Lie all you want, bozo. Your own posts convict you.
You know nothing about the Constitution.
Lie all you want, bozo. Your own posts convict you.
Why can't our elected representatives do their job?
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
Right-wingers don't care about being legal to the laws, they just want to be able to love their guns, shoot first, and ask questions afterward.Do their job? Hell, they can't/won't even control our borders.
It would be good for the people to shoot criminals, that would control crime.
Pick off a shoplifter when he comes out of a store with un-paid for goods,
hang pedophiles in public, same with murderers. That might control crime.
Okay, so? The preamble is just a general statement about what the constitution is for. It isn't law, it isn't legal standing to use to create law. That comes in what follows, not the preamble. It's like a forward or introduction to a book, not the contents of the book itself.
Right-wingers don't care about being legal to the laws, they just want to be able to love their guns, shoot first, and ask questions afterward.
I know some strong intelligent minds who supported Trump, but when you talk to them not a single one believe his shit.
Like I said, right-wingers are simply too clueless and too Causeless to be taken ethically or morally seriously. We have a Second Amendment, gun lovers; why do we have any security problems in our free States?Like I said, there are currently 20,000 gun laws on the books. How many responsible gun owners break any of those laws? can YOU tell us that?
We don't "love" our guns, but we do respect what they are capable of and use them accordingly. Criminals eating a few bullets from "the people"
would bring crime rates down, as would judges like Jackson not being soft on crime.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Like I said, right-wingers are simply too clueless and too Causeless to be taken ethically or morally seriously. We have a Second Amendment, gun lovers; why do we have any security problems in our free States?
We already know the unorganized militia is worthless to the security of our free States.
You know nothing about the Constitution.
Do their job? Hell, they can't/won't even control our borders.
It would be good for the people to shoot criminals, that would control crime.
Pick off a shoplifter when he comes out of a store with un-paid for goods,
hang pedophiles in public, same with murderers. That might control crime.
Right-wingers don't care about being legal to the laws, they just want to be able to love their guns, shoot first, and ask questions afterward.
That is not correct . "Promote the General Welfare" has been cited in SCOTUS cases.
Like I said, there are currently 20,000 gun laws on the books. How many responsible gun owners break any of those laws? can YOU tell us that?
We don't "love" our guns, but we do respect what they are capable of and use them accordingly. Criminals eating a few bullets from "the people"
would bring crime rates down, as would judges like Jackson not being soft on crime.
Hello Jarod,
They are the type to say they don't like him, but vote for him anyway. Often because they are bought in to the propaganda driven stereotypes about liberals. And because they are often greedy and don't mind the way the Republicans packed the SCOTUS with their bogus McConnell driven Senate rule shenanigans to deny a valid SCOTUS nomination even so much as a fair hearing.
Like I said, right-wingers are simply too clueless and too Causeless to be taken ethically or morally seriously. We have a Second Amendment, gun lovers; why do we have any security problems in our free States?
We already know the unorganized militia is worthless to the security of our free States.
So gun clubs across America are worthless? It's obvious you know nothing of the membership of our gun clubs. In fact, it's obvious you know little about anything, judging from your drivel.
It is YOU discarding the Constitution, dude.
No questions to ask. The right of self defense is inherent.
We have a Second Amendment that is clear as to what is Necessary to the security of our free States.The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Only in right-wing fantasy is anything being changed. Both terms, Promote and Provide are used in reference to the general welfare but not the common defense.So? The Supreme Court does not have authority to change the Constitution.