulation of unintelligent people.

I wouldn't say only weaker minds. It's hard to quantify the type of mind which is susceptible to this. There are definitely intelligent people who fall for his shtick. It certainly does work well on weaker hateful minds. But it also works on strong willed hateful minds. Hateful and greedy minds are prime real estate for creeping weed of his BS.
Both promote and provide are used in reference to the general welfare but only provide is used in regard to the common defense.

Unlike the right-wing would have us believe, there is no common offense clause nor any general warfare clause.
Hello Jarod,

I wouldn't say only weaker minds. It's hard to quantify the type of mind which is susceptible to this. There are definitely intelligent people who fall for his shtick. It certainly does work well on weaker hateful minds. But it also works on strong willed hateful minds. Hateful and greedy minds are prime real estate for creeping weed of his BS.

I know some strong intelligent minds who supported Trump, but when you talk to them not a single one believe his shit.
OTOH we didn't have a federal government "vaccine" mandate. Care to take a guess as to why?

Actually, we do.

Such mandates were implemented in the military.
As to your guess, the reason why is obvious. The federal government has no authority to do so. Even the mandate in the military is illegal.

Mandating vaccines creates Paradox V:

1) I am vaccinated to protect myself from Covid19.
2) I demand you be vaccinated because my vaccine doesn't work.
There are over 20,000 gun laws on the books. What news ones would stop the criminal use of firearms? Seems the more laws they enact, the more those laws are broken and crime rates increase. More proof that making more laws doesn't work.

NONE of them will stop criminal use of firearms.

Crime rates have increased for three very simple reasons:
1) Prohibition laws (this time against 'illegal drugs'), which only serve to fund organized crime.
2) Defunding and dismantling of police forces.
3) Increasing blight in the cities, due to socialism and people that support it (Democrats).

The hopelessness, the poverty, the misery, the increasing numbers of homeless, the catch and release programs for criminals in cities, the flight from the cities; ALL of it is due to these three factors.

Note that NO GUNS or any other weapon are mentioned here. They are not a cause of any crime, even if they are used in a crime.
The idea of making law in that respect is that you have some idea what those fighting words are or other real actions using words might be. You don't have to wait in those cases for someone to actually use them to make a law restricting them.

Congress has no authority to make such a law. See the 1st amendment and Article 1, $8.
Yeah, you do. You're just as much of a fucking wastoid as the people you argue against here. You're just as much of a problem as they are. You think just like them. You are an enemy. You and your thought crimes can go fuck yourselves. You're an enemy.

Possible, but I think mostly he's just clueless since he never read the Constitution. He's still under the impression that the Supreme Court somehow has power over the Constitution.
It is schools teaching this nonsense.
Not a single person on this thread expressed the belief that Trump had ever read the constitution, that’s very telling. They pretend to believe in the Constitution, well most of them have never read it and they support candidates have no idea what’s in it.

You are describing yourself. Indeed, you completely discard the Constitution and the constitutions of the various States. You support The Oligarchy.
Hello Jarod,

I'm not surprised. And it's all too easy to think Trump is stupid because of some of his crazy deeds. I see that he is actually quite adept at his main talent which is managing his public image. He is also very talented with the gift of gab. He stirs emotions in people like a political talk pundit. He creates his own alternate version of things and gets people to really believe in his BS. Extremely talented at dazzling susceptible minds with slick talk. He specializes in fast subject-switching It catches minds off guard. Just before they might realize what he has said is bogus, he craftily switches the subject to something else rather stirring, so that the train of thought is derailed before the unsuspecting follower can come to understand that he is dealing in contrived fantasy rather than fact. The man knows what he's doing, and he's quite effective at it. I do not think he is an idiot at all. It's just that everything he has learned in life is how to deceive.

Yeah, Trump did bring a lot of political neophytes into the equation.

You are describing Biden and Obama.
There are over 20,000 gun laws on the books. What news ones would stop the criminal use of firearms? Seems the more laws they enact, the more those laws are broken and crime rates increase. More proof that making more laws doesn't work.
Why can't our elected representatives do their job?

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.